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Iron Hand

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Everything posted by Iron Hand

  1. I tried Track of the Wolf when I had to replace mine.......Didn't fit....Went straight to Pedersoli......Works great......I hardly shoot mine but have heard they are hell on springs....ya might wanna buy a couple....
  2. Iron Hand

    There be pirates lurking here

    Piratical Inclinations
  3. I wish I had $750 extra ta blow....Besides being my Hero's battle sword....It is absolutely beautiful...
  4. So Laddie....What kind of price have ye set on this one?
  5. 10x10 wall tent 7' peak ht. 2 1/2' walls Doors front and rear stove insert with cover excellent shape made by Spring Valley Lodges $350+ freight takes her home. http://i10.photobuck.../P1010007-3.jpg 10x10 Baker Tent 7' pk 3' rear walls awning with privacy fly Stove insert. Like new condition made by RK Lodge $350 + freight takes this one home. Need to sell both tents because I bought a 14x14 Marquis to use as shop and sleeping quarters.
  6. Kind of like when Israel Hand went up the mast after Jim Hawkins in Treasure Island. Jas. Hook Speakin' from my experience as a frontier fighter during the French & Indian War, and my experience on the Frontier of Virginia afore I took ta Privateering for the American War effort in 1778....Why the Hell would ya want ta throw away a perfectly good weapon. As stated earlier, it's a functional up-close and inside weapon. Samething with hatchets and boarding axes....It makes more sense ta throw your pistol after you've shot it and closed for battle, but then again pistols make excellent clubs in the hand of a master. Just my two schillings worth...I'm comin' back with all my weapons and maybe more, or I'm goin' ta Hell with em.....
  7. Hand First Mate Group: Member Posts: 209 Joined: 28-December 04 Posted 27 June 2011 - 11:14 PM 10x10 wall tent 7' peak ht. 2 1/2' walls Doors front and rear stove insert with cover excellent shape made by Spring Valley Lodges $350+ freight takes her home. http://i10.photobuck.../P1010007-3.jpg 10x10 Baker Tent 7' pk 3' rear walls awning with privacy fly Stove insert. Like new condition made by RK Lodge $350 + freight takes this one home. Need to sell both tents because I bought a 14x14 Marquis to use as shop and sleeping quarters. Iron Hand's Plunder Purveyor of Quality Goodes of questionable origins
  8. 10x10 wall tent 7' peak ht. 2 1/2' walls Doors front and rear stove insert with cover excellent shape made by Spring Valley Lodges $350+ freight takes her home. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a103/troller1775/P1010007-3.jpg 10x10 Baker Tent 7' pk 3' rear walls awning with privacy fly Stove insert. Like new condition made by RK Lodge $350 + freight takes this one home. Need to sell both tents because I bought a 14x14 Marquis to use as shop and sleeping quarters.
  9. Brit Privateer......I was wrong on the name of those striped blankets and still not shure what they're called, but here is a page to give you the idea of what they look like.http://www.nwtrader.com/hand-woven_early_blankets.html
  10. Brit Privateer.....I don't profess to be an expert on this subject....but....I checked your blanket source...and they look affordable and fairly correct. Hudson Bays are perfectly correct but I would stay with solids or single stripes. Either Early's or Hudson Bay makes one called a Gangaroo I believe is the name that is a series of one colored stripe throughout the whole blanket which I think to de earlier than single or multiple stripes. You can never go wrong with solid white or gray and the cruder the weave the better....Just my two cents worth. Check out the highlander sites they can date plaids and common blankets better than I and most pirates came from Scottish and Irish roots so I believe their early period blankets to be correct. Great Kilts have been around forever and they're nothing more than a plaid blanket. Check the flea marts...You can usually come up with some good Hudsons. Ya can't beat Hudsons, Early's, or Whitney's for warmth. You can find some good buys on ebay as well.
  11. drtyhnd1@sbcglobal.net .....Ken Falletti....awesome work....reasonable......might Trade.....I thuink you saw the pictures of mine that he made.....Iron Hand
  12. I was enjoying the pictures and realized me and Callenish have something more than hobbies in common. What do you think?
  13. Let me see how she shapes up after replacin' the sear spring and a little polishin'. But I have considered turnin' her over to a professional, so that's still an option.
  14. I believe I remembered someone on the Pub discussing how to tune a Pedersoli Queene Anne correctly. I just aquired one that is need of some repair. I noticed the Hammer was not forcing the Frizzen open completely and the Flint was not lining up with the pan at the touch hole. After finding a roughly appropriate size flint, the sear spring mysteriously broke. I ordered a new sear spring today from Track of the Wolf, but would appreciate any guidence on making this gun spot on as far as ease of trigger pull and spring life. I heard they had mainspring issues as well.Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  15. Damn Good Idea Bo. I was gonna suggest a smaller stone pump driven by foot, but hte bigger one sounds too cool....
  16. I believe condolences are in order m'lady......My heartfelt sympathies at yer nearin' closer to the dark and murky eternal rest and my sincere hope that our Lord will save ye before that eternal rest or least grab yer sole 5 seconds before the Devil lays his claws on ya.......Happy Birthday, Lady Barbosa....Iron Hand I had to say somethin' different ya know.
  17. Congrats Bo....Feels Good, doesn't it????? I just finished my BSE as well intending to go into HS or college Early American History. I'm a little long in the tooth to start teaching but I'm still going for it. It's been a dream of mine my whole life....I know how ya feel....and from what I've seen and heard from you....You'll make a Damn Fine Teacher......Get em' Tiger.....Congratulations......Iron Hand
  18. Well now.....I can't says that ye'll be needing that much powder....But Ye never know......We're lookin' forward to ya joining us and I've just been comandeered for scripting the battles.....Ye know there'll be plenty of artillery involved. Have yer Captain get in touch with Joyce, we need more captains to play our sea battles in camp on sheets of canvas too....Plan on havin' a good time and makin', as Roulle of the Royalist says, Plenty of BOOM.....
  19. Rum just tastes better......period.....
  20. Hey everybody...We will probably have a couple of guitarists and a man that plays squeezebox in our camp and a master scrimshander plus all manner of pirate goods so I'll say right now.......Party's at the Iron Brigade encampment. Dancing gypsies, minstrels and RUM....It don't get no better. If ya play music, have rum, or just wanna party......It's On.......Beware the Iron Brigade......
  21. Just home to restock from a Mountain Man & Colonial encampment, so if ya ask me questions I might not get back to you till next week, but....Fresno Pirate Fair is fun. You're not on show or required to perform without pay. It's just a lot of pirates and royals having fun. Lots of cannon fire and battles plus the royal court. Not overlaiden with vendors selling faire crap. Most are trying to keep with the period of Queen Bess. Don't plan on seeing a lot of aluminum chairs and such ou in sight. Most of us are serious re-enactors. I don't recall seeing Hat vendors there yetand they are vendor friendly, fees wise. It's a fairly young Faire, 4 years or so, and yeah the obligatory Jack Sparrows, but the organizers have many years under their belts and know how to put on a faire.
  22. Kenneth there is a gigantic pond that I believe is adjacent to the area we'll be in. Get back in touch with Joyce if ya wanna bring the longboat. She might be able to get approval to float her in the pond. Before she has never had any launchable boats at her faires but I'm sure she'd be interested.
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