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Everything posted by Pynch

  1. Many fair winds to you Joshua Red for the reccommendation. Just bought the CD...and it's FABULOUS! Now, if'n I can just get the "Cap'n Pike's" Metallica out of the shops hurdy-gurdy, I may even get tae listen whilst I'm slingin' ink today.
  2. I'd suggest either calling the radio station itself or a few pubs about town. Either may be able to point you between the buoys. G'luck!
  3. Try ebay Christine... Every once in awhile I get lucky and find a bunch o things there...or at least links to stores with the stuff I want. Just type in a search under "pirate hat" and see what comes up.
  4. I find that the Vulcan neck pinch, although effective, isn't nearly as efficient as the Vulcan Groin Kick. my apologies...ye canna deal with folks like this in a verbal manner. Hold yer head high and keep struttin' down the road.
  5. Cool n' Gloomy, eh? sort of Pyrate Goth? How bout: Ravens o'er the Gallows Charnal Rhyme Ahab's Wake ....awww...I dunno, I used to play with Highland Sideshow...all bagpipes, no clown makeup. the name always made me thing that folks were expecting midgets in kilts.
  6. ::tosses a purply-blue lobster into Capn'Pern's boot:: Heya Pern.
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