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Toe Cutter

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Everything posted by Toe Cutter

  1. I wonder if somebody could write a program for a "pirate" spellcheck? It be pointless ta use regular spell check when talkin like a pirate.
  2. I be havin a non-firing replica type pistol I wear with me garb, but havin a one that worked would be cool . Specially when I go to the gun range, I wonders if ya could trap & skeet shoot wit a muzzle loader? I'll agree thar! 9 times out o 10 when me leaves tha house I be packin[with concealled permit], lets tha bad guys figger out which one I'm not!
  3. Arrr I be wonderin when attending fairs n festivals do ya carry a working arm or non-firin replica? and if ya aint part of the cast in a fair do they allow ya ta carry a real working arm? I know the Ga. ren fest only allows blades that are peace bound, but I'm not sure their policy on pistols n such.
  4. aye was this tha patch ya saw?
  5. Well I got Flogging mollys new album today.... it's missing something... just not as good as their other two. It has some good songs on, but nothing that really stuck out.
  6. Being a powder monkey must have really sucked!
  7. Aye, good points ye have. Being landlocked here in Atlanta I was forgettin bout the tight quarters, I been lookin at gettin a cutlass anyway for my collection o blades. I still say a good axe in the off hand though.
  8. Lord Hughmugus, from the Road Warrior: "I'm gravely disapointed, again you have made me unlease my dogs of war" "I promise you no body, no body gets out of here alive"
  9. I saw them live earlier this year at the Roxy in Atlanta and just thought it was the best performance I had ever seen. They were tight and intense, don't get me wrong I listen to their albums all the time, especially Swagger, I think Salty dog is probably my number 1 favorite song. Getting the new album tomorrow.
  10. Being new here I just got ta wonderin whats yur preferance? and why? I personally don't own a cutlass, though in a real fight I think it would fit my style, up close with lots-o-hackin n slashin! I do have 2 rapiers, I have always thought they made you look more important, kinda noble, that ways ya could sneak in and get the treasure easier. A rapier in one hand and a good boarding axe in the other and off you go!! :)
  11. Flogging Molly is one of my favorite bands, I personally think they are better live than on cd. Arr, but thats just my opinion, which on my ship makes it law! :angry: Dropkick rocks as well!
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