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Madam Macaw

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Everything posted by Madam Macaw

  1. Aye, ye lad look'n too happy to be stray'n! Iffen he does, putt'n the lad in stocks so's his ars be show'n for the boot is a might finer idea before ye be doin' more.
  2. Aye, be wonderin that meself. Either way, be see'n ya.
  3. Will likely be run'in into ye there, be a big pack of me mateys, just follow the sound of hoot'n 'n' holler'n! Or, just go to where the sell'n ale and wine.
  4. Aye, a whole crew of Klingons, eh. Anything involving ale, wine or rum plans to be a good outing. What is the event? Ye planning on goin' to MDRF when the pirates invade to have some fun?
  5. I be glad to grab the lads gold-laden pouch to be buyin' a much needed round of ale, wine and rum for to be helpin' mend ye heart.
  6. Me be attending an all nighter on the 4th and wont be going home until the wee hours of the 5th, so not that weekend. Be meet'n on Opening Day with me mateys?
  7. Me be there with a tankard full, with me mates Blender and Crimson Cosair, to name a few. Opening day, pirate invasion, Oktoberfest, Scottish, and closing. Will be watch'n fer the posts!
  8. Your name Madam Macaw Occupation: Captain's Parrot Ship Name: The Rushing Rogue # of ships you sacked: 216 How you died: In a sword fight Hmm, always knew me was a parrot before.
  9. Aye, you definitely have a point there. Me next door neighbor's kid, Matt, is an only child and gets everythin' he wants. My son (same age) is the smallest of 3 and has grown up learning to share, take turns, clean-up, etc. I had to teach Matt to clean-up the toys before he leaves - he started with telling me he couldn't cause he had to go home right now. I had to teach Matt to share and take turns. His mum would actually take a toy from my son if Matt wanted it - yeah, had to teach her too. Now, you couldn't really blame the kid, cause that is the way he was raised, he just had that "only child" syndrome. It has definitely been a learning process.
  10. Me thinks ye might be need'n a parrot. The bigger the better, and the big uns can snuggle up, course ye gotta watch the beaks.
  11. More than happy to oblige! (raisin' tankard to the lad)
  12. Me thinks that there a blazin good idea! Now, me also thinks ye hitt'n yur tankard a bit early, eh - Madam Macaw!!
  13. Pardon if ye have these links already, but I was look'n for boots not too long ago. I happened to find an awesome deal on ebay - thigh high all leather flat soled boots with lacing all the way up and a panel inside for $26, but seller is done - someone bought the rest off him, no doubt to sell themselves. Here ye be: http://www.baldmountain.net/ http://www.catskill-moc.com http://www.nativearth.net/bootpage.html - beautiful http://www.houseofandar.com - there have been some of these on ebay http://www.sonofsandlar.com/ http://www.armlann.com/ http://www.medievalcollectibles.com/Search...?CategoryID=125 http://store.yahoo.com/ladyorensmedievalsh...hoes/boots.html http://www.imperialweapons.com/costumes/MA...MAIDMarion.html http://www.renboots.com/ http://www.renaissancemoccasins.com/ http://www.sodhoppers.com/ - unique http://www.therealmsfinest.com/Merchant2/m...ategory_Code=FW Hopin' this helped. Good luck to you!
  14. Me think that us crew members that be hitched to a ball and chain, be need'n the drink more!! Drink up to ye good fortune!
  15. Yer crew gonna be there Labor Day weekend? How 'bout MD's pyrate weekend? You bet,i working on a driver home from the pirate weekend at MD. If i play my cards wrong i will very drunk and having too much fun...anyone want to join me Aye - me tankard be stay'n full!!
  16. Iff'n me tankard is full, I am up fer anything! Bout' a certain color sash on me arm? Course, there might hap'n to be other pirates there with the same color on, not being from PP, but hey - might hap'n to be another way to be meet'n new mates!
  17. I know on Sunday it is: Crimson Corsair MoonShadow Madam Macaw Pyrate Phil Blender Wench (myself) I am sure there are others, but those are the ones I know for 100% sure. I think the Jury Rig crew, led by Duncan McGuyver will be there both Saturday and Sunday, but not 100% sure. May want to PM him Me thought Jury Rig crew was out of 'arbor on their vessel?
  18. If ya'l do figure to go on Sunday, I'll move my plans to then....wanna see ya'l both!!! Where might we all meet?
  19. Aye mate! Ready raise the sails at 8? Me own bloke stayin home, so if'n I need a bit o' luvin, watch ye self, crimson! What Madam Macaw wants, Madam Macaw gets!!
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