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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. *The large thump reverbirated through her quarter's walls causing an unconscious cringe to fleet over sleeping features. There was a brief silence followed by a louder thump which was successful in rousing her eyelids to half mast. Distantly, the sound of ropes creaking under strain could be heard. She opened one eye fully and fumbled for the chronometer hanging with obedience from the hammock's upper ties. Holding the mechanisim up to squint, the groggy mind read the time offered....* Jayz...Eight of the clock... *A softer thump, more creaking...She rolls out of the hammock lethargicly, rubbing sleep swollen features and reaching for the loose calico breeches and shirt. Clothed, the auburn mane placed into check with a leather thong, she opened the door and glanced to the area beyond* Armand!...Armand!...Qu'est-ce quise passe?!...Merde! The Steward enters the Ward carrying a tray with her morning ritual coffee pot perched upon its surface. Setting the tray down and handing her a fresh cup...* Qu'est-ce quise passe?...*He looks upward* They are moving things from the lower hold to the quay, mademoiselle. I assumed you would rise soon and brought your cafe. Merci. Que Dieu vous benisse, mon ami. *He smiles with a nod* *Tucking a volume of text beneath her arm, she gathers the tray to go topside...* Shall we go and greet the day?
  2. ( That is why CD players exist. ) FM
  3. Thank you, Mister Lasseter...I do appreciate your cooperation in this matter. I shall return in a couple of hour's time...By the bye...Is there any service I may do for you as I am going into town? It would be of no trouble... *She reads his aggitation with a slight raise of brow and glances to Mister Wake before taking notice of Armand's arrival. Donning the straw hat, she glances questioningly at the Quartermaster in brief before taking the basket from her Steward*
  4. * Watching after Mad_Jack's departure from the Ward, she cannot help the expression of amusement that crosses over her face...* Sailors... *With a small shake of head, she leaves the Ward for her quarters to freshen up and change into fresh clothing of a cooler persuation. Returning to the Ward and sighting her Steward...* Armand, would you be so kind as to retrieve my basket and a bottle of Brandy? I think I shall go to shore and visit the Apothecary...mayhaps a stroll on the far shore for a closer inspection of some nesting activity I noticed a few days past...My straw hat also, this day's sun is a bit brilliant. C'est tout? Oui, mon ami...That is all. I shall await you on deck. Merci. *Gaining the upper deck, she pauses to let her eyes adjust to the unacustomed brightness then glances the surround. Seeing Mister Wake and Mister Lasseter she approaches where they stand* Gentlemen, it seems a grand day in the making and a productive day, as well. The Ward is clear for the time being and I shall be going ashore for a small space of time. If I am not in need, I shall be departing directly though if something should arise of urgent nature, Armand knows my where abouts. Mister Lasseter...I shall request that my recent guest is not to be put to labor until further notice, if you please....
  5. Bravo! And I do believe the next is yours to play.
  6. Now, now Miss Sparrow...I can assure you the film carries an "R" rating, no more. Here is a hint: Mid 1700's period film, the title is two surnames...
  7. She turned me into a newt....
  8. ( That's ok...We still love you.)
  9. Some bloody form of government....
  10. "Go away or I shall taunt you a second time! THPPPPPP"
  11. No one ever expects the Spanish Inquisition...
  12. Spanish Barb...( of relation to the Mustang)
  13. *With a final inspection of the sutures, she goes to a small basin standing near to wash her hands. Looking sidelong to Mad Jack...* Those should hold nicely. I expect you to check in with me thru the next few days to ensure that there is no infection. Do keep that area cleansed, if you will...But do take care in doing so. I shall inform Mister Lasseter of the labor restrictions I have deemed proper for your constitution. *She glances to her Steward who is removing the supplies used, then returns her attention to Jack* You are free to leave, sir. *As he gains his feet...* I might advise you...*Removing the spectacles and tucking them away*... That it may be in your best interest not to depend quite so heavily upon your "Rum Compass"for navigational purpose, in the future. *A knowing wink and nod*
  14. Horse of a different color
  15. *Entering the Ward, she glances to Mad Jack and nods dismissal to the two hands...* Thank you, gentleman...That will be all. *Gaining Mad Jack's side, she retrieves the smallish spectacles from a coat pocket and begins a gentle, but thorough investigation of the swelling and small laceration gracing his skelp. Backing a pace, she looks over the rounded rims and smiles...* Well sir...It would seem that you have taken a nasty thump to the cranium, though I have seen far worse. I do not witness any apparent signs of concusion, rather suprising...Although there is a call for sutures... *She gages his reaction in brief, before continueing...* I shall put you right as rain and order no excessive labor for the space of four and twenty hour's time to ensure there is no futher repricusion from your tumble.... *Looking to her Steward who waits nearby...* Un aguille, filament et astringent....non anesthesie, s'il vous plait. Merci, Armand.
  16. Nice play, Dorian! We have that film on disc. Shall we give this one a go?.... "Jamie...I swing EVERY way!"
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