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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. If I guessed, it would have been (1) Led Zeppelin, (2) The Doors.
  2. Scik at home again... so I'm listening to "Moral Court" on the telly. PyratePhil -- would it interest you to know that for my entire life, I always had a toy penguin standing on my television? (Wife #2 was never supportive of this, so the practice stopped in recent years... but when I finish constructing my private office in the basement...)
  3. Almost went there myself. Jethro Tull? Iron lung
  4. Great song, yet it's one of the shortest recordings I've ever heard. I'm a huge Heart fan, but an even bigger Nancy Wilson fan. Saw Heart live in concert like, 20 times or so (I really lost count). Diego? Paging Diego.... That was a stumper. I know how to get it by cheating... Hints?
  5. Got photos of the Constitution a couple years ago as it sailed back into Boston Harbor. Staked out a sweet spot at the very bow of the destroyer moored next door, and emptied a few rolls of film as she sailed back in. Most unbelievable photos.
  6. Listening to "Fairly Oddparents" on Nickelodeon. I've been home sick all day, and despite the remote control being right next to the couch, from where I could have changed the channel, I decided to walk over to the computer instead. Regarding Spongebob, did you happen to see the "Lost Episode" episode? The pirate (live action, not animated) is in the shower -- a hilarious bit -- introducing the "Lost Episode" which, of course, he lost. Blah, Blah, Blah, I forget what they actually showed, but he intro was hilarious: The pirate is, as I said, standing in a bathtub partially covered by a shower curtain, his right hand is a hook, upon which is impaled a chunk of soap, and he is wearing a cheap clear shower cap -- which coveres the large pirate hat he is wearing! Funny stuff. If I recall correctly, the bit ends with parrot jumping off the back of the toilet tank and flushing the toilet (sending the captain screaming). WHOAH! Spongebob Squarepants just started this very moment! As I type this, the opening song is rolling!
  7. Okay, so it's nigh on impossible to keep up with every post in this place. Although I already knew this information, I wish I had FOUND "The Confessional Booth" first, and read Pyrate Phil's following response before I wrote what I did above: "Thanks for the thought, but Taoists don't do confessionals... "
  8. Um, Pyrate Phil is apparently a minister, I just learned... so there's good cause to meet him in the confessional, eh? I'm still waiting for Diego to tip his hat but, Fancy, here's one specifically for you -- possibly my favorite song ever of all time: "Today, summer day, warm and green and grey, Wake up in the morning making love to me." I'm still waiting for Diego. That one stumped me.
  9. Sorry about being incomplete -- that first Time Machine link takes you to the webpage, but you need to click on "Enthusiasts' Pages" on the left-hand menu to see all the models -- minature, micro-miniature, and full-size (and everything in between).
  10. While I anxiously await PyratePhil's response to Fancy... Hawkyns, you may be interested in visiting the Time Machine Project Page(s). There are some of us whose escapist hobbies are to actually build time machines.... even if only as an escapist hobby. Check out the life-size "working" models, if you want to see how level-headed you actually are. As for myself, here is the model I built for a children's book, in order to get my character back to the Civil War.
  11. A pirate, known by the name "Rusty" Often felt incredibly lusty Women? He loved 'em all, Short, round, fat or tall, But he sure did like them busty Aahhrr, I feel I've lost the touch. Back to haikus...
  12. Oops, sorry. Posted those pics without realiing there was a second PAGE to this thread.
  13. Pretty sure this is not what you're looking for...
  14. Same song... better lyrics (IMHO): "Some people say that love's a losing game You start with fire but you lose the flame. The ashes smolder but the warmth's soon gone You end up cold and lonely on your own."
  15. Bob Seger: You'll Accompany Me. I love that song.
  16. All night long (wait... weren't we just here?)
  17. Mas cerveza, por favor.
  18. I really hope this will work this time. I am having a dickens of a time uploading my own pics... [ LINK DELETED ] CRAP! I cannot get a pic of my son's pirate coat online! I have to get it assigned a URL to post... but even loading onto a freebie picture posting site (I have done it twice now) does not allow me to link back to it, either as a direct URL or by posting the image directly.
  19. I yam what I yam. I am always me... but when I am in the Pub (or wandering around a few other areas in here) I am usually allowing the pirate vision of myself (that would be Cap'n Pete Straw) to do the talking. In other areas, I generally talk express my regular self (still a fun piratical kinda guy), depending on the tenor of the discussion at hand. Or when Pyrate Phil gets me in Monty Python mode... then I am someone else entirely, I fear. But when I am drinking at the computer, it is again Cap'n Pete who is doing the talking/typing.
  20. Alas, I realize my son will NOT be in Chicago that weekend, so it'd just be me. My wife may tag along, but only if there's good antique shopping opportunities in the area, and I do not make her hang around a musty museum all day. A three+ hour drive each way makes me leery ... an over-nighter may be in order...
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