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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. Why do I foresee a fine frockcoat to top these off, in a lovely camel tan or maroon Melton wool? A great coat of black Melton lined with a nice dove grey worsted for winter wear in these northern climes would set you in fine stead
  2. If it were me I'd go with a good Maple(handrail) mast and boom, that you can get from most building supply companies. The stress put on your mast from a moderate wind even on an inland lake can over extend the tensile strength of PVC pipe and dismast you if it gusts over moderate breezes. The weight of wood will not create inordinate drag on a craft this size. ripstop sailcloth four to five yards should make a fine sail for this wee boat. The centerboard and rudder could also be made from solid wood and overlaid in fiberglass for durability. Just my t'ppence worth
  3. Jim, he's actually landed on a good one here. He's been able to develop one he can build on for some time to come. From the first day I saw him wander into the event at Hampton, looking like a Salvation Army Pirate; he's found the resources to produce some fine kit that can be envied by many folks out there.
  4. Connie, you can be my nurse anytime Mr. Cross you've again risen to the required competence ...keep up the good work lad so you can do them "blindfolded" ....it will keep you from getting dizzy at least from making buttons
  5. Red corn syrup stage blood works well without the ill effects of the exposure of the victim to the petroleum based transmission fluid on deer skin flogger .....looks and sounds effective without the harshness of stiffer implements of punishment ....isn't the right Dutch?? don't ask Grace!!!
  6. Nicely done sir! You do some very nice work....I'll have to save my Doubloons to haggle with you....
  7. Both would work the Scots and French were both knitting gloves and stockings. The Orkney, Shetlands and Hebrides major exports during period were wool and knitted goods
  8. There it is!!! I've been reading this thread for all these past 68 posts just to have you toss in the old GREY HAIR bit! Age Discrimination!!!
  9. fingerless wool gloves would be perfectly suited for the period
  10. Great to see this is finally available ....as soon as it works I'll be placing our order!!! <_<
  11. Are you planning on offering the Mercury shirts again like you had the Watchdog ones?
  12. Fair winds and following seas lad, I hoist this jar for you here to day and will share a jar with you soon in person :D
  13. Sometimes I'm glad I had to change my drynking habits ....found out that I can afford an American Porter which I like almost as much. Yuengling Porter still made only in Pottsville, PA (not their Black & Tan that is pure crap) ...Served Cellar cool about 55 degrees and always poured out never from the bottle or on draught. It's a bitch having to live on a pension:(
  14. Most commercially available match fuse is about 3/16th of an inch so clamp(slanted jaw grip) on the ends of the armature of the stock would need to open at about 1/4 -5/16ths of an inch and reduce down to less than 1/8th inch. If you look at the dragon's mouth in the photo you'll see what I'm trying to explain. The match will be held in place by friction and can be repositioned as needed easily.
  15. A pleasure ta be seein' ye down ta Bone eyelant. Hopes ta be seein' ye sum more or' tha horizon. Dutch "X" his mark

  16. M. A. d `Dogge is just jealous of you lad because you're funnier than he is and in a shorted amount of time in reenacting ...figures if he scares or kills you off he'll be the Comedy King again. Watch your back lad ...age and treachery will try to eliminate youth and talent Take that advice from an Ol' Pyrate :blink: ......er --- um .... I mean a friend
  17. `Tis a shame that there isn't a link on the PIP site to the galleries that Pyracy members create here ...One huge slideshow would be a great promotion tool for the entire event ...that is probably too much to ask for complete co-operation of the organizers of the events :D (did i just use my Cynical voice again???)
  18. We ended up having a full on fire-fight about 30 years ago; when shots were fired at the house at night we flipped on the porch light after the first shot broke a window. The idiots shot the light and opened fire ....needless to say this ol' gunner was kind enough to return fire with the five friends there as well. We disabled their car and captured them at gun point. There was a half empty case of Seagrams' 7 among five guys in the car, held them tied up in the barn (suspended from harness pegs on the beams) until the state police arrived 45 minutes later. there were five guys never so happy for the cops to show up to take them to jail. ...Let's just say we seriously f+<ked with their heads while waiting for the troopers. Three of the five in the car did some serious jail time for assault and weapons charges, the non-firing additional two were charged with criminal trespassing and all were charged with conspiracy to commit attempted voluntary manslaughter for good measure. ...Nice to have the DA as a neighbour sometimes.
  19. Bo, they were often the gunner's last resort of defense if his emplacement was overrun so spiked or bladed like a pike, plain or fancy. The double arms were so in case one end went out they would have a back up to touch-off the gun.
  20. I'm happy and proud to announce it be Mistress Salty Pots' birthday. Another year and she has still consented to cohabitate with the likes of this ol' seadog, at least for now. Ladies and gents if you would; join me in a jar to the lovely lass!!
  21. Here's what I was talking about made about 28" long
  22. Can't blame you Bo! These kind f folks are one reason I don't hunt during regular season anymore and only hunt flintlock season. I have had folks shoot at my former place when they took it as abandoned because they saw no lights or cars in the open. I post and patrol my land armed. Hunting for sport is what is wrong and many don't play by the rules. With game wardens spread so bloody thin they usually get away with senseless carnage and leave the remains everywhere. I have found deer with legs missing and never tracked, or the one who's lower jaw was shot off so he starved to death or died of thirst because he couldn't swallow. Every year we have livestock killed in our area by so-called hunters. There was an incident last month where poachers trespassing on a man's land opened fire on him and killed him; they claimed he opened fire first. The DA let them off for killing the land owner.
  23. Happy Birthday to a fine lady and a wonderfully delightful widow/merchant! Happiest of day to ye Widow Mistress Black and may you enjoy countless more!!!
  24. Slainte mhor, tog ort, umaidh! Happy birthday to ye!
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