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Everything posted by Pynch

  1. Ah well, I chalk it up as a hazard of the port in which I ply my trade. Not exactly the best of locales and the natives are an uneducated lot. Those coming in from far away lands are a bit more savvy, but they're few an' far between. To compensate me empty pockets, I'm sure to charge em in blood fer original works up front. No sense in this little pyrate lass goin' round wi' holes in her boots, eh? Duchess, I agree...(although I love crimsoncrow's idea of a sign!), it's got tae be given freely, not ordered. As fer yer artists use of his shop as a pulpit...tis' a shame.
  2. As far as price breaks go, my inker never said anything, buuuuut, I think it was the, case none the less. When I took him the design, originally, I was bracing for a four or five hundred dollar tab.....He said he would do it for two. I tipped him handsomely after it was finished. He was all grinz while he was inking it. (I did notice some original work of his on the wall by his station.....pyrate stuff......Hmmmmm) 200 dollars for five hours o work, oh aye...yer artist cut ye a HUGE break! :) And bless yer salty l'il heart fer tipping...cheap B*stards round here NEVER tip, cept fer one, who did so by bringing back a gallon of Sauza and a nice bottle of Red Zinfandel.
  3. ::puts on her computer geek hat, the tricorn with the crossed cutlasses under the apple:: Okay, when you click "reply" and the window where you type your reply pops up, above it there are several buttons you can click to change your font, add a link nd the like. If you click the IMG button, you'll be prompted to enter the URL where your image exists. In other words, your image has to be hosted on another site to be able to post it here. I post mine in PhotoBucket, since it's free and keeps my own bandwidth open. hope that helps. ::removes her "Capn' Mac" hat and shuffles off to her hammock with a mouthful of halloween candy:: g'nite!
  4. Holding fast at 39.
  5. I thank ye Crimsoncrow and aye...finding a good artist is a wonderous thing. I agree wi'yers....there's nothing like a body trusting ye to apply a meaningful, well wrought and permanent design on 'em. I usually give a price break with the work is something I enjoy doing. Sounds tae me like ye've got a fine inker working wi'ye. I'd love tae see yer work if ye've got a pic.
  6. Strangely 'nuff Nigel, I only have a few...none visible without me actually *wantin* tae show ye. I agree...this is one talented crew!
  7. MMmmwwhwaaahahahahahhahaha.... ::twirls her fake moustache with inky fingers::
  8. The moon brings the tides, the tides bring the sailormen...and gaw'd love 'em they came for more work of the nautical kind. Looks like my tribal/gothic/polynesian jolly roger owner wants to build a tribal/goth/polynesian sleeve! Today's offerings: and
  9. gotta have em for me sea chest (aka, my tool chest at work)!!!!
  10. Hey there Wolfy, Well...my only explaination is that a body's tast in art is a verrrry personal thing. What may seem a frivilous waste of dermagraphic acreage to one may be the skin-equivalent of the Sistine Chapel to another. what I mean is, Taz seems a wee bit, well...stupid to me, but may hold a deep meaning for the person getting it. Not all tats are done in good taste using good sense. Some folks just want ink, and could care less what it may be. Some have to have something right at that moment. Others find that a "cute" tattoo is perfectly acceptable for the rest of their lives. I'm pretty happy slavin' fer Cap'n Pike no matter what the person in my chair wants (long as it's somethin' I can talk about at the family "mess"), but people like you, Enigma, Duncan and the like...who really think about what they're willing to engrave on their hides, are my favorites.
  11. ::swoons, passes out and inadvertently tattoos QWERTY on her forehead::
  12. I concurr with Rue...thrift stores are a most excellent place for all sorts of booty. Not just clothing either...beads, jewels, tankards....don't underestimate the treasures you can find. Besides, it's just plain fun diggin' through stuff that isn't yers. Love your suggestion about a Sea Coat darlin'. I never e'en though o'that! ::plots a raid on the ragpicker next to the tat shop on Thrusday::
  13. It's all pretty general, Dutchess, and I'm going by the size of his design (approx 2") in proportion to the arm of a full grown man. A 2" tat on your l'il shoulder is going to look much more appropriate than on his big 'ol burly arm. ::takes a moment to fan herself at the thought:: But then again, we can only tell if Duncan does as Bess suggests, so... Show us yer guns lad!
  14. Your tattoo will work almost anywhere, due to it's size and proportion. If you want to keep most of your ink hidden (which I heartily support, it's like finding a prize in the bottom of the cereal box!) then the back of the shoulder, hipbone, bum, calf or chest are all good spots. If you want to show it a bit more, the arms are a good spot. Having said that, I'd say it's too small for the upper arm (it'll just "float) and I'd be hesitant about placing it on the inner or outer forearm or wrist, unless you already have ink in those locations and said work doesn't hinder your job or social status. Common as they may be, tattoos in these locations are still considered undignified and 'trashy' by mainstream America. You neck, hands and feet are no-nos. Of all places suggested, your chest may be the most painful. I wouldn't even try to go on the stomach or ribcage....ouch!
  15. Cap'n Pike said, and I quote: "When you pay for art, better to have it facing you than turning it's ass your way." Hmmm.... I interpret that as: "It's polite to face someone, to pay attention to that person. Turning your back indicates disdain, my dear Pynch. We approach the art of the tattoo in the same fashion we approach our clientelle, with respect. Now would you like some tea?" Okay, I made up that last line.
  16. My alltime fave is still "Dusk Till Dawn". Tarintino, Clooney, vampires, snakes, gore graphics and a freaky l'il foot fetish complete me!
  17. ACHOOOO!!!!! ::sniffle:: Sorry...l'ergic tae cats.
  18. ::holds her aching head:: Ugh...I think I had a round for all of ye. Although there was much work to do, I managed to sneak in a few BOWLS of grog here an there.
  19. ::does a little happy jig on deck:: Ah...by this time tomorrow, I'll be lookin' at places tae hang me hat and enjoyin a drink or two (or three or four) along the way. Look out Cresent City...I'm making port!
  20. It's not the keel haulin' ye need ta be worried about Pynch It's the floggin' that'll be happenin' before... :) ::runs screaming and covering her bum with a drawing:: I'm ON IT CAPNNNNNN!!!!!!!
  21. Ah...Cap'n...mind that silvery tongue of yers. :)
  22. Equal share of power/influence/whatever. We are opposites in EVERY fashion. He's a Colonel (a real one, not the fried chicken making kind.) in the USMC. He's grounded, lives a VERY grown up responsible life. Unlike me, he does't play, he IS a warrior Me? Well...I'm full on fae. Make my living as an artist/tattooist/bagpiper. I'm a bohemian, an anomoly to his very existance. I imagine, I create...I light fires under his grounded feet. And it works. I respect him to his very core. He appreciates me for the creature I am. Love and romance are grand... but in the end, ya gotta throw your lot in with yer best mate...whomever that may be.
  23. To be honest with ye Charity, I don't exactly know "why". But it was one the first things I was taught as an apprentice was...heads face forward, as in toward the front of your body. Anything facing behind you was considered "amateurish or improperly rendered". Makes sense, if you see your personal ink as an extension of yourself. If the head faces toward your body, it's drawing attention to the person wearing it, rather than pulling the eye away. In some cases, the meaning of the tattoo draws toward the wearer, possibly infusing the wearer with the tattoo's symbolism or charm. make sense? In any case, I'll be sure to ask Capn' Pike "Why" tomorrow...he'll probably take a swipe at me and growl, but it'll be worth it. :)
  24. Rue, Duncan...it's a differn't sort of needle. I'm no fan of the intrusive kind of medical apparatus m'self. A tattoo needle is much less intrusive and although the duration of time is longer, it's more irritating than painful. Usually, your endorphins kick in after about 10 minutes and take the edge off, but by then, your tat should be done Duncan!
  25. Well, damn. I'da stopped in if'n I'd known. I stayed at the BW Lex Park on Friday then spent the rest of the weekend at St Mary's City for the Grand Muster of the 17th C. ::bangs head on desk:: Cripes Hawkins...damned the missed opportunity! I'm equally disappointed that I missed the event in St. Mary's City! Well, a belated welcome to our little port and if'n yer ever down Mary-land way again, hoist a flag, light a fire...let your presense be known. ::astonished...since no one EVER comes this far south!::
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