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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. Sabastian eyed Sterling with speculative air, he felt tierd and worn beyond young years. Adrenalin level lowering slowly, he cast a glance to corner window belonging to the Drawing Room and considered next action. Grief's phantom was regaining hold over once over tense frame and he wished greatly that morning's bed in town had never been given up; that he had remained next to Molly's soft form. Wolfish features gained a drawn vissage as Sabastian's dark eyes returned to the Englishman. "I pray that your man makes no venture of folly...I fear there will be little left to recover, if that is the case." Delany stopped in small outbuilding to retreive requested tack. The ornamental head stall was passed over for more utilitarian style and as doorway was drawn to, he issued a sharp whistle. At paddock's far end, cheval noir pricked larged ears forward to hailing...
  2. mind vs heart vs instinct
  3. Sabastian's eyes narrowed, " And what, precisely brings them onto my land, into my home with such ill regard and placing MY sister at risk? Rescue Christophe? Oh I assure you that he is not at risk, it is quite the other way around..." He stepped away from Sterling to a man lingering nearby. They conversed quietly for a momment then the other headed off to the paddock at a sprint.
  4. Coast of Maseilles ~ Jimmy Buffett
  5. Sabastian watched the scene play out afore him in some form of shock. A beat in time lapsed before Sterling's mumbled wordings sunk into bewildered senses. Deep furrow formed on youthful brow at their realization. The young man turned as if dazed and stared incredulously at companion, "Explain this?...Explain THIS?! Pardon monsuier, but I fear that I am lost on your meanings. You know something of this?! Entertain me, s'il vous plait." A shadow of suspicion crossed his face.
  6. Aurore mulled over the situation at hand while held within Irish embrace. No effort of struggle was offered, she dared not tempt fate while circumstance remained in a draw. She was not over concerned with her placement in the mix, her captor's whispered brogue if nothing else, held a ring of sincerity; both ill and good. No, Aurore's concern revolved around long time companion and possible slight pivots of balance. She knew that Christophe possessed very percisive thinking, there were few things that could goad him into irrational mannerisms. Nevertheless, the stakes that had been offered up for ante could not guarantee the norm of steadfast practices. Slowly, Aurore tilted her head in attempt to view Reiley's face and whispered, "Monsieur, do not prod him. He is very protective of my person and I cannot make promises in regard to his actions with myself in harm's way. I urge you to remember, the fact of matter being that you and she are the tresspassers here." Cautiously Aurore moved semi free arm to rest daint hand on Reiley's encircling arm, " He will not bargin if I am too much in threat..." She craned her neck further to catch his eyes, "Please monsuier, you cannot fault him. Would you not have done the same if situation were reversed?" Faux pleading having played liquid pools of sight earlier, was replaced with genuine emotion.
  7. When Aurore was but a small child, her father had lovingly dubbed her the endearment of "Renard" for the russet tress crowning tiny head. The dubbing had affixed itself, and little had her father known at the onset that hair color was not the only trait that she shared with namesake. Unlike older sibling who wore cunning on his sleeve, Aurore was more subtle in shared quality. The older she became, the more perfected inate trait became; tress hue was a secondary consideration in the now. As the situation evolved, Aurore played the fearful child for audience of two. Carefully weaving finite deception in a game of mental chess. Mock fear danced the wide expressive eyes and she allowed her capture the grace of bullying without overmuch fight. A farce that would have gained honours in proper circles; the terrified babe in the wood...armed and not so innocent. The Romani had learned in times long passed, that using one's wit could be a powerful defense and weapon.With one arm held tightly by the other woman, Aurore cast a pleading look to male companion. Poor tragic rabbit caught in viscious snare, begging silently for mercy. She tollorated the woman's berating verbose, such things were easy to do when one had grown up treated as a lower life form by society. Aurore issued expected protest then gave in, the vissage of defeat. She dropped her eyes to the flooring and gave a small nod of accord, "As you wish, madame et monsieur...Follow me and I can assure that all will be safe. The Capitaine is on the grounds." Again, frightened look was cast to Reiley...Oh silent plea to white knight. Aurore moved slowly and around "desired" saviour, leading down main corridor to the rear entrance. The heavy door's locks where disengaged and door swung out into humid shade of pillar supprted overhang. As Lilly cleared thresh hold, she was jerked sideways in steely grip. The razor honed edge of tropics warmed steel balanced close to tender throat, as Christophe whispered in her ear from behind, "Truly madame, must we keep meeting like this...People will begin to talk." Slate hued sights glared coldly at Reiley in as punctuation to following verbose, "I suggest that you consider your options with utmost prudence, monsieur." Movement in the immediate area came to screeching halt; faces of varied nationality watched intently, while other's turned to where Sabastian and Sterling had paused in conversation with the sudden silence.
  8. Aurore kept vigil near second story window, ocassionaly glancing to deserted bath and the remains of fare on ignored table. Down below, Delaney unharnessed and detached four legged power from newly arrived carriage. Flutterings of equine conversation floated to her hearing as creature in question was placed in with brethren species. Her dark eyes followed various movements without, but were frequently distracted by Sterling's form just in view past her brother. Although Sabastian's overall body language told a story of brewed emotions, there was a hint of acceptance in regard to English companion; a thought that brought a smallish smile to her face. Growing board with the goings on outdoors, Aurore padded quietly from well used chamber. The elequated twin duelers hibernated out of view within azure folds, bumping her thighs with intermittent nudge with stair's decline. Nearing the banister end, she paused listening. The house was berift of usual cheerful day to day busseling and would probably remain so for awhile more. All of the house girls would have been escorted to safer ground by now and the absence of their laughter was unsettling. She padded softly to foyer, peeking out just in time to catch a glimpse of Christophe hedging the front parameter and turning towards the side yard. A past conversation they had one night near the bonfire came to mind. How the Frenchman had commented upon Sabastian's gift of soft step and felinesque movements. Aurore had laughed then at the statement, and did so again now, underbreath. It was true that her brother possessed a knack, but the man who had sung the praise was surreally gifted in said arena. Her attention remained focused on dangerous grace until view was obstructed. Inwardly Aurore longed to leave the shelter of secure house, but did not wish to cause further angst to sibling's current mindset. One bare foot tapped impatiently upon thick nap of Persian rug as she considered what would best consume her restlessness for the duration. Considerations of distractions came and went, finally settling on a newly obtained text of posey who's exsistance had been forgotten in light of all that had passed recently. It was simply a matter of remembering where it had been left. Knowing all chamber's would be secured, Aurore obtained keys from hidden niche just off the kitchen. A search of salon was made, then the library, onward to Andre's study...All without result. Consternation played fine wrought planes of her delicate feature and then vanquished as memory came to light. The study was resecured and the chamber of last deposit was aproached. Drawing Room locks slid back at key's command and door laid open. Next to high backed chair on filligreed table, sat the object of quest. Aurore moved forward two paces then stopped dead. There was an odd sweet scent clinging to the air, not overly pronounced, more as a ghostly tincture. Muscles tensed without instruction and left hand found smoothed wood grip, and ornate cock was pulled back gently with minute ominous click.
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