Toe Cutter
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Everything posted by Toe Cutter
It's the Surprise, in reality the HMS Rose, playing the part of the Surprise, or atleast thats what it said on the website where I got the pic.
I don't get to the theatre much, too many unruly kids in there, and by the time a movie gets to video I have forgotten about it. I may go rent it tomorrow since I'm recovering from having all 4 wisdom teeth pulled this afternoon. ARRR should have had em out when I was younger.
From Master and commander. I still haven't seen the movie.
"If there's one thing I've learned, it's learnin things never taught me nuthin. And books is the worst!" Sorry I just watched Yellowbeard again
Hum, I have been into the survivalist thing for several years, and could easily go for a long time in the woods with out televisions, computers, video games, cars and such. Survival 17th century style though.... now thats an interesting concept. I think it would be fun just to gear up in true "old school" gear and hit the woods for the weekend. When you do this do you run into modern campers and hikers? and how do they react to you? I think 75% of Americans would not be able to make it living that way. If they were suddenly tossed into the year 1763 they would go nuts and/or starve to death.
Hows about somthin like this Hand... its only 2 inchs longer than this cutlass... you could hack n slash and poke
New Orleans be me wifes home port, and we tries ta make it down there once a year so she can visit wit relatives. If there be some pirate activities goin on down there that might be a good reason fer her ta see some kin folk, an us ta do some pirate stuff.
I think I'm gonna start with one of these. One of the kits that is, and if all goes well I'll get me another one. Then eventually get me a blunderbuss.
Oh nuts! 2 days ago I was lookin at some links on here somewheres an found a really sweet blunderbuss for around $700. well I forgot ta save to me favorites and now I have spent tha past hour tryin ta find it and NO LUCK! So if any body could point me in tha right direction it would be great. and I promises ta save it this time. Also I notice on the cannon sites they wants ya ta fill out a cannon purchase agreement, do the cannons fail regularly? or are they just bein extra safe ta cover their arse?
or you could go to a Ren. fest or other fair, it be where I got mine...... o course I got mine in 95 so I couldn't tell you a price on em wouldn't ya know it, right as I be taken the pic me cat walks by n sticks er tail in tha shot.
Try this one lass, from Museum Replicas http://www.museumreplicas.com/webstore/sea...archresults.asp
I thinks buildin a house like this wouldn't be to hard, an as for people wantin ta play golf well so long as they hit their own balls an not mine it's all good!
ARRR I be like'n yer style Duchess! wink wink nudge nudge :) I got me one o there cannons back when they was buildin the place, pulled up late one afternoon to check it out and a guy was building them so I offers him a 20 for one and he helps me load it up. the barrel be cast concrete and the base wood, but it makes a hell of a yard decorartion.... and when new folks come round me house they always say" COOL you have a cannon in your yard, I want one"
Near me house is a miniature golf course called Pirates cove. It opened around 1990, and I have wanted to build a house like this ever since I first saw it. I think I could do a better job at making it look real. but it still be pretty cool it be surrounded by a massive water feature with creeks, water falls and ponds Arr I would like to build a bigger one for me house with pond and everything. The ship is two story with the last holes of the two courses being on tha top deck. But I would make mine soooo much better....if I could only talk me wife into the idea.....
A real Early 18th Century Ship Exists!
Toe Cutter replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Shipwright
Old ships are cool, and that people still make them is even cooler. The ship was built with donations only!!!!! Damn, i wish someone would donate some money so I could build one :) I would just sell me house and live on the ship! -
Both tha blades I posted are from Museum replicas.
Oh my, I always thought cannons would be expensive, but they aint!! ARRR Me wife is gonna want to kill me!
Well I'm definately goin ta get me a cutlass, and after readin some other posts on the board I thinks a working pistol is in order. I saw those kits on the Dixie gunworks site.... I could do that! never hurts ta add another blade ta me collection, and another firearm to me arsnel
Hey mates anyone know of a web-site thats got pictures of ships and all the different parts of a ship and what they do? Basically a walk through of a pirate or war ship. I needs ta know what some areas on deck and below looks like. If not maybe a really good book on tha subject? With lots o pics or diagrams.
They also got this one... But it be too fancy fer me, I'd be afaid ta get er dirty!
Museum replicas has a nice cutlass, and their weapons r spose ta be "battle ready". I ave several swords & axes from em already an got no complaints. $145 and their store be right down tha road from me work!!
Oh, and when me has time I'll be gettin a pic of meself for me avatar instead o mister death! aaarrrr some more!!
When me first joined a few days ago, me studied tha board fer about an hour jes ta make sure I knew what types o posts went where. The "beyond pyracy" forum is clearly for the off topic stuff, any scurvy dog that can't tell that should be run off tha gang plank!! As fer me, I've always had a love of pirate stuff!! This is the first time I've gotten into the role-playen stuffs, and it's kinda fun. opefully I'll be gettin better at it as I go on. anyway thats my 2 friggin cents...arrrr!
Don't know mate, but I been stalkin round on this planet fer 36 years! Now I jes needs ta know one thing...... when er we going lootin & raidin & plunderin??