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Madam Macaw

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Everything posted by Madam Macaw

  1. Me thinks, I will be there already with me mates and a full tankard!
  2. Aye, that might be a very fine idea. Me be hav'n to check with the mate you is navigating, but me thinks she will love the idea.
  3. I think me mate might not be up for KOA, but will be meet'n ye all at the pub to be fill'n up me tankard or me bag.
  4. Well, we will most definitely have to bring the crew to you! Don't despair!
  5. Excellent pics Duncan! Yumm on the sacrifices! I look forward to meet'n ye and hop'n to pay me dues for the Juryrig next week.
  6. Well, I went to the store to pillage and plunder and find some other PPs! I bought red ribbon fer me skirt and me hat, and found some nice white PPs to put on me hat so other mateys can see. Can't wait to meet the rest of the crew!
  7. MDRF lost one of it long time booth owners just last night. Ken of the Ken Show, The Museum of UnNatural History passed away last night after a long battle with C--------. (In respect for Ken, who would never tell anyone what was going on, even though we all knew..) For those who didn't know him, but I'm sure ya would recognize him. Ken was the freak standing outside the booth, with the spiderwebbed tunic, black nail polish, black eyeliner, big boots, and all this on a guy in his 50's with a braided blonde beard down to his chest. To quote him directly, "darn, I still can't believe their letting me make a living at doing this." Ken was a real artist, all the disturbing and weird exhibits in the show were designed and sculpted by him. His sense of excellent wit was shown in the the jars of unknown specimens and such. I won't give away the nature of the work, because I would like to challange all of ya do drop by, maybe bring a rose to leave at the "Cursing Well" for Ken, and if ya never been in the Museum, or even if ya have I go back every year and snicker at the exhibits. His family has pledged to keep the booth operating during this season. It easy to find, look for the giant wall of skulls. And my wish for Ken is that he be pickled and put on display somewhere. I know that he would have appreciated freaking everybody out forever............ (Cross-post from Shane Odom with permission)
  8. Aren't you going to be there but working at the kilt shop (think that was it), or do you have to work a regular job and wont be there at all?
  9. PP... Pyracy Pub... Pillage and plunder... Coincidence, or ??? BlenderWench, Madam Macaw - thank ye, M'ladies. Ahhhh, that is most excellent (Blenderwench will love that from Bill & Ted's)!! That was a coincidence, but I am going with it! And ye are very welcome. Iffen I find any good treasures tonight, I might be buying extra for any mate not havin' any. Course, I would have to get a nice trade fer it!!!
  10. Aye - good show!
  11. Aye, look'n forward to meet'n you that weekend also. Me first mate isn't goin' this weekend so he can save me some gold!!!
  12. Aye - hopin' to find some good trinkets fer me coins. Me matey even asked about season tickets for me - now isn't that a hoot. Though maybe next year. Havin' too much other stuff to do and pay for.
  13. I'll be going to the store today on the way home to pillage and plunder. Iffen I see some stuff for the right price, I will pick up extras.
  14. I'll be look'n forward to meet'n ye then. Did ye only go to PARF on Saturday?
  15. Aye - I'll be there, and probably Oktoberfest too!
  16. Good to see ye! It was truly a pleasure meet'n ye at PARF and hopin' to see ye again at Pyrate Invasion!
  17. EXCELLENT!! Tippin' me tankyard to ye. Next time, hope to sit with you as I was a bit preoccupied at PARF.
  18. I'll be stopp'n by the craft store today to see what they have. Iff'n I have enough coin for two do you want me make ye one too, as I am in deep gratitude over the pic of me matey.
  19. Looks like the matey might a'been caught cheatin, eh?
  20. Nay - there is no such thing!
  21. I am lookin' forward to meet'n up with ye at White Hart. I will one of the loud red-heads with Blender Wench! Wish'n to join the jury rig also. I signed up through the web, but yet to send me dues, so will be talkin' to ye more over a couple of tankards on Saturday!
  22. Is this me wee one with the sore feet?
  23. Sorry, luv, we'll only be thar on Sunday. But then I'm not suppos' t' be postin' meetin' place here, now, am I? I been a baaaad boy. Which one a you wenches gonna spank me now? Oh, my - did someone request some spankings??? Blenderwench adores mine! Iffen ye be up to it (hehe), I can borrow blender's cat-o-nine fer ye! I will try to be gentle, er not!
  24. Okay - I am still trying to compose myself after Sunday and then looking at pics today of that scrumptious big strapping man - okay getting off subject again. I have extra red fabric for a sash - two different reds as a matter of fact. So let me know what the plan is and I will work it out also.
  25. I have bought quite a bit of stuff on ebay and luckily, have only been burned once. I bought a beautiful, stunning bright leather bodice (not period, but I loved it). When I got it, not only was it a totally different bodice altogether, but wrong color too. I tried working with the seller, nothing, went through ebay's fraud (he also copied the picture from another person), did everything I could and nothing. I guess that is one of the risks of buying through them. They have so many items at any given time, it would be hard to catch everything. I Some friends of mine have reported listings with live animals which aren't allowed, but some get through. My advice to anyone buying through ebay is research the seller, the item, their feedback (negative) and go from there.
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