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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. salt, lime (or lemon)
  2. shoot to thrill
  3. (gee, I can't put the first thing I thought of!) concealed weapons
  4. Ok... I'm following now. I agree, you do have the memory of an elephant! but now you've got me wanting to see DAF. :) The movie I've quoted is Gothika, just saw it yesterday, and that's the only quote I actually remembered from it.
  5. ZZ Top - Eliminator cd
  6. prize inside (remember when craker jack prizes were cool? now they are so lame, always a stupid paper something. )
  7. DAF? Mission, Diego said McClintoc, is that not right? I've always loved Ghostbusters! "Listen... you smell something?" The movie I'm quoting isn't a comedy.
  8. yep, and the first one is Bad-Eyed Bill...I bet he was a pirate.. LOL!
  9. a TOY motorcycle
  10. ride me wicked rocket
  11. erotic rondevoux
  12. Rummy I don't know yours, but I done thought of a couple of other easy ones you'll probably get... seein' as how it's the same band as before... they're fun song, just wanna share em.. I hope I get the words right... 1. Thank the good Lord for rock and roll Thank the good Lord for gin Thank the good Lord that women are made To satisfy their men Thank the good Lord for Black and Red And my 'late' buddy Will Thank the good Lord most of all For good ol' .... (song title) ... from Merryville got a yella dog named Black a blonde head wife called Red that run around behind his back ... got locked in jail 'bout a week or so ago swore to the jailer and the preacher that the good Lord had saved his soul ... went home, found Black and Red in bed with his buddy Will he shot 'em all and he started singin' and he's still singin' in jail... Thank the good Lord... 2. Well we're big rock singers we got golden fingers and we're loved everywhere we go We sing about beauty and we sing about truth At ten thousand dollars a show.. ... (something something) and we keep gettin' richer but we can't get our picture on (song title)
  13. costume party
  14. Hmmm... I've never seen Donovan's Reef or Dogma. Ok, try this one.. "I don't believe in ghosts." "Neither do I, but they believe in me."
  15. I can't quote some movies I have seen! LOL! for the record... "Last year, more people were killed by automobile accidents, heart attacks, lung cancer, and natural causes combined than by any one tomato." go on, take a guess!
  16. thank you... I've seen that once a very long time ago. Mission, don't know yours either, I'm not very familiar with older movies, not many of them anyhow. but it's gotta be Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, right?
  17. good! here's one you may not know.. the tiger, he looked out of his cage and smiled he said come here boy I want to talk to you a while he said I once was running wild and free just the same as you, but it's one step .... he said son, when you go running through the grass you better look out for all the hidden traps they'll feed you sweets and goodies til you're too fat to move then it's one step .....
  18. So, what is Diego's movie? or shall I google it?
  19. ...In just 7 days, I can make you a man... ok, Hot patootie is playing now... I'm gonna have to watch the movie again... soon! It's been a while.
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