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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. Now that's the sound of sooth.... En Vogue~ The Very Best Of....
  2. I must echo the good Capitaine's sentiments. You are gracious and kind in you compliments, sir. Your words are greatly appreciated. May I add my thank yous, as well.
  3. Sabastian's focus was drawn to the carriage as it was brought to a halt; earlier deserted mount was being tended to by one of the many in yard's expanse. Sean jumped from driver's perch, resetting the braking lever before ambeling to where Ring leader and stranger stood in close company. Sterling was regarded with hinted curiosity, but no question would poised as to whom the gentleman was. Sabastian's face was neutral, though a look of expectancy played his eyes. Sean was allowed to explain details he had observed without interruption. What was delivered in summary did little to lighten Sabastian's current mood, though his mannerisms where held to cordial bearing. Instructions were issued to have carriage detatched from source of locomotion and that steady guard be placed around the paddock. Irritation was beginning to give face on the young man's posturing and it was momments later that news of bamboozled Gate Keepers was brought to his attention. Did he question their worthiness of service? Not so much as he would allow to be obvious. Nevertheless, it was one more event in a train of such, fanning the flames of grief ladden temper to higher altitudes. Sabastian's patience had worn to very thin weave, and when he next called to those in hearing range, the ever smooth and mischievousness of verbose nature were gone. Gone to be replaced with wrathful undertones asking no quarter given, nor taken... " I want the individual, or individuals, that think themselves so daring as to enter my sanctuary without invitation found! Immediately!!"
  4. butterflies in the stomache
  5. Better than the lack there of.... Eagles~ Millenium Concert
  6. Christophe emerged from now double bolted Drawing room and paused soft step as he saw Sterling depart through front door. Following in the Englishman's wake he remained paces behind watching the other's motives. His mind was steeled calm amongst controlled squall as he wove through the dodging of bodies in motion. Slipping up between the small distance between Sabastian and Sterling, he fixed the Englishman with a surly measuring briefly before leaning to young lordling. Sabastian's poise was undisturbed by the news delivered, though the sound of exasperation was heard expeling from lungs. His instructions were delivered with hard tone and to the point, "Find the trespasser and have them drawn." Christophe cast another look to Sterling then slipped into the fold and out of sight. Sabastian rubbed his temples lightly, "There are days..."
  7. His first words stung, but the rest of his reasoning rang true. Aurore gave a minute nod of accord as her attention fixed on outside panorama, "As you wish..."
  8. Matters of convenience
  9. She would not look to his face, nor allow him a clear view of her own as the cinnamon tress hid such with forward swing."I am just concerned for your well fare and if you insist on wandering about, please use prudent judgement."
  10. Bob Seger ~ Night Moves
  11. Schroedengers Cat...( check that) riots
  12. Aurore paused in final inspection, " If that is your wish, but I would not wander from the house proper. There are those about who would not realize that you are supposed to be here." A shadow of concern crossed her features.
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