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Laura Silver

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Everything posted by Laura Silver

  1. Aye, a potluck sounds splendid ta me. ::digs around in her bottomless bag and holds a bowl triumphantly over her head:: I'll donate me favorite hearty beef stew. Made ta fill a hungry sailor's stomach. ::offers Mary a glass of cool refreshing water:: Ye alright m'dear?
  2. ::joins Tito by the fire and begins to prepare the crab:: I'd love ta, gives me somethin' ta do.
  3. I think I'll pass on the crab meself, Tito, but I will help ye cook some for any who wants it. ::gets up from her rock and wades back to shore::
  4. I wish it was Christine, I wish it was... ::gets up and decends the rock wall, then wades out into the shallow water and sits on a little rock island, lost in thought::
  5. Aye, I hope we get time together too. I'll be home, they boot us out of the dorms for the week so if he isn't home that week I'm driven out to see him, whether or not he wants me to meet his messy roomate and see his smelly dorm! The poor boy is sufferin, he loves a clean room. Perhaps he will get to be part o' me da's thanksgiving, with all us crazy red neck relatives!
  6. ::ties the necklace around her neck so it hangs just above her coin necklace and accepts the flask from Tito, taking a sip:: Plans fer tha holidays... well this year, bein' part o' a divorced fam, is me year with me Da. I think we're going to visit the redneck part o' our family for a few hours, have dinner, etc. 'sides that... nuthin. Sleep? Write my papers?
  7. ::continues climbing the rocks as she looks up at Christine:: No fair, ye got a head start, cheater! Oh wait... yeah... heh. ::looks down at Tito:: Hey slow poke!
  8. Oh, aye Tito, sounds like fun and a good work out. ::grins and gets up, dusting herself off:: Oh my, much revenge needing to be done, eh?
  9. Very true Mary, very true.
  10. Patrick, ye be a wise man, an' it sounds as if ye have already had experience in this area, would that be tha case?
  11. ::nods in agreement wih Tito:: Aye, best to find out where ye stand, tis tough to do, but it's tha best course:: Hops out of the water and dissapears into the shrubbery which triggers a monologe of the shrubbery scene from Monty Python:: Bring us.... A SHRUBBERY!!! NO! Not a shrubbery! Yes! With a little white fence and a path down the middle! A path! A path! Yes a path!! ::returns in a few moments with a large carved wooden bowl filled with a mysterious yummy goodness:: Anyone here ever had Muddy Buddies? They be one o' me sugery addictions! Try one! ::offers the bowl to those around her:: Tis chex cereal covered in melted peanut butter and chocolate with alayer of powdered sugar on top! ::grabs a handful for herself and munches on it as she sits back down::
  12. Oooooo. Mixed signals I had that happen to me with me good guy friend, but it turned out well for me :) turns out he was giving all the signals, but I was afraid I was interperting them wrong and he was afraid to say anything as well because he thought he was misinterperting my signals I guess the best thing is to just be honest and then deal with the consequences.
  13. Ah, Mary m'dear, welcome back from the world of the completly smashed to the world of the semi-sober! Are things lookin' up for ye yet?
  14. Welcome back Tito! ::waves to him until she begins to sink under the water and then decides she needs her hands to keep afloat:: Me and me cousin were very excited to see the snow, we walked out into it at the same time, being the goofy people we are, and our happiness lasted until we had to get all the snow off the windows of me car oh well, all good things must come to an end. I just hope I'm parked on the right side o' the street! And cheers to what ye say about men! ::applaudes and sinks under the water::
  15. Aye, Diego, what Siren said. A man who is comfortable with who he is and what he believes. ::slips into the water for a swim, dreaming of a certian someone all this talk has reminded her of::
  16. Or perhaps a nice ass. I guess it depends on which way the girl is facing.
  17. Thank ye Diego, strong is how I like me drinks... and men too in fact.
  18. ::rubs her face and attempts to take deep breathes:: Aye, I thought that I would take these two nice long articles to use cause they would provide me with more information for my research right? Wrong, I'm starting to learn how limited my sociological vocabulary really is, my dictionary has become me new best friend. On top o' that I am working on remember all the different chemical ions and types of equations. But I just keep saying to myself, if I can make it until this friday all these assignments will be done and I can see me lad again. Tis what keeps me going. ::sighs and returns to her meta-analysis article, attempting to tranlate it into common english so she can explain it to her fellow students who pay no attention in class::
  19. I can't do this, I'm going crazy ::collapses into a pile of meta-analysis studies, extrinsic and intrinsic reward reports, annotated bibliographies, and hand-written sociology notes:: There's no way I can finish this by tuesday AND study for my chemistry test!
  20. ::picks up the postcard and reads it, happy Tito is having a good time, and then takes a small dagger out of her hidden sheath and pins the postcard to a nearby tree so all can see it:: Welcome back Merry m'dear, tis a pleasure havin' ye back among us. ::sprawls out on a flat rock and begins to doze off::
  21. ::gets up and hands Diego a plate:: No need for a barter mate, we're all friend 'ere, help yerself. Although I wouldn't mind tryin' a spot o' yer fine brew... ::walks over to Mary and sits her down, handing her a plate of yummy goodness:: Now now Mary. Will work itself out. Every storm has an end ye know. Now, how about getting some o' this fine food Tito made into yer belly? Tha' way ye at least won't have ta worry so much about the killer headache yer gonna have tomorrow, this'll help ease it a bit. ::waves a kabob temptingly infront of Mary's nose::
  22. ::steals the bottle of Morgan's from Mary and takes a sip before returning it to Mary's hand, unnoticed:: Why Mary, I think ye've had a bit ta drink! perhaps ye should sit down before ye fall down...
  23. ::puts her veil away and plops down in a chair, grabbing a mug of rum on the way down:: Whoo, I'm all danced out!
  24. Oooo, sounds delicious! ::gets up and helps herself to the food then plops down and begins munching, dangling her feet in the water:: Mmmmm, this hits the spot!
  25. ::grins down at Christine and waves her black veil in her direction:: No problem by me, I'm enjoy this, haven't done this dance in monthes.
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