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Laura Silver

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Everything posted by Laura Silver

  1. How do I feel right now? ::crosses her legs and prepares to vent:: Pretty good. Happy to be back out at school instead of down at my cousin's house. I get stressed if I'm out of my element for too long. Behind the happiness is a stab of sadness or perhaps just a light shade of grey because I haven't seen my man in a week and won't see him until this coming weekend, hopefully. I have no way of getting in touch with him if he isn't home, so I can't tell him to stop by and say hi when he gets out of work. Working hard not to be depressed by the foul grey weather outside, and hoping my boss doesn't notice I forgot to come to work this weekend (I clean offices after they close, so there is a chance he won't). Desperate to get another job so I can pay for my car, bills, and food. Behind all this is a general positive relaxed vibe, which believe it or not is thanks to my dad. He sent it my way while he was at a Zen Retreat. I know I know, you think I'm crazy, but I got the message. We're just connected in that kind of way, kindred souls, traveling through our lives together. And now I'm feeling slightly embarrassed as it is not a pirate's habit ta reveal her feelings...
  2. ::grins:: O'course Tito m'dear. But ye know I can't resist respondin' ta it. Zombies? I'm ready! ::jumps up:: I just watched Resident Evil so I've completed me training!! ::sees it's just one and sits down to wait until he gets to the group::
  3. Seems like I'm going to have to pop over here from the party at the hot tub so I can hear it, ye already got me hooked!
  4. And AMEN ta that speech Mary!!
  5. ::glares at Tito:: I would like to clarify at this point that although that is NOT what I ment with VD that having an ANTI-VD party would in fact be a party against VD, thus, the ANTI part. Humph. Now someone give me some rum. ::pauses:: does anyone else see something in the water?
  6. ::comes striding in proudly and announces to the general public:: I have finally discovered the joys of Cap'n Morgan Rum ::grins:: Oh yeah! An' everyone should come to the anit-VD party!! Ta! ::Turns and hurries back out again::
  7. Aye, I'll take ye up on that Rum offer Mary. ::holds out her empty mug, happy that someone has finally offered to fill it::
  8. ::shivers:: No more talk of freezin' rain! ::heats up some cider and then spikes it with her rum:: mmmm. Anyone else want some??
  9. Aye, tis dismal weather we be havin' here. Snow snow snow, then rain all day long and then freezin' at night. Makes it right dangerous outside. ::raises her bottle in salute to Tito, her kindred NYer:: Here's to hoping that 40 degree weather really is coming, like the weatherman said, or at least to no more rain.
  10. ::eyes all the odd behavior at the lagoon cautiously and decides she might as well sit down since she's already here:: memberships? Gollum? ::shakes her head:: perhaps it's only in me head... ::pulls out a bottle of her finest rum and sips happily on it::
  11. And what a good Doctor ye are Doc. Always ready to help.
  12. ::saunters in, mood soaring, and sees Mary's long face:: Oh dear, more? ::spots the fireworks and grins:: Ah, the celebrations are being planned! ::gestures to a large box half hidden in the woods behind her:: Anyone care for a drink? I made sure to get a right nice variety so everyone could 'ave their fav.
  13. Well, I just got out of me History test and I think it went good. I was able to answer all the questions. I was a bit nervous about the English Monarchs cause I thought I'd said the wrong King issued the Domesday Survey, but when I got back to my room and checked my notes it turned out I was right! Hurrah! Now I just have to do the chem homework and lab and take the test! Then FREEDOM! And I set sail for MN to visit me family and get and give some plunder
  14. Here here! Ireland is a lovely place Mary, and if ye dry yer eyes and look around I can tell ye that Dublin has some right fine lads ::puts the bag of ice from Tito on her knee:: Thanks Tito, tis startin' ta heal up, thank goodness, cause I'm doin' lots of walkin' this week moving out of me apartment and back home for a month.
  15. ::looks slightly confused as to what Mary is counting down too but gives her a comforting pat on the back::
  16. A girlfriend? Oh dear. I'm so sorry Mary.
  17. ::lounges in the shadows of the waterfall watching the goings on by the lagoon and glares at the bag of ice on her knee which prevents her from moving, looks up as Mary stumbles in:: Oh dear, another bad day Mary?
  18. Thank ye Tito for all yer wonderful wishes. All I have to do is survive the attack of the finals and I'll be sailin' in clear waters for a month :) ::raises her glass in the air:: I love breaks!
  19. ::grins:: Well, someone's lookin' a bit more cheerful!
  20. ::nods in agreement with Diego:: Aye Diego, tis her decision, and I'll love her either way. I try to tell her that there's no way she can become an animal behaviourist if she drops out of school!
  21. ::pauses in thought, her dagger frozen halfway through a slice:: Me holiday wish... I think it be more of a hope, I hope that me best mate D doesn't drop out of school next year. I hope she stays in school at least part-time and finishes her A.S. degree, instead of quiting and working at Target full-time. ::nods to herself:: Yep, that's my wish.
  22. ::sits down on a moonlight coated rock and, pulling out a dagger, hums a pirate didty quietly to herself and begins to carve a peice of driftwood:: Delicious meal Tito and all others who contributed dishes and company to it. Lovely night out for an evening meal too.
  23. Coquito sounds wonderful ta me! And Salmagundi I've never 'eard of but I'm happy ta try it! ::settles down with her plate near the water, dunking her feet in the cool water::
  24. Food! ::gives Mary a reasuring pat and then hops up to get herself some grub:: Tito m'dear, I'm finally back at school so I'll be sendin' that chapter along to ye. Keep an eye out for it. :)
  25. Oh dear. I'm sorry Mary m'dear. There ain't much ye can do about ye feel. Terribly frustratin' ain't it?
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