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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. Very, VERY nice array of products. So tempted... So VERY tempted.
  2. The one picture to which I have access does not show the waistcoat in any if its glory whatsoever. That's what I get for stading in the back row. Of course, you cannot really see nor criticize my 1860s Civil War foorwear, either. So, that would be back row, third from left, among the Fool's Gold Crewe. Amazing detail on the waistcoat, wouldn't you agree?
  3. Sorry -- I forgot these is one image... Pete Straw is the strikingly dashing gent in the back row (third from left) among the Fool's Gold Crewe.
  4. I am still incapable of uploading pics to the Internet. There is another topics thread in here somewhere with really useful information... cannot remember where -- I will find it and post. Lady Barbossa, MerryDeath, Sjöröveren and/or Red Bess all had cameras, as I recall, at the Oshkosh museum event and, therefore, are the only ones to have immortalized the likeness of Cap'n Pete Straw on vellum. But iffin ye want to see Pvt. Enos Dinkle (2nd VA Vol. Inf., CSA), he would be the left-most handsome kneeling gentleman among the Ten Dollar Boys.
  5. Didn't think I would show, did ye? Nice seeing you, (LadyB and MerryD) again. See what you get for comin' so close to my territory? ...not to mention meeting other locals... Hope ye had fun today (Sunday) ... I am spending the day sewing a dress for my daughter, and pick up other birthday stuff for her. I hope ye Dragoons steered clear of Raccoons, Baboons, Dragons, Cucoons, and other bad spelling and pronunciation! Since I was wearing my entire Pirate attire that exists to date (only leaving behind the cutlass and sea bag!) I hereby dub this Revolutionary War event an Official Chicago Pirate Invasion! Ahhrrr!
  6. Sorry for the lack up updates... the waistcoat turned out phenomenal! Of course, all the pics are in cameras of others. I wore it for the opening of the Oshkosh Museum pirate exhibit, and it made for a rather enjoyable minimalist outfit. Comfortable, too. The coat will be next...
  7. Some of my pictures are back, but I cannot wrap my mind around the technology required to post any yet. I'll scan and send some privately to a few o' ye. The good stuff, I believe, is still in my camera. I think all of you guys had the better photo ops.
  8. Sorry, sea dogs... I weren't able te join. How did the festivities go?
  9. Yay, rum! Er, trinkets? Ye have trinkets fer me? Hmmmm...
  10. Merrydeath! Nice to see you here, too! While it was wonderful meeting everyone, you were the highlight of my weekend. Better than a Maitz painting, ye are.
  11. LadyB, Cannot promise anything... I have so much to do this weekend, and cannot afford a lot of time for an excursion of this sort (my kids will be with me for the summer in two weeks, and there is a lot left to do, including making Civil War clothes for them all). We shall see... Of course, I just mapped the route, and Rockford is only 60 miles (= 1 hour) from my house. Hmmmm... Sjöröveren: The link did not work... or at least I am not accessing it properly. I am dropping my film off tomorrow, but I took very few shots through the day, so I cannot wait to see what you all got.
  12. As soon as I get a full night's sleep, I'll compose and post my own list. I cannot believe the number of things I accomplished in preparation for this year's season of Civil War reenacting and (more urgently) my first public Pirate event. But -- great outfits. Really great.
  13. Lady Barbossa -- here's the write-up from the flint I gave you: "ORIGINAL BROWN BESS MUSKET FLINTS. Dating back from the Napoleonic Wars (1798-1815). For use with all period flintlock muskets, these British flints were knapped to regulation pattern at Brandon in the County of Suffolk in England at the close of the 18th Century..." I understand you guys actually tried to find me on Sunday... oh, dear. Sunday was a bust... Personally, I used up all my energy on Saturday with you guys.
  14. Hmmmm.... Keep me informed about this, as I might be able to drop in on ye. It's on my map, and I have it in me sights, let's see if I can get it entered into the ship's log.
  15. Ahhrrr! What an excellent time! I had great fun. Thanks to all who were there -- it was a great day, indeed. I will undoubtedly post information in this space responsive to questions or discussions raised, as I feel most are of limited interest to the Pirate community at large. ... and PMs will be going out to EACH of you, as appropriate. But, publicly, thank you to all. If the rest of the people in these various pirate discussion threads are as nice as you Midwesterners, I cannot wait to attend more events. If you have the opportunity to post any pictures taken, I encourage you to do so.... just leave out the ones with my finger up my nose!
  16. My gear is all in order. Might catch "Batman Begins" tomorrow after work with the Missus, then throw everything in the car to get an early Saturday morning start. I, too, will check for updated posts before leaving. Having not met before, I don't know how we can recognize each other. Oh -- here's an idea -- I'll dress as a Pirate.
  17. Gads -- which is harder, hand-sewing 14 button holes, or 14 buttons? The button holes were no major problem -- I have possibly hand-sewn hundreds in my lifetime -- but the buttons are a drag. They are boring. The waistcoat pattern calls for 15 buttons, but these buttons are sold in pairs, and Joann Fabrics only had 7 of any single style in stock. The waistcoat, therefore, will have 14 buttons.
  18. ..But what about the Cock-Ring? Does he mention how a Cock-Ring is to be employed at sea?
  19. No, you can badger people... but only those named "Captain Jacob." Wait, no -- then you'd be "Captain Jacob Badgerer."
  20. Simplicity carries these underwear patterns; they are in their Historic line (indicating they are well researched; I am as yet unable to verify this, but they look very very good), although these are still found among the "Costume" collection. I have several of these patterns (99c each on clearance sale!) but have not tackled any yet. One is a men's long underwear pattern -- this is the first I will make! My daughters want the bloomers and petticoats. A few hours after my last post, the waistcoat was finished. I am in the process of hand-stitching the button holes (15, *sigh*), which I am accomplishing on my commute train ride each morning and evening... It has to be finished by Friday night...
  21. Just finished sewing the waistcoat (from the Simplicity pattern). Have some internal hand-stitching yet to finish, then it's the button holes, which will take a couple days (gotta do them by hand!). Then it's done. Mercenary Wench, I used a lightweight upholstry fabric with a pleasing pattern. It looks great. And it's lighter than most wools. Authentic patterns are available from a wide variety of sources. The one I would look at first is Dixie Gun Works. But that is only because I have had a long and happy experience shopping with them; their onine searchable catalog should help you find something rapidly. Others will undoubtedly have their preferred pattern suppliers.
  22. Just finished cutting out the fabric for the waistcoat from this pattern.... wish me luck.
  23. "...If you feel the need to quote me, please be so kind as to quote me properly." I have done nothing but quote you correctly. Sadly, you are not keeping track of what you are saying, so it is terribly easy to use your contradictory statements against you. To be clear, again, you said the exact specific wording as follows: "Though a wooden astrolabe is nice for learning how to use it, they were never used aboard a vessel." And now I pose to you your own question: Now: Which one of these words do you not understand? "Never"? "Never"?? You were stupid enough to boldface the word. Not once, but twice. And I tell you that you are wrong and mistaken. And I challenge you to prove this stupid statement you made. Go ahead, I dare you. You supplied one reference that proves they were used aboard ships, so now you need to provide at least two independent sources to cancel out the one you already provided (this is a respected method of historical research and documentation, an area in which you are clearly unfamiliar). I am sure you cannot, but go ahead and try. If you wish to admit that your original statement was incorrect, or that it was a gross misstatement, then admit your error, withdraw your statement, and say what you want to say. But your original inaccurate (proved thus by no less than yourself) statement stands as is, unmodified. "Also, I made 3 wooden astrolabes in all (2 planispheric and 1 Mariner's), using them onboard my various ships." You fool! You used a wooden astrolabe aboard a ship -- not just one, but three! And you are stupid enough to admit this after making the unprovable claim that they were never used aboard a vessel! How are you expecting to prove your claim if you do not stop making statements that contradict it? "You, Sir, are obviously even too ignorant to realize that there two very different types of astrolabes (Planispheric and Mariner's) and I shall not waste my time again to teach the difference to the likes of you." Is that what I am? Is it that obvious? How many years have you studied and researched astrolabes? How many years have I done it? How much reference material do you have on the subject in your private library? How much do I have? I hear you claim that you have actually constructed some and, if this claim is true, then I applaud you for your limited experience. But how many actual original astrolabes have you seen? And in which collections around the world have you seen them? Answer these questions, squire. Answer them all. Or are you too ignorant to be able to back up more of your outrageously false claims? Oh, there were only two types of astrolabes? They were "very different" from each other? On the subject of ignorance sir, it is I that rest my case. "Your continuous efforts to ridicule me are thwarted by the fact that you are not even familiar with the most basic of knowledge in this area and trying to lecture others while being unladen with any knowlwdge yourself is ... foolhardy." "Fact"? You have the audacity to use this word? You, sir, have shown no evidence that you are familiar with the definition of this word. I am not ridiculing you at all -- you have done that all by yourself. And I suggest you re-read all these posts. It is not I who purport to lecture others ... I have simply clarified quotes that you yourself clearly did not read. "... 16th... century ... before that time, Mariner's Astrolabes were not "invented"..." Reference? Show me a reference on this one. In the sake of discretion and manners you should zip it up, as your ignorance is showing, and I am embarrassed for you. "... you, Sir, are not a conversational partner for me." I apologize most wholeheartedly! Clearly you do not only spout untruths, as this is a purely accurate truthful statement! I agree with you 100%! I need prove nothing to you; you have backed up nothing you have said, and only continue to make ridiculous claims that you cannot prove. This converstion is completely, absolutely and uterly ended here and now. I bid you Good Day.
  24. I really do not have anything to add, do you? Is anyone else from this forum planning to attend? By my count, it's Lady Barbossa, Sjöröveren, Red Bess (and progeny), and Bilgemunkey. And me. Anyone else? I am most sincerely looking forward to meeting each and every one of you.
  25. Did anyone hit this event? If so, I would love to hear a report.
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