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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. prepare to be boarded!
  2. ::knock knock knock:: Can I join the party? I've never seen Meet the Fockers and I love guacamole, and look, I brought me nighty and chocolate.
  3. Hey! I've stumped ya??? Here's more lyrics of the same song... I bet you've heard it before. Do you wanna be the pillow Where I lay my head Do you wanna be the feathers Lying on my bed Do you wanna be the cover Of a magazine Create a scene Every day a little sadder A little madder Someone get me a ladder Do you wanna be the singer Do you wanna be the song Let me tell you something You just couldn’t be more wrong You see I really have to tell you That it all gets so intense From my experience It just doesn’t seem to make sense
  4. PIrate's Life... Rum, Plundering, and BOOTY!
  5. the birds and the bees
  6. A few quotes from another movie... "Have you ever gotten the feeling that you aren't completely embarassed yet, but you glimpse tomorrow's embarrassment?" "We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors. I love you. You... complete me." and the one that'll give it away.. "Show me the money!"
  7. Mission, that's Men In Black. I love it when he slides the table over, making all that noise, then looks up and says, something like, "you want some 'a this?"
  8. glad the storm's movin' out, Hetha. sounded scary. I'm listening to my old Kiss Double Platinum cd... it's been so long, I forgot how much I liked them... used to be a total Kiss Freak in High School, and still know all those old songs! Right now, Hotter Than Hell is playing
  9. Hetha, glad the weather's looking better. I've never seen Practical Magic. Mad Jack, yes, the Incredibles.
  10. Hope all is well, Hetha...
  11. parsley sage rosemary and thyme (are herbs)
  12. don't know that one, Hetha... here's more from the one I'm thinkin' of... "Want to catch a robber?" "No. To tell you the truth, I'd rather go bowling. Look, what if we actually did what our wives think we're doing... just to shake things up?"
  13. George of the Jungle!!
  14. stay indoors then! good thing it's warm and dry in the pub, eh? LOL! ok, heres one that got skipped: "I'm at the top of my game! I'm right up there with the big dogs! Girls, come on. Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so."
  15. OB is a bit too young for my tastes as well, although in his new movie, Kingdom of Heaven, he looks much more grown up. Brad Pitt , well, he looks mighty good in Troy!... But I tend to prefer the dark ones... dark hair and eyes.... mmmm... dreamy! btw, yep, sleepy hollow, jd does such a good ichabod.
  16. She: I have shed my tears for Brom... and yet my heart is not broken. Do you think me wicked? He: No... but perhaps there is a little bit of witch in you. She: Why do you say that? He: Because you have bewitched me
  17. I shoulda got that one on the first guess... actually. yay! (altho I don't need a toaster ) Yes, he is.. Eric Bana... yummy...
  18. TROY!!! When they were on the ship and Paris was just about to tell Hector about Helen. The other quotes helped too
  19. um... Encino man
  20. It sounds so familiar, like something I've seen recently... The Three Muskateers? If this ain't right, I'm gonna have to cheat!
  21. well congratulations! Here's to you and your book. As soon as it's published, ya gotta let us know!!
  22. very cool cinn! you were the first person I posted to when i first waltzed into the pub... I believe ye were looking for name ideas for abook ye were writing... how's that coming along?
  23. No, tis true... just wait till I catch ya, and you'll see!
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