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Cap'n Pete Straw

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Everything posted by Cap'n Pete Straw

  1. "Gecko" Fest? Do I need to switch my car insurance first? (Sorry ... are those commercials national, or do none of you know what I am talking about?)
  2. 'Dja make a call to yer mamma?
  3. Agreed -- the more ships the better. Most of the low-cost ships move faster, and can run rings around your opponent. I usualy like to "bulk up" one large ship -- it generally draws the fire and attention of the opponent(s) while the small, fast ships do all the treasure gathering.
  4. The name of the song (by Gwen) is "Rich Girl"
  5. A fine job indeed! As I already posted in another forum, I built one of these. Now if I could just post pics. I browned my barrel, and I really like the looks of it. The specifications that Pedersoli included with the kit call for 20 grains of powder (with a ball); but I also use 30 grains in "blank" firing it.
  6. Indeed, I now know ye all have better photos than I. However, I have a few of MerryD that are killers. But, my pride and joy has to be one of Bilgemunkey and Sjöröveren over drinks. My daughter claims to be able to teach me how to post pix on-line, but I will try to get reprints for the two of ye. It's truly a great picture.
  7. Ah! These top my Christmas / Birthday wish list! A fine looking boot, indeed! Where's Bilgemunkey? He sported a fine pair of boots when I met him, and I cannot remember where he said he purchased his.
  8. 'Twould appear that I'll never get a replacement hammock with all this fuss going on. :: (Takes another swig from the doctor's prescribed elixir; suffers a paroxysm of coughing...) :: Ugh. Foul stuff, indeed. Erg -- what's that smell? Kinna be this damned elixir -- somethin' foul on the wind, I'd wager. But, I'd rather have the fevers back than drink this swill. I'd wager Ol' Sawbones is out to run me in with this poison. Er, Hmmm... :: (Eyes the fluorescent green liquid, then pitches the bottle overboard) :: There. That'll either save me or kill me. Now, I'd better have a look at these charts...
  9. Sorry ta be unclear, but this fever has not yet cleared away. At least the shakes have ceased. I be a bit suspicious o' this foul green elixir the surgeon has prescribed fer me to take, fer it seems to do nothin' except muddle me brains. And loosen me bowels. Sure, I've seen the cabinet, and all that's fine. Of course, in me chest I packed two of me own astrolabes. One has done me great service in past voyages, the other I ... er.... acquired. It is a fine and fancy piece o' equipment, and may be useful in barterin' for a better instrument, if the need arises. Per'aps it should be kept alongside the ship's coin. Nat'rlly, I also have me own astronomical compendium, another pocket compass, a spare lodestone, a "Bring 'Em Near" of finest manufacture, a Spanish waggoner, and a fine pair o' dividers. I also threw in this broken quadrant, hopin' to get it fixed... but I see no need fer a second one. Per'aps ye think we ken melt it down? I don't know as it would be worth anythin' else. :: (Straw lightly taps the sea chest, testing by hollow echo the integrity of the false bottom and its unrevealed contents) :: Er... that be all, I guess. I kinna see th' need fer purchasin' more supplies at this point, but I'll let ye know if anythin' comes to me mind. As fer me weapons, I be bringin' on board this hyar cutlass, this pair o' flintlocks ... they shoot true every time, I ne'er had a misfire, but ye kinna trust them for distance... these other two flintlocks, and this hyar boarding axe. As I said, I have woefully little powder -- just enough for one or two loads in this hyar horn, and these three balls. Now as for this small dagger, I use this for shavin'. Also, ken ye see these notches? I had them filed into the hilt -- they make good wrenches fer adjustin' my instruments -- and the handle has a graduated scale which I use with me charts. So I'd be needin' te hang onto this. It hardly be a weapon on any account. :: (Straw swiftly scans Lasseter's face for any reaction... Seeing none, he continues...) :: Sir, I needs be askin' ye how te get a length of canvas to replace the one I been usin' fer beddin'? Seems that durin' me illness over the past few weeks, I made all manner of sick and filth into it, and no one saw fit to look after cleanin' it. Or cleanin' me. I think most hands ne'er thought I would pull through, and figgered it'd be used for me death shroud and the problem and smell would take care o' isself when we would be dumped overboard. I have burnt me wetched and tattered clothing, and used the spares that I had packed for this voyage, but I still need proper bedding. There seems to be no spares that I have found.... I'd greatly appreciate yer advisin' me.
  10. Mister Quartermaster, ye and I have unfinished business. I have as yet not provided ye wit' me inventory of goods I have aboard ship. Wot be the manner ye prefer? Of course, I have me personal firearms, but I be woefully short of powder and ball.
  11. I wish to report a Pirate Raid. Er, it was technically a Pirate Raid. Okay, maybe not so much... Anyway, last Friday (29 July) my family rented a couple of canoes and rowed down the Fox River. In one canoe were my wife and 16-year-old daughter. In the other was myself, my 11-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son (William the Bloody). My wife kept asking why I was carrying the 10-foot-long bamboo pole, and I kept giving her misleading answers. A few minutes after we were in the water, my son donned his pirate hat, I donned my (fluffy-sleeved) pirate shirt and bandana, and the (4' x 5') Jolly Roger was suddenly flying from from the pole. ...and this was how we went down river. A lot of passing boats (and jet-skis) slowed down to yell "Ahhrrr!" at us, but the highlight was when a paddle-wheel river boat came by. Everyone ran to one side of the boat and took a gajillion photos of us. I yelled at them that we were pirates who "have fallen on hard times!", which seemed to amuse them to no end. Anyway, Pirates on the Fox River. Been there. Done that.
  12. I always bought all my gear from Santelli (http://www.santelli.com/), but they seem to have gone under. Their website is gone, and I could not be more disappointed about it. Blade Fencing is also supposed to be really good, with reasonable prices, but I have not yet done business with them -- they come highly regarded by other fencers with whom I have spoken.
  13. Judge Judy on the telly
  14. My search has ended. Last night I picked up several packs of cards at the mall (And thanks to you all! We did not know that the Revolution edition had been released until I read it here yesterday) The last pack I opened contained my long-awaited El Phantasma card! My pirate armada is complete! Er... still open to barter with all of ye scallawags... I just don't need THAT card anymore.
  15. Here is a strategy which has left me undefeated thus far (admittedly, we have not played too many games, but this has ensured my victory). Send out your huge galleons and other large 4 or 5 masted ships with all their firepower. Get them into the fray. Tie up the upposing armadas. ...but, make sure you have one (or two!) rapid sloops with an L+L movement, and don't burden it with crew. I use the pirate ship Zephyr. While it only has a cargo space of 1, it zips around the board (L+L!) back and forth between my home island and anything in range, bringing back one piece of treasure each time. This ensures money in the back. The ship moves too fast for anyone to catch, and my larger ships handle the brunt of the battles. While a large galleon can acquire larger treasures, my little rapid boat almost certainly guarantees a steady flow of booty.
  16. P.E.W.: It's yours. PM me your mailing address, and give me time to find a stamp.
  17. Not so much strategy, as adding spice into the game... (1) Play on a blue tablecloth. I have a large piece of fabric set aside for this purpose. Personally, I would love a large sheet of plexiglass to lay over the fabric -- more watery. (2) Abandon those stupid island cards. Upload and print full color satellite pictures of real islands and paste 'em on cardboard. (3) Alternately to #2, print/color copy and cut out islands from historic maps (with the old handwriting, etc.). You can Google the image "Treasure Island Map" (here is one) (4) These cards are bulky... I keep all mine in a small tresure chest. It looks cool sitting next to the game. I keep my loose coins in an even smaller (miniature) treasure chest. (5) Wear your pirate hat while playing (this is from William the Bloody -- probably 'cause we did this while playing "Pirates Cove" the other night). (6) Make a sea monster token (or paint a white toy whale), and set up rules for it. Our rules: after every person's turn, roll a scatter die (a die with arrows on it) and a D6. Sea monster moves "S" (short end of card) distance x D6 roll. It stops in contact with any ship. Second D6 roll determines damage: 1-2 Ship loses all crew; 3-4 Ship loses all treasure; 5-6 Ship and all hands and all treasure go directly to Davy Jones' Locker -- do not pass Go, do not collect 200 doubloons. -- I will post some of my own effective strategies when I have a chance to remember them. I am making my kids promise to play me a game sometime over the weekend.
  18. Yes I have duplicates. Yes I would be willing to trade. Hell, I'd be willing to GIVE AWAY a few to make room for more. Extras all from Spanish Main expansion (with # of cards in ship set): HMS Gallowgass (2 - Brit) HMS Plantagenet (2 - Brit) La Joya Del Sol (3 - Spanish) La Repulsa (1 - Spanish) El Duque (2 - Spanish) Darkhawk II (3 - Pirate) Greyhound (2 - Pirate) Commandante Luis De Alva (Spanish) Joaquin Vega / Rogelio Vazquez (Spanish) I am sure some of these are "common" cards, judging by others' "extras" lists as well as what my kids have in their sets. I also have craploads of crew cards, but not neccesarily from every country. Don't offer me no stinkin' islands in trade... WANTED: I am looking for El Fantasma (Pirate ghost captain card; I'll take him from ANY of the issued sets) Any takers?
  19. Perhaps I could have waited for 5 more minutes of searching.. I found a good link on this page: Gwen Stefani page
  20. Crap! The link (posted above) no longer accesses the video directly... I cannot find it anywhere (that is, without paying money to download software). I wanted to show it to my son... can anyone find an updated link? I will post one myself if I succeed...
  21. Blue footed booby (that would be an ocean bird, ye sea-going pirates, you)
  22. So, by default, you see, I've met Sjöröveren, Red Bess (and their powder monkeys), Lady Barbossa, Bilgemunky and (finally!) Merrydeath at the Oshkosh event. And if that weren't enough, I ran into Lady Barbossa and Merrydeath at another event a couple weeks later. And can I just say... you folks are the best. I have known William the Bloody since he was born... but that's a technicality. Looking forward to meeting you others.
  23. Me head hurts... I woke after a t'ree day drunk and found this hyar note pinned to me waistcoat, remindin' me that I'd been commissioned as ship's navigator an' cartographer. ...Stumbling around... gathered my gear in me sea bag.... charts... instruments... astrolabes... Quills... ink... Head still pounding.. Aye, Captain... 'Tis Pete Straw hyar, acceptin'... err... *fumbles for note* ...Er, I be acceptin' yer offer o' commision as ship navigator an' cartographer. Where kin I get a strong cup o' coffee?
  24. Caitlin's birthday is the 4th of July (we have an arrangement that fireworks are blown off, from coast to coast, in honor of her special day!). So we will be celebrating it in a few days... I still have more stuff to make.
  25. My family and I will be there. Don't know when yet, but we will be there.
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