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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Ok, where was I? Oh yeah 19 days left.
  2. *sits up from his makeshift bed of sail, yawns and stretches. Stands up and puts on all his gear. Finds his way to the galley and fills his tankard with coffee and makes his way to the main deck. Walks up the ladder to the fore castle and pulls his pipe . He sits quietly on a rail sipping from his tankard and taking slow drags from his pipe.*
  3. Well, its time ta be gettin ta work. *climbs down the ratlines from the crows nest, and begins his daily inspection of all the guns and ammo aboard the watch dog.*
  4. *Trying to get comfortable while lying on top of one of the 18 pounders, he sits up and walks to the center of the main deck, noticing a figure standing near the bow, he looks up to the mainmast crows nest and climbs the rat lines. Once he reahes the crows nest he sits and pulls out his pipe, lights it and starts to take long drags. He pulls out a pistol from his boot and begins to clean it. Statisfied he tucks the pistol back in his boot and pulls out his flask from his belt pouch and takes a swig. Leans his head back and stairs at the stars while letting long puffs of smoke escape his mouth.*
  5. *After all the inspections have been made. on the guns, shot locker and magazines. He walks down to where his hammock used to hang.* Bloody ell, forgot ta stow I did, blast they done hid it. Oh well me sea chest still be in propar order. *Opens the chest and pulls out a small cask of ale, fills it up and makes his way up to the fore castle, where he lights his pipe and sipes his ale.* Ahh thas good.
  6. *stops to look up at the captain* Well, looks like no more mornin dips.
  7. Aye, Quartermaster. * finishes up his coffee and puts away his spy glass. Dumps the ash out of his bowl over ther rail. Walks down the steps to the gun deck, where he passes by each gun, inspecting them thorughly.*
  8. *while standing on the quarter deck leaning against a rail, he slides his pipe from his tri-corn and lights. Slowly puffing on his pipe he pulls out his spy glass and watches the sea.*
  9. No, No, I don't want ta go ta church. * wakes with a start, lifting his head up and looks around.* Musta bin dreamin, swor I heard pipes. Oh well. *rolls out of his hammock puts on his clothes and gear and heads up to the quarter deck, stopping to get his tankard filled with coffee.*
  10. 23 days, I'm countin down
  11. Ok men sponge those guns and bore the barrels, then plug an cover um, I'll go talks ta the Capn bout gettin that rum.
  12. Nice shootin crew. *smilin ear to ear.* Aye, I think ye all be gettin rum, and an extra ration fer ya Mr.Pew. That would av bin two downed masts and a bunch iner side.
  13. Stop callin me sir, I work fer a livin. ON THE DOWN ROLL FIRE!!! BABABOOOOOOM!!!!! *The ship rocks back from the blast, the guns jump and pull tight on the morring rings, as the gun deck fills with thick white smoke.*
  14. Good work gettin those guns ready, Jack. They all look good and ready ta blast those palms. Ok men adjust those guns elavation ta tree degrees.
  15. Nope, Corona on top.
  16. Aye, sir. *Goes down below to inspect the magazines. To make sure there is no bilge getting in and to sift the powder if it needs it.*
  17. *After placing an artilery bucket with the charge, and line stock next to their respectfull cannons, hey goes and finds the quartermaster.* Quartermaster, here be me two pistols and cutlass, with your permission, since I be an officer o sorts, was wondering if I could hold on ta this here belaying pin. * points to his boot, where the business end of a belaying pin is sticking out.* You know just in case, a crew member decides ta get upidty.
  18. Aye, quartermaster. *finishes his coffee and pipe. Goes down below to gather the needed charge for each of the guns.*
  19. *Rises from his hammock and makes his way on deck, while putting on his gear. Pulls his pipe and lights it. Notices a sailor on the shore of the cove hailing the ship and pulls his spy glass. Walks over to the quartermaster.* Quartermaster, appears a sailor be tryin ta gets our attention from ashore. Dont reconize em.
  20. 24 days left
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