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Madam Macaw

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Everything posted by Madam Macaw

  1. Happy Birthday to ye lass! It looks as if ye 'r truly enjoy'n it! Is there any Plunder Me Cherry(s)?
  2. Aye, the same could be said about me mate, too!
  3. Aye, that tis a fine idea. Though you need to be train'n the lasses too. Me tankard is a bit empty, so I'll be takin some wine.
  4. I have to say that I had one of the BEST times at MDRF on opening day. Before I even walked through the gates, I was complimented and asked about my new outfit (Maureen will love to hear that). Cap’n it was a pleasure meeting you and the crew, Major Chaos again, and Indigo Jack’s Jim, Queen Rogue, and of course Blender and Marona. Cap’n Duncan officially asked if I wanted to join the ship and crew and my position was chosen (Navigator). “We might be late, but I will get ye there!” When I went out looking for a few children (who didn’t come back to the group promptly), I saw the tall lanky fellow (can’t remember his name) trying to hit the bell at the top of the game, I asked “Now, is that all ye can do?”. He responded “For a fellow crew member, I will try again”. And he hit it – woohoo. I am going to love this bunch. When everyone was winding down, I received my first orders from my Cap’n. I was instructed to “bone” (put a I Got Boned pin on him) the quartermaster’s assistant. He was dressed in a kilt and his wife instructed me to “put it anywhere you like”. Well, knowing that this was Kid’s Weekend and knowing that he was regimental, I just placed it on the front of his kilt. I think some might have been a bit disappointed, but I was a little reserved because of those reasons. I had an absolutely excellent time and can’t wait to go again!
  5. Didn't get up til noon??? I wish I could sleep late on a weekday - damn job! And aye - very excited indeed.
  6. I think it be us, lass. Ragamuffins to the end!!!
  7. Perfect. You might want to quote when answering a specific post though, I didn't know at first what ye be talkin' bout. Course, it is Friday and 20 hours 28 mins to faire.
  8. BTW Blender - ye link for the PARF photos not be workin'. Meant to say something yesterday.
  9. You two can actually plan "play dates" fer ye two mates! Bahahahahaha
  10. 22 hours, 30 minutes!!!! 22 hours, 29 minutes!!!!
  11. I think ye be a good bartender. Course, I will try your conconction and will be bringing some Tuaca beself (shh - don't tell the natives, we will be a'hidin' it).
  12. Sounds good - can't we to be meet'n everyone!
  13. Ahh - now that sounds like a good mix. Though, I might be takin' mine straight!
  14. Iffen you don't have kiddies or other obligations for your time on the weekend and hubbie doesn't mind, do it. I only be goin' about 4 or 5 times this year, and with me mate gettin' discounted tickets at his work, it not be worth it to me.
  15. Aye, me likes a lot o' things rough, but with me liquor it be smooth! ::smiles sheepily::
  16. She was actually quick with a response: "no way around it all weapons unless they are play like my plastic balderblast are off limits"
  17. Now, in speaking with Queen Maggie (former MDRF Queen) at PARF, she informed us that a nasty bloke pulled a weapon on the queen (not her but the current queen at the time), no one was hurt but that is one of the reasons for the no-weapons. Another is something about the queen's daughter being "taken", though it was a joke, but she didn't know. I have asked your questions to a friend of mine that works the MDRF and will get back to you on what her answers be. I was wondering meself about me beautiful bodice dagger I picked up fer a few coins at PARF. Will post when I have answers.
  18. That is a shame, but understandable. Me first mate is forgoing Opening Day with the kids because of tight purse strings, but will hopefully go with me another time, maybe for jousting with some friends. See ya then! I be sportin' all black and red, and of course a lime green band!
  19. What? I missed out on some grog? Arrrrrrr!
  20. Duncan - I sent ye a private email, iffen you haven't already checked it.
  21. Now, you know Blender, sometimes I am a bit aft and hav'n to do things me own way, but on this point, I will concede and follow directions. Might ye be hav'n a piece fer me?
  22. Lime Green it is!! Might be putt'n it on me boot.
  23. Aye - I am for lime green!!
  24. Aye - thank ye lass. I will have to call and find out what they have available and prices and then talk to me mate. Iffen he isn't will'n to go, I might just pitch a tent with the crew.
  25. Hello there lass. Do you know if the cabins have a privy? Or do they have a website I can peruse? If not, I be call'n the number to get more info in order to spring this on me mate.
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