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Everything posted by Pynch

  1. Ah Firethorn and Siren...yer both eye-patch candy!!!
  2. :deep winsoaked sigh:: Why is all the good stuff so far away? Best of luck wi' yer new endeavor dearest!
  3. All the elements would make for a great looking work of dermo-art. When you think you're ready...toss a message in a bottle my way! In the meantime, I'll post up appropriate works when they come my way.
  4. I'm in far by-gawd-Southern Maryland. Lexington Park, St. Mary's County to be exact. Almost an hour and a half drive south from Annapolis. but I've been known to travel fer a bit of interestin' ink. :) So if'n you ever truly feel inclined to go under the needle, hoist a flag and I'm at yer service. (and thanks for the compliment. Means much coming from another designer/artist. Love the Jack-O-Lantern idea...may have to use that one!)
  5. Glad yer pleased, Captian Mac...enjoy and wear it in continued good health!
  6. Duncan, There be a pressy in yer porthole. (translation: you've got a present in your email.)
  7. I always thought it was Teach...looks like I've got more reading to do.
  8. 'prolly not Cap'n! Oh, sent ye a message in a bottle bout said subject. Look to the waters below.
  9. Which means our Lovely Johnny knows about the proper application of a tattoo, proving that he's not only wondrous to look upon, but he's savvy as well. When you get your tattoo Charity, make sure the head is facing toward your body, not away from it. It's just an old rule of tattooing...heads face "forward". Tis one of the marks of a well placed work of ink.
  10. Isn't the practice of inking skin still illegal in yer waters, Cap'n? In any case, if you don't have an artist you work with, I'd be willin' tae work with you. Just send me a PM or email and we'll talk. ::gets back to work on Pern's art before he keel hauls her::
  11. Well, if creative genius means that I had about a half an hour before it was drawn, then I'll take this here pointy white cap off and scribble "Smarty" acrosst my forehead! :) Coming up with this on the spot was almost a no-brainer...I "click" on an artistic level with this particular client. Besides, I LOVED the subject matter. Thanks Broadside. :)
  12. Many thanks Stinky! Aye, tis my own design. I specialize in custom work and plan to have a sheet of Pirate flash (the stuff that you see all over a tattoo studio to choose from) available soon. Tis a rare opportunity when someone comes in wantin' something more than the stuff off the walls so I figgered I might as well make it a bit more interestin'.
  13. I don't know if it's truly pirate...but the mental images that Adam Ant's "Stand And Deliver" gives me the shivers. In a good way.
  14. Every once in awhile, whilst slav'in away fer Capn' Pike, workin' my inky fingers to the bone, someone comes in that wants something fun. Yesterday, he came in the form of a sailor wanting a "Polynesian-style Jolly Roger, but sorta gothy, tribal, ya know what I mean?" tattoo. So this is what I gave 'him...and he loved it. Some days, it IS worth chewing out of the restraints!
  15. I've got the same problem...only I'm a wee bit bigger than you, a whole size 6! go me. I just saw a nice set of soft thigh high black mocs made by "Sketchers" at a local Rack Room Shoes. Though I was committed to other footwear by my youngest deckhand, I checked out the boots. The sole is incredibly cushy! They we about $50.
  16. Lovely work! Mayhaps we need a "Pyrate Art" section or thread?
  17. I have two...one found at a yard sale of all places and one I bought off an auction site called "Auction Witch". Depending on your tastes (mine tend to be simple), there are many options out there...one being to get yourself a pattern and start sewin' luv. Oh, the auction site is: http://www.auctionwitch.com
  18. Oh lord...no. Never. Ever. I'm a scavenger of sorts...I can sew a proper seam, but I'm lacking in the time to do so, so I haunt second hand stores, auctions, antiques markets and yard sales to satifsy my inner garb whore. Not every piece is always historically accurate, but it's close enough to create a pretty convincing illusion and save a few coins as well. My latest acquisition was a second hand sale of an a lambskin "Underworld" style black corset with lots of nice, shiney buckles paired with two silk gypsyesque skirts, acquired at an incredible markdown from Urban Outfitters and a nice, old gauzy blousy shift bought on ebay for less than $10. Fix it up with stockings, my trusty bucket boots and a few odds and ends collected through the years and Voila!, new garb! True, I'd love to invest in a tailored coat, bodice and nice frilly chemise, but in the meantime, I'll have to satisfy my hunger for more by rag pickin'.
  19. Many thanks... Rue, I'm with you. I like the look. Blackjohn, many thanks...I was pretty sure they were not period, but plenty of things that aren't quite accurate still "work" in the grand scheme of things. Since I'm putting garb together for MDRF rather than working the Kalmar Nykel, I guess I'll toss them in. My final *ansa* is to use my *stripys* for faire (along with the faboo leather corset that just arrived) but forgo them if'n I ever make it to an actual re-enactment.
  20. I'm beginning to *attempt* to update my garb from the velvet tights, thighboots and leather doublet I used to wear and add a few new pieces here and there and I have a question about those stripey stockings that are now popping up all over due to the impending Halloween celebrations. I like them, but I don't want to run about looking as if I've escaped from a badly drawn fairy fantasy and I was wondering how many of you incorporate the *stripes* into your wardrobe and if they are indeed authentic. My thanks in advance!
  21. No worries Miss Bonney...it's lovely and the "Pyrattiness" comes from the inside, ye ken?
  22. Me mum's family hails from Jefferson Parish and my plot to move there is comin' to fruition...I'll be house huntin' in two weekends from now! Dockin' there permanantly is a few years off, but the residence is a first step. I did find this: http://www.neworleansgetaways.com/jolly_rover.htm Not exactly period/fest/faire fun, but hey, it's a day on the water with drinks! Once I get there...I promise, I'll start *something*.
  23. Will, ifn' any of ye are in the waters of the Chesapeake, near the mouth of the Patuxent River...come an' see me... Tattooin' be m'trade, and I'd love to do this on a willin' victi...err...client. (I'm gettin' kind of sick of inking' Tweety Birds smokin' blunts!) Capn' Enigma...your version is hysterical!
  24. God and soccer schdules willin', aye! That's why I'm here...workin' in Pyracy whene'er time allows.
  25. M is for Munchin Mangoes wit me Marine in the Marquesas Moonlight... (hey, it's lunch and I'm hungry)
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