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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. The majority of actual shipboard swords were not kept in scabbards because of the corrosion factor of these materials some swords had scabbards but most were officers who kept the blades out of scabbard unless going ashore when they would need to carry their sword ....most common sailors would just slip their cutlasses in their belt if leaving the ship.... there are wrecks that show cutlasses stowed along the rail
  2. Congratulations Jeff on your promotion ...I see you're no longer a Sargent but a Leftenant (don't usually see it spelled that way )
  3. (I wonder if we are physically related )If you're having physical relations with a dead guy I don't even want to know!!! :unsure:
  4. Anything???? ;)
  5. It's raw like you'd put into meatloaf..........Mickey, I get it at my local supermarket ...you may be able to find in in one around you like Giant Eagle or Kroger
  6. I'd have to 100% agree with Cascabel on this one ...the lock has extremely suspect geometry and the axe head with the rear spike isn't built for actual cutting it appears that it is too blunt to be effective as a cutting weapon. Many local craftsman in many small towns and cities across the middle east made pseudo period weapons to sell to tourists over the past century or so. The Indians and Pakistanis and Afghans especially have made these sorts of items from scrap parts or knock-offs. The shape of the frizzen and the frizzen spring just don't look right to me.
  7. Hate to break it to ye lad but I made the pies ...Been making these for over 50 years
  8. Have had a lot of requests for the recipe after folks have eaten my pies at events so here it is: Scottish Meat Pies Prepare piecrust for 2 double crust 9"pies (this is for one batch) Ingredients * 2 cups all-purpose flour * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 cup shortening * 1/2 cup water Directions 1. In a large bowl, combine flour and salt. Cut in shortening until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in water until mixture forms a ball. Divide dough in half, and shape into balls. Wrap in plastic, and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight. 2. Roll out dough on a floured counter. Don't over work it. Use as directed in pie recipe. Footnotes If necessary, use a little less water than called for in recipe. PREHEAT OVEN to 375 F Filling; Finely chop about 1 1/2 lbs. of yellow onions shred 2 lbs of potatoes 1 1/2 lb of ground beef 1 1/2 lb of ground pork or mild sausage 2 tbsp of Montreal Steak Spice 1 tsp of fresh ground black pepper Place the filling ingredients into a large mixing bowl and combine until well blended. divide into the prepared crusts and cover and pinch the tops closed. place pies into the oven with a bit of foil over the outer edges of the crust (remove foil after 45 min.) and bake for 1 1/2 hour or until the crust has turned a golden brown. Makes two 9" pies Each pie makes about 8 servings and can be kept and reheated for up to about week in the fridge or frozen wrapped in a freezer bag. Enjoy them! Join those with a nice bowl of spring greens with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, a sprinkle of grated Reggiano/Asiago cheese and a good porter or stout, you'll have a meal fit for the gods. I sometimes enjoy them with a bit of HP sauce or A1 if you can't get HP.
  9. It is a sweet blade with a quick feel and enough b^lls to be effective as a combat weapon!!! (a hands-on evaluation)
  10. Stocks are particular to the components you're using such as the barrel and the style and shape of the lock and trigger guard etc. ....you'd be better with the description you've given to just get some nicely figured walnut or tiger stripe maple and inlet the entire gun from scratch ....or you could be throwing good money after bad
  11. Aye good on her for her determination and skill! I agree with Mr. MacIntyre it's time to quit molly-coddling our kids or being suit happy over a skinned knee or bump on their noggins. Hell I rode a bicycle for 40 years before I ever wore a helmet and I used a knife and other sharp tools since I was 5-6; and yeah I got cut a few times but I learned safety all the faster for it. Well done lass keep to your dreams
  12. Mark we should be arriving before then if that helps ...I can at least help with acting for the sorority
  13. Let's say 42x24 for the "Tent Mahal" compound but Silkie was talking about joining the "Hide" fly to the end of our fly to give additional coverage for the period encampment.
  14. My dear Captain, All of us need a good tweeking from time to time .....some more than others! As I know most of us might have read at least once in our lives "Let any among you without sin cast the first stone" Robbie knows better than most not to throw stones.
  15. Looks good Michael! hope you start this auction with an honest price so that it bring in the $$$$ for the ship Would hate to see it go too far below value and not be worth the effort you put into it for the Santa Maria
  16. Robbie is one of man's guilless individuals bereft of the fault of deceit and jealousy, who says what most of wish we could when we see those among us who are set upon by those who wish harm to others. Some might call him names but usually those folks find fault in everyone but themselves. He has proven, at least to me, to be totally honest and forthright. The character shows evidence of a lack of formal education and airs; however he is an astute observer of the human condition. Not unlike the fool in Shakespear's King Lear, he tweeks the nose of the king when he needs it
  17. That's too bad she'll be missed!!!!
  18. it has either never let me on or has crashed my system even since before the new improved pub that why i check into the watch dog from time to time
  19. I'm sure he was making sure you WERE his friend, picking the nose of an adversary is perfectly permissible.
  20. and burnishers to rub the surface smooth
  21. another method that was used in period was an edged piece of steel that was used like a drawknife but it would just scrape the surface to help finish the surface as it wasn't that sharp. I used to have 2 of them but my crate of woodworking tools have mysteriously disappeared from my storage locker I have seen some used that have curved edges too
  22. Robbie that is the most scholarly endeavour to date that I have seen come out of you. I have in the past noticed that your powers of observation and social commentary are quite profound. Continue the good work young man and perhaps, even your snobbish relatives might come to appreciate you more for your wisdom and candor.
  23. The kerchief or bandanas were much easier to clean or replace than the liners or hatbands that could have been sewn inside the brim of the hat.
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