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Everything posted by Pynch

  1. Petee...many of our graven images are up in the "Gallery". What a fine lookin' bunch!
  2. some samples of Kanji: http://www.bmezine.com/tattoo/kanji1.html Get this stuff researched before applying. You could ask for "Pirate" and end up with "Gerbil".
  3. Like I said (well typed) he was a friend, and he needed to "show off " his work........ And his work was good. so it was a "special" price....... Happens all the time...I always cut breaks on things I know are going to be special or will promote my artwork. But I'll charge the bejeezus out of you for a Kanji on the neck. Pyyyyyrate... :)
  4. Now *that* has the makings of a fine and unique piece!
  5. ghetto=maryland?...lol... Shhhhhh Pais...they *think* it's a ghetto, but it's really only Lexington Park.
  6. Oooh...the last septum I pierced, my piercee kicked his feet like he were bein' hung when the needle went *crunch*! Wheeee!!!!!
  7. lol...already broke that "code"...and to be honest...i thought about mine A LOOOOOONG time before i got them. and i have jobs where it really doesnt matter (my current boss has lip pierced in a trendy upscale shop in tampa, not to mention tattoos). i've had a skull n crossbones between my thumb and index for 10 years now and i still dont regret it...i've since added a small pink hibiscus to it. on my neck i have a blackfoot indian design. its on the vertbrae/back of neck. i've actually thought bout getting 2 (one on each side) drawings of indians on horseback (like the kind of drawings you'd see on old buffalo robes) my advice is to think about what design you want....if you still want it just as bad in 6 months...get it! lol Yes dearest, but you're a Pirate. The no-no spots don't count for you. For the general masses, especially those who are previously untouched by needle, I stand by what I recommended previously. I won't touch the hands, neck or feet of an ink free person if it's to be their first tattoo unless the do just what you've said...waited. And that's only happenned twice. Most folks are in too much of a hurry to permanently mark themselves and those that give it serious thought, although a delight, are rare in my neck of the Chesapeake. Aye...Pynch works in the ghetto. :)
  8. For those of you who's ears remain "ungraced"... http://www.stanrogers.net
  9. "Old Maui" and "Flowers of Bermuda" are still on my list of favorites. And that voice....oh my.... His brother (and fiddler) Garnett is still recording and well worth a listen to as well.
  10. Pynch

    Found it!

    I'd do that one gratis just fer the fun of it!
  11. Pynch

    Found it!

    Keep at him Foxe...there are far too many Captains and not enough of Pensioners to keep things interesting. I'm sure he'd be an instant hit. Thanks for all the great information.
  12. Pynch

    Found it!

  13. And don't overlook second hand stores and Salvation Army, especially for those who can barely sew a button. ::points to self:: You can find an amazing array of useful items that can be altered (shirts, coats, boots) and some pretty darned nice accessories! Best thing is...it's inexpensive. Amassing your wardrobe can be a pricey endeavor. Searching the rag shop costs a bit less and it's fun as well.
  14. Siren... Load the thing up on Ebay. I just sold one of my bikes using their service. It was bought outright in less than 24 hours. Sorry to hear your now sour on the two-wheelers. Totally understandable though. I'm just waitin' fer me luck to run out.
  15. Holy Bat Shaped Christmas Cookies...it's a small world!!!! Cinn...it's Cyn (she of the Samhain print yer Cousin Susan bought fer ye). I'm perusing the thread, planning to buy this one for my "need to read" stack...and see your link! Your book is already in my "need to read" stack!!! Just saying 'ello...nice to see you here as well. Too bad our meeting at Suz's shower was so short.
  16. I just read that line with a frenchwoman's accent and was sent into a fit of giggles.
  17. Hoists her tankard (fill with coffee cuz, hey, for me, it's early!) Aye! Though only fer Laaaaate saturday night and sunday.
  18. Love the hook Patrick. I'd be 'fraid I'd put m'eye out though! I'm busy drawin' up Sea and Rivermaids ...suitable for tattoo art on salty types (and to fulfill an illustration project!) 'Ere's one of the girls...
  19. ::waves the ever so offending purple lobster:: How's that for a signal?! Mayhaps be sailin' down on Sunday. Ye'll still be there?
  20. Pynch

    Md RennFest

    Marked and noted...and maybe this year, I'll actually get to meet some of you. (got a little sidetracked last year with old friends and a fascination for my chaps...rolled in on the motorcycle.)
  21. Well, at least I wasn't working with my mouth open. ewwwww.... And after that, the thought of chocolate makes me a bit, errrr...squeamish.
  22. Kinda sick at my stomach at the moment...tis a mix of a rather potent Vintner's Blend Zinfandel and my last client...a rather whiney young lass who, during a lower back tattoo, fired a gunshot of a fart in m'face!!!!! On second though, I'm feeling violated!!!!
  23. After slavin' in Capn' Pike's studio for 2 years I can honestly say I can no longer stand metal. Listenin' to the same Metallica CD over an' over will do that...I'm bleedin' from m'ears!
  24. Working on a faboo swing mix guaranteed to drive my mates at the tattoo studio insane. Right now, it's Queen Latifah singing "I put a Spell On You.". Heh.... :)
  25. Bless you Pais! ::positions herself next to the telephone, crouches and waits to pounce!::
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