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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. heart to heart
  2. I do too when it comes to music... I can listen to the Andrew sister's singin' rum and coca cola... and then jump to Pink Floyd's Run Like hell, and be happy with both :)
  3. sharing hearts
  4. I used to listen to the Dr. Demento show all the time... on my way to church on Sunday mornings!
  5. jack of hearts
  6. Fat Bottomed Girls.
  7. I feel all sparkly and great! oh indeed I do!
  8. oh, yes... also wonderful. I'll have to find my cd so I can listen to that again.
  9. yep, I was listening to that tonight... pulled out me old Steve Miller greatest hits from 74 to 78... wow, really great music!
  10. Ok, new lyrics... (verrrrryyy easy.) "You're the cutest thing that I ever did see I really love your peaches wanna shake your tree..."
  11. can you hear me now?
  12. Shrek 2... because Patrick's mentioned it several times... I had a yearnin'
  13. Qui-Gon (Liam Neeson)
  14. Cheers and congrats! a most wonderful place to be! why thankee most kindly! I'm feelin like a glass of rum!!!
  15. sexy (me too, good ones, well placed )
  16. Awwww, Patrick, you says the sweetest thangs! ::kisses him on the cheek before he crawls out of the winder:: Christine, have ye got another bean bag chair?
  17. I really don't know, but... I'll take a guess... national lampoons christmas vacation?
  18. Adios Diego!
  19. Hell's Angels
  20. It's by Deep Purple... title... sail something, sail on? sail away? not come sail away, that's styx...
  21. to davey jones locker
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