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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. this defines it pretty well: wikipedia
  2. 40 years ago in a southeast asian jungle i carried a 12 ga. remmington shotgun with a bandolier that held 50+ extra rounds of 00 buckshot and 2 -9mm browning pistols with 6 extra clips and at least 6 "baseball" fragmentation grenades and of course my 2 knives ......weapons and ammo alone were about 40-50 pounds and we covered lots of miles in an average day add to that packs with explosives and detinators another 10-15 pounds ......we did what we needed to do to survive ....
  3. i think that perhaps there are a few points missing here ....such as in a sea battle of the era the men would arm themselves when the battle was imminant not for hours on end or daily ....it was for just the duration of the battle ...and so the carrying of multiple pistols for that short length of time was very possible ...the same idea as a soldier behind ramparts might have had the availabilty of several muskets at his disposal (perhaps those of wounded comrades or from the arsenal) didn't mean he carried them all into battle but he could have them at the ready .....in desperate times men will do desperate things and if that means carrying 4-5-6 extra weapons during a relatively short battle ....hell i know i'd do it if it gave me a better chance of being the winner of the battle ....and once over i'd sit down and relax and enjoy my spoils ....but that is just my humble opinion
  4. and there are existing examples of flintlock grenade launchers from the period ....so the grenade theory has a lot of credence!!! found a link from a post awhile back from gentleman of fortune ...as i recall they weighed in just over a pound or so more than a good sized blunderbuss http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/handmortar.htm
  5. congratulations on the success of your group ...so glad to see you have come throught the past few storms and weathered them with the wonderful attitude that is directed towards such a marvelous cause ....my hat's off to the entire group ...wish i was a wee bit closer to lend a hand from time to time ....but if nothing else you have my admiration and moral support even thought there are those who think my morals are lacking
  6. i'd like to nominate silkie's new sig i think it is well designed and executed ....sorry lass i didn't mean to use that word in reference to you lass just your new sig!!!!
  7. bess, a fine lovely lass ye are and comfy and sexy are two sides of the same coin with you darlin'
  8. does a mate have to be in the best of health???
  9. sounds like a terminal case of BAD BALLS !!!! ....try a new source for the balls you're trying to load....i've had 4 queen annes and never had problems with any of them
  10. was able to see and handle the prototype 2 weeks ago it looks very good ...i have placed my order for some of them myself ....there will be several changes to the final pieces all for the better of the final guns ...the quality has some very good details but still a bit over polished for my taste ....but as repros go it's a good buy for the price (under $400)
  11. for someone who claims to be concerned for the city's fortunes i'd think such a humanitarian would volunteer to come and bring his troupe to perform as a part of the cup of human kindness to reclaim some of the past flavour of the city .................mmmmmmmmmm?????
  12. any convention or attraction that is positve for the city i'm sure is a welcome addition .....not sure if i could wrangle the time to get down there next spring but even if i can't ...BEST OF LUCK WITH IT!!! .....and i agree with granny mcdonough!!!
  13. my compliments william you have done this beauty justice ....either way lass you are a lovely woman ...t'would make any sailor's heart hold fast to such a memory
  14. middlesex and i deal with the same suppliers in india they are very conscienious about the quality of what they ship ....a bit heavy on the shine both on the wood and the barrels etc. but first rate as far as indian guns go
  15. i personally reharden my frizzens with a mapp gas torch and 30 weight motor oil get them cherry red hot and quench in the oil ....and even some so called better guns need this done ocasionally
  17. cheeky i'd love to make suggestions as what you could do with those trophies ....but i think i'd have serveral folks more than a bit p*ssed with me .....again i think i'll just stay with "lovely!!!"
  18. well!!! that looks more like a trophy case as opposed to a shelf lass ........lovely
  19. i saw this on two period pieces in the glasgow museum in the mid-sixties and also one in the tower museum in london also in the sixties ....it's been 40 years but i recall that because we were doing costumning for a film while i was in the royal academy in london ........the one example i recall vividly was on the shoulders of a laced sleeve doublet and the second piece i remember was an elaborately embroidered bodice done in a saffron silk.
  20. you and yours are in my prayers lass ...hope you both have a speedy and thorough recovery
  21. aye capt but as i recall from some museum research years ago some eyelets were reenforced with bone rings sewn inside the holes and whipstiched into place but those were done in the ECW period ...not in the GAOP but i doubt they lost the technology in 45 years
  22. everyone who could play me has died Wallace Beery, Victor MacLaughlin, Laurence Olivier, Richard Burton ...too bad!! so i guess i could go with either Sean Connery or Billy Connolly ..... here's to ye lads!!!
  23. you know you're a fabric whore when: you travel 650 miles round trip twice a year to just buy fabrics from a wholesalers semi-annual clearance sale ... (wools for under $2.00 a yard and linen for $1.50)
  24. i have used rolls of toilet paper wraped tightly in burlap and twisted closed with wire with a pole and can under it soaked in kerosene and they have lasted for over an hour but we weren't carrying them around they were just stuck in the ground .....if that helps
  25. ok i'll confess as well .... 8 bolts of wool 5 bolts of raw silk 9 bolts of linen 2 rolls of hemp canvas 12 bolts of homespun checked cotton plus various and sundry partial rolls of brocades and damasks and i have just repaired my machines ..........so it on now!!!
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