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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Welcome aboard lass ....hope ye find a comfortable berth in these waters
  2. Wonderful series of photos needs to be put to a soundtrack ....tells a good story ......damned sorry things didn't work out for me again this year looks like we missed one hell of a fyne tyme there!
  3. A fyne looking expository bit of shameless self promotion! Have you folks ever thought of having a Myspace page to get yourselves additional exposure?
  4. There are a multitude of great shots from the event ....if nothing else it would be great to make one hell of a slideshow to promote the event!!!! If it were posted here and on the PIP website!!!
  5. Ahoy Dutchman!!! Hail and well met! If ye be a lurker you know the drill ...the first round on the pub be on ye. make mine a fine black Barbados Rum.....Good to see the crew represented in these waters lad
  6. Beginning with Thanksgiving, I love to share my home with family and friends and we usually invite as many as we can to join us for dinner. This year I prepared a 22 pound turkey with a dressing to go along with it of a blend of 4 dark breads and loads of fresh onions and celery and mushrooms and fresh herbs and fresh roasted chestnuts and lots of sausage for flavour. Along with whipped cauliflower with rich herb sour cream to add to the creaminess I made a green bean dish with reggiano cheese and an orange/pecan fresh cranberry relish. As for desert I prepared a pumpkin my son had brought home; halved it and gutted it coated it with raw ginger and fresh ground cloves and nutmeg and grated cinnamon over it and roasted it in the oven. when it was well roasted I scooped it out and pureed it in the food processor and added heavy cream and several eggs and a generous portion of black rum and chopped black walnuts filled a pie crust and made a home made pumpkin custard pie. We only had an intimate gathering this year with 5 folks. With desert we had Irish coffee and brandy or port ...... This is the beginning of a season of feasts for family and friends with very traditional Scottish meals including a venison stew or roast goose or a standing rib roast with a black bun and minced meats and steamed puddings for Yule and Christmas, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day and Twelfth Night In the past I have always invited the international students from the university to join us for a Solstice Peace Night of feasting. My friend a local minister allows me to use the parish hall to prepare and serve that meal for usually as many as 40-50 students and professors. As always I ask my friends, if you're traveling through northern Pennsylvania, drop me a line and stop in for a meal and drinks or coffee along your way. No one is turned away or goes away hungry! God Bless!!!
  7. Beginning with Thanksgiving, I love to share my home with family and friends and we usually invite as many as we can to join us for dinner. This year I prepared a 22 pound turkey with a dressing to go along with it of a blend of 4 dark breads and loads of fresh onions and celery and mushrooms and fresh herbs and fresh roasted chestnuts and lots of sausage for flavour. Along with whipped cauliflower with rich herb sour cream to add to the creaminess I made a green bean dish with reggiano cheese and an orange/pecan fresh cranberry relish. As for desert I prepared a pumpkin my son had brought home; halved it and gutted it coated it with raw ginger and fresh ground cloves and nutmeg and grated cinnamon over it and roasted it in the oven. when it was well roasted i scooped it out and pureed it in the food processor and added heavy cream and several eggs and a generous portion of black rum and chopped black walnuts filled a pie crust and made a home made pumpkin custard pie. We only had an intimate gathering this year with 5 folks. With desert we had Irish coffee and brandy or port ...... This is the beginning of a season of feasts for family and friends with very traditional Scottish meals including a venison stew meal or roast goose or a standing rib roast with a black bun and minced meats and steamed puddings for Yule and Christmas, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day and Twelfth Night In the past I have always invited the international students from the university to join us for a Solstice Peace Night of feasting. My friend a local minister allows me to use the parish hall to prepare and serve that meal for usually as many as 40-50 students and professors. As always I ask my friends, if you're traveling through northern Pennsylvania, drop me a line and stop in for a meal and drinks or coffee along your way. No one is turned away or goes away hungry! God Bless!!!
  8. Yes lad I know the feeling about not being able to go to the event ...2 days in family court hearing the hellacious conditions my two daughters were forced to live under for the past few years ...the ex and her new husband have made their lives a living hell of neglect and abuse ....heard the ex make accusations towards me in open court & had to refute those accusations ...with that and the lack of being able to be part of the girls life on an everyday basis since I live 300+ miles away from my daughters and the ex has been keeping them away from me for the most part by lies and deception for the past 5 years...I could prove that I had little effect in what was being done to the girls. The more I try to rebuild a life that would enable me to provide a better loving/supportive environment for my children the more obstacles keep being put in my path Add to that the fact that I couldn't attend selling my wares openly at the venue after months of wrangling to make it happen. That was a major blow to what I could justify expense wise to travel half way across the country on just my disability pension with no means of recouping my expenses. So I have gone through the Hell of dealing with the courts and having to hear what my children have had to endure. Along with crap of age discrimination at the university ...with the future legal ramifications there. I have not had a good few weeks
  9. is there a cost for a myspace music page??? ....that could be another alternative to get the word out
  10. Hell's breath
  11. It is with deepest regret that at this late date that I will have to cancel the trip....due to the obvious reason of not being to openly be able to sutler at the event and currently my full stock has been not been delivered.... and a multitude of other personal reasons revolving around my children and issues that are involving family court. So unfortunately I will be unable to attend the event ......I'm sorry for any issues this may raise for those who were planning to bunk in my extra tentage hopefully there will be others who can assist those who had asked to have berth in my tents .... I'm sorry for the late notice and the inconvenience
  12. welcome back lass!!! hope you're feeling better these days
  13. What I was bringing was going to be for the general use of the event ....I was going to ask that folks just toss a couple dollars into the ammo box to defray the cost and save the hassle of worrying about shipping or transporting powder....if that seems fair and agreeable to all.
  14. I'll have plenty of powder 4-5 pounds of ffg and a pound of ffffg
  15. i'd buy a good large turkish brass coffee grinder and a large sized coffeepot..... good for camp!
  16. Thats SUCKS BILGE WATER!!!!
  17. Hell the Spanish are trying to steal the gold twice!!! Once from the Incas or Aztecs or other Native Americans and now from salvage/explorers who have rediscovered it on the bottom of the ocean .....once thieves always thieves i guess
  18. Aye Lass, but who'll be protecting you ???
  19. At the beginning of November I'll have a posting on the pub of exactly what I'll have available for sale prior to my venturing to PIP.....if you are interested in a piece; I'll ask that you email me prior to the event and make at least a verbal commitment to purchasing a weapon that will indicate to me that i need to "deliver your weapon" to you while in Key West so no sale has to take place within the fort and if actual delivery has to take place on a public street corner in the city then so be it. I will follow the letter of the law if not the spirit of it.... and as with any other sale i make i stand behind the weapon 100% and will make repairs to the weapon for the life of it!!! & all flintlock weapons are battle ready with touch-holes drilled and flints mounted with leather pads and included will be a care and feeding manual ....and any weapon can be used in the battles at the event once you attend the morning safety meetings and ante up into the powder kitty. ....I'm bringing powder for the use in the battles so that anyone traveling or flying who doesn't want to deal with the transportation of powder can have access to some for the battle scenarios ......I will also be bringing paper cartridges so that the loads will be pre-measured and designed for the weapons you're using for the event. (and for all reenactments that I participate in all over the country I wouldn't want to see anyone overloading a pistol and then using any sort of wadding down the barrel that violates the Point Blank Range limit) it's a matter of safety first!!!
  20. Got the word from Harry "Vendors will be required to follow the sales guidelines established by the Division of Recreation and Parks. Items that are not to be sold, rented, or used in food service or packaging include: Sling shots, bow and arrow sets, and other dangerous or weapon-like items." He said that possibly I could bring blades if they are packaged after sales so that patrons could not access them while inside the park proper ...so I'm not sure that any flintlocks could be sold to the public! So I might just have to come seriously armed to the hilt ....and be willing to do some after-hours wheeling & dealing of my personal armoury This would seriously affect what I'm willing to bring with me and it would also restrict where we'd be permitted to camp as well
  21. still waiting for word from Harry ...without the all clearances i may just be coming as a pyrate instead of a vendor which would end up being a pain in the posterior
  22. The last time I was at PIP I had a 15 year old lad and a 14 year old lass with me ...they were quite safe even on Duval St. ...they ended up adopted by a high school class, on their senior trip from Virginia, who brought back 2 "live pirates" for the scavenger hunt party at their hotel (I had made sure that the teachers/chaperones were on the up and up)....they hopped the bus and came back to the fort when the party was over .... so I'm sure your sisters will be ok as long as some common sense is used. With all these Dutch Uncles and Aunties about I'm sure that they'll have a lot of supervision .....whether they want it or not (Patrick I was more worried about the fellows at the fort last year with Silkie there .....even more than sharks off the beach for those moon light swims )
  23. i will mention this for those who chose to partake ....i will have a propane powered warm water shower and enclosure (camaflogued with a canvas wall around it)that we can set up in a discreet loacation near the careening camp and any who choose to use said shower; i'd just ask you help defray the cost of the propane i'm sure that using a hose from the restrooms would allow us a constant flow of warm water for all to get themselves clean with.... many hobby/artsupply shops have inexpensive period looking candle lanterns that won't break the bank but think of a way to hang them prior to your arrival ....some light weight chain from the hardware looped over the ridgepole of your tent make sure it is long enough to keep the hot lantern away from the canvas (i usually suggest 3 feet of lightweight chain per lantern) as for bedding i use a therm-a-rest covered in a canvas cover and no one is the wiser to what's inside with a wool blanket or two and flat sheets if you can't stand the wool on your skin .......
  24. By that time of year the sun will set just after 5:30 at 40 degrees north latitude (a bit further north) during that period of the festival so by 6:30 it's already nearly dark ......so any night activities set for well past sunset or O'DRUNK: THIRTY P.N.S.T.(pyrate non-standard tyme) should be planned accordingly and also prior to the local ordinance
  25. I ended up revising it when I encountered some 40+ mph winds it needed to be a bit more stable! so I used two braces of 1"x4"x3' and 1/2 inch bolts to create a reinforced joint between the two sections figured I'd rather be safe than sorry!!
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