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Pirate Petee

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Posts posted by Pirate Petee

  1. often (we) were called up before we had slept half an hour and forced to go up into the maintop or foretop to take in our topsails, half awake and half asleep, with one shoe on and the other off, not having time to put it on; always sleeping in our clothes for readiness;

    Hey... look... a reference to Sailors wearing shoes........ :rolleyes:

    At least ah shoe. So now you only get to wear one. LOL :P

  2. Ahh, I love the smell of a good debate in the morning. Authenticity should be left to the individual, they should be able to back up their kit if they claim it. I mean there is period correct and then there is period accurate, if all of us striving to be authentic were only allowed to use in our kit what we saw in museums and in pictures it leaves the imagination a little wanting.

  3. That's interesting, I thought mass production came about during the industrial revolution in the late 1700's, I stand corrected. Still not quite mass produced as products are today or mass distributed. There wasn't a "Ye old Target or Walmart in every town."

  4. This should be an easy one to answer. First off were the materials to make those buckles available? Yes. Did the technology to make buckles exist? Yes. Did buckles exist during that period? Yes. Now second thing to consider, pirates did not have uniforms, other thing to consider, things were not mass produced as they are today, meaning almost everything you bought and or stole was custom or hand made. Lastly there is no accounting for personal taste. That should do it.

  5. HAHAHAHA! Ok my two cents, I think that some people are taking themselves a little too serious. When it comes down to it we are all playing dress up, or most of us anyway. Twill can have a lot of useful information, but take it for what its worth. None of us have any first hand knowledge of the era, so most info here is an educated guess and nobody can be 100% period correct, because we live in the 21st century. So in my opinion, in anybody's quest for their own pirate persona, ask questions, do your own research and decide on what you think is right and if anyone tells you otherwise, tell them politely to go F themselves because who cares what the think and being free people we are entitled to our own opinions and beliefs. Again thats just my two cents, much love. Hugs and Kisses.

  6. I used to be a part of Pirates of Treasure Cove, was actually one of the founding members. For now my crew and I are just on are own. We didn't go to Ojai last year, due to the fact that my wife was about to pop. So its been about two years since we have been and I can not wait to go. I will definitely say hello Kenneth and to the rest of the pub members that I haven't seen in awhile.

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