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flintlock jack

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Everything posted by flintlock jack

  1. I've lost count on how many tymes I've watched this film over and over. 'The Wicked Lady'(1945). The scene following Barbara's first excursion at playing the highwayman to regain her family broach lost to Henrietta via the eve's card game. Barbara, being the disguised highwayman in question, is amused by Henrietta's overblown account of the event. Ralph:Are you sure it was this Captain Jackson? Henrietta:Oh quite,I recognized him at once. Aunts Moll & Doll:Is he very dashing? Romantic looking and handsome? Henrietta:Extremely handsome. Barbara:How do you know? Surely he wore a mask. Henrietta:Uh...only a very little one. Aunts Moll & Doll:Did he make any ungentlemanly advances? Cousin Agatha:They want to know if he kissed you. Henrietta:Worse! Cousin Agatha:Worse? Aunts Moll & Doll:What happened? Henrietta:I slapped his face! Aunts Moll & Doll:Slapped his face? Henrietta:I said you may take my jewels but honor no man shall touch! Aunts Moll & Doll:What did he do? Henrietta:Took my jewels. Barbara(sarcastically):And left your honor, how fortunate. Henrietta(slightly rattled at Barb's demeanor):Yes,wasn't it? When I was telling him how disgraceful his behavior was he kissed me! Aunts Moll & Doll:Kissed you? Barbara:From his horse? Henrietta:Uh, well, I... Barbara(more sarcasm):The horse, like the mask, was probably a very little one. Henrietta(rising in annoyance at Barb):Barbara are you trying to make a fool of me? Barbara(gloating in her barbs):Of course not Henrietta, there's no need.(spins away out of scene) This film is full of great quotes and scenes. The remake with Bates and Dunaway is good also(it's actually a remake of this film,not the book the story was based on),but this version is dear to me on many levels. Jerry Jackson:Till our next merry meeting....in hell.
  2. Interesting. I've gotten likened 'from France' messages along the line of 'this is exactly what our school is looking for,please send more information'. The English is written in a very broken manner at best. Looks like they tossed the paragraph in the blender and pushed the blase' button. Demned froggies. Prime fer giggin' they are, sez I.
  3. Here here. A Tyburn jibbet sez I. I would think this falls under the 'no call' type laws. Written and verbal requests to desist are legal proto regarding telemarketers, mailing lists and bill collectors, so why not spammers?
  4. I'm in my late 40s so I grew up watching a lot of TV, but have a hard tyme with a lot of it any more,even the shows I dug as a wee. Can't stand to watch 'em. Petticoat Junction,Hogan's Heroes,Green Acres,etc. Straight out. Can't handle it. There are some I still like but rarely see. Some I've managed from bootleggers: The Buccaneers(Robert Shaw), Adventures In Paradise(Gardner MacKay),Secret Agent/Danger Man/The Prisoner(John Drake!),some of the mid 60s Hanna Barbera(Impossibles/Frankenstein Jr,etc). I love the old Fleischer Popeye and Superman cartoons(any Fleischer for that matter), Gerry Anderson marionation(Fireball XL5/Stingray),Treasure Island(Robert Newton). I still grin when I see that stuff. The 70s were a dark tyme for the boobtube as far as I'm concerned. Could be a generational thing.
  5. I've seen and experienced the faux password messages. I'm a wee confused on one manner though; couldn't spam be considered harassment or invasion?
  6. Interesting incident,Mr Hand. I've never really read or heard specifics in a spammer's intent or objective. For what purpose such effort? Is it strictly to snare unaware individuals for access? Or are there unseen malicious directives? I'm no computer guy so I'm uneducated in the mechanics of the process. Anyone have light to shed?
  7. I spend a lot of energy,unfortunately,on this. Further unfortune is actually eventually finding out. This superpower,I fear,would drive its possessor starkers. Just reading between the lines is probably healthier. My choice would be the ability to tyme travel,but being able to hodge podge different pieces of history together into one destination. You know, big Victorian house, a brigantine in the harbour,spaceship in the garage and a dinosaur in the back yard. Oh yeah, and lots of lava lamps around the house.
  8. Not to poke any one with a stick, but isn't that a form of false confidence? Or am I interlacing confidence with ego(self)? Some have the the false thinking that what they do at their job or even how much money they have(I always wondered why the rich kids in school thought they were so hot shite-they didn't earn the money but acted like they did)has any thing to do with their make-up. A little shallow don't you think? Am I over analyzing? Hmmm... I made my living as a road musician up until I was in my mid 30s. As a frontman and figurehead, it takes a heightened awareness of how others perceive you. The personality baloon was something I had to blow up by myself from relative parts of myself. It was my job and I did it well. Because I can do that or know the clockwork of it didn't build my confidence or ascend any haughty stairs to self awareness. I preached constantly to the others the importance of keeping their head on straight. We've all paid cover charge at one tyme or another. Welcome to your life: pay the man at the door as you're going in. The ability to be truely objective about yourself is a strong and, I think, perpetual tool. Back to point. I'd like to believe that not everyone needs a 'something' to prop themselves up, though a valid point can be made in the 'addiction' references previosly mentioned as there are those who haven't built the ability to cope/grow without their choice of altering substance. Don't get me wrong, I love to drink and enjoy myself, but does it get me through the day or make me 'better'? Does it 'fix' me? Nay, nay and nay. Maybe those 'props' and 'crutches' are just a little harder to see in some. I hate the disappointment of meeting a person who really has it together and finding out little by little they're a train wreck. Confident, but a train wreck. Go figure. I guess the point I'm barely making is that most people I've known who weild the swagger with reckless abandon and put everything on the shelf to peacock usually have some very strange demons dancing with the skeletons in their closet. I think there's a much finer line between confidence and insecurity than most think. Jest me 'pinion, mates. Who do I give this soapbox back to?
  9. Interesting slants. I've heard of and known couples that resemble that dynamic. I'm always amazed when it works. My wife and I are quite a lot alike in many ways ranging from social commentary to personal interests. When life gets the best of one,the other drives. We both have the ability to 'grab the reins' when need arises but never from each other. Wonderful. The 'opposite' relationships seem to spend a lot of energy(that could be placed...elsewhere)on 'fixing' the differences. Makes me tired just being around it. As long as it works, I guess.
  10. Interesting and valid points all, Car, though I wonder often if the isms are so black and white. Both indifference and lack of pertenant knowledge influence reaction. Why are homophobes so enraged by the 'alternate' lifestyles? It's simple to discount such behavior as a 'threat' or the cliche 'threatening one's sexuality'. How about someone just having,quite simply,a different point of view? I don't get why the 'alternates' are the way they are. I don't hate them for it, or wanna beat the shite out of them every tyme I see such lifestyle(of course,someone laying a hand on my wife is a different matter and would prompt such 'irrational' behavior). I,simply put, just don't get their choice of it. My thinking is 'why would I want to be with a guy when I can be with a gorgous female'? Does that,under present reactive pigeonholing make me a homophobe? I just shake my head and go on. Though I must say,theoretically, in a sole 'banquet of life' mentality I could see someone swinging both ways, though the burden both socially and 'morally'(whatever that is)is a heavy load in these so-called 'modern' tymes. Welcome to the future,now go home. Of course, with the climate so dangerous disease wise(AIDS,etc)there may be plenty out there that would experiment otherwise. Who knows. Same with racism. Is it a race issue or just dislike for unsocial behavior? Deeds say a lot about a person regardless of 'race'. I hate even distinguishing the difference by use of the word. Adds to the fire I think. How about just 'person'. I've often wondered also about the whole 'insecurity issue' bit. Most have been accused of such at tymes. It seems an all too convenient brand at tymes. "He/she is just insecure." Is being full aware of certain dynamics around you and stressed to the max about them make you an 'insecure person'? Does that make both insight and intuition bad things? Wouldn't simple worry and any yearning put you in the insecure box under those guidelines? We've all heard the phrases 'codependent' and 'addictive personality' and seen the extreme examples of them. Isn't the guy relentlessly amassing a fortune from others' tithes and pledges some kind of deviant addict? What about the person who worships the ground their spouse walks on, or the one who dolts and pedastals their children? Addicts? Is the word solely detrimental? Lotta gray in there I think. I like reading your posts. Good rounded insight.
  11. I agree with you on the home front issues. Its a paradox. I took my wife to the airport for her flight to RF2, and basically had to drop her at the curb because of all this religious nut-job nonsense. Family values? I couldn't even be with my wife at the terminal! I am without words to describe how much that absolutely f***ing pissed me right the f**k off! Remember the Steppenwolf song 'Monster'? We're in it.
  12. An interesting idea. The wicked Lady Barbara Skelton I presume? With enough clothes on you and all those around you sworn to secrecy about it you may just get away with it. There's the rub..... "Answers are the easy part.....questions raise the doubt."
  13. Random thought..... Why do we/you go to Faires and Reenactment events? Is it a passion for history? Basic interest in history? A romantic idea of the age? Do you do it to share a common interest with your spouse? If not, would you go without him/her? And why? Is it a dress-up social event? Or a carnival type endeavor? How long have you participated? Do you ever regret getting involved in it all? Is it a hidden part of your personality that no one, not even your significant other, is aware of? Has it helped your image of yourself along the way? If you couldn't go as a pyrate would you attend in other attire? Has it revealed things to yourself or others that are indesirable? Have you ever wished someone hadn't snapped that picture?(......?) Do you display pictures from events in your house? Any favorite one? What, if anything, would remove your interest in it?(careful how you answer that one) Have you ever dreaded going and why? What's the worst/best thing to ever come out of your interest in this? What do you think of those who leave their spouses and/or children at home to attend events? How many of your friends have been met there? Has anyone ever found true love/Mr/Mrs there?(there's a story to tell your kids!) Has anyone ever found Mr/Ms Right Now there?(shameless rogues!) Have I hit any raw nerves with these thoughts of query? The questions posed a little too heady? Let's see.............
  14. A respectful nod to ya Mary, for yer idea is a lucky one that ya think so. I prefer a slender/trim woman(ixnay on the onybay!)of fit and admirable build. Visual proportions a plus but not necessarily the rule. Style and carriage are the jewelry of form, sez I. My wife is it to me, actually.
  15. The weather is chilly here in north texas, in the upper 40s, but not as cold as my 'house' has been the last week.
  16. Wages! I was being slight. Defend yerself? I wasn't poking. You'd know if I was, trust me(and yes my opinions here have been deleted over the years). Haven't you ever rolled your eyes at people who say 'I don't like those bars on the top and bottom'? I've stood in the line in rental stores hearing this and shook my head; "I'm sorry, sir, Doctor Syn is not yet available in widescreen. Please check back with us". You want to say something but just shrug. Ah, the humanity. Take a deep breath, Chloe. We're all on this crazy ship together! William?
  17. Good points all, Wages. 'Blondebeard' doesn't sound too menacing.(wait a minute,I've known a few blon...never mind) Black Bart's known in the right circles. Yer in one. The 'death's head' phrase is usually used in the Nazi camp, just the skull.(come to think of it,I haven't had any skull in...nevermind) Real Pyrates were scary. And smelled. But had a great tyme. The 'Rennies' and the 'garb nazis' will never get along as long as there arses on both sides(moreso on the latter). When I first started going to Faires naked(ya hear that Red Cat?)in the late 70s I had the impression the hardcore 'period correct' thing was the way to go. After meeting some of said SCAers, I didn't want anything to do with them or be remotely associated because of the pompous finger wagging attitude. Card toting donkey butt club supreme. I stopped going for about 15 years. My wife and I decided to start going in garb and met a lot of great friends and a few jerks from both camps. My wife recently fell in with a group/crew of 'period corrects' that she finds are wonderful and not pretentious at all. So far. I'm reactively skeptical from past experience but there are good and bad in both apparently. My bad. Remember why yer there; to have a good tyme and socialize with others who share your passion for history. Check your attitude at the gate. Most historical pyrates had such short careers it's hard to say yay or nay. Were the successful ones those that weren't dancin' on the jibbet? Hollywood borrows and rewrites history because they don't know it. And don't care. I pissed about Black Swan too. Why isn't it in widescreen? Because 'Queen Annes I'm Gonna Get You For What You Did Or I Think You Might Do' doesn't quite have the same ring to it. Trust me,don't take your phone(chainsaw,reading lamp or microwave for that matter)into the shower or thunderstorm. Keep telling yourself: I'm not still typing...I'm not still tyyyyyyyy........
  18. No, demnit, I dont'............rassinfrassin%*&*@#!!!!!!
  19. By all means, Red Cat. Random, Jenny, random! Don't stop! I'm almost at my happy place!
  20. Ah yes, Duval. Mallory Dock(hi Captain Jack!). The Conch Train. Key Aquarium. Papa's house. Margaritaville. Banyon trees. Sidewalk kamikaze rent-a-scooters. Conch fritters. The Funky Pirate. Wasn't that the southernmost chicken that just crossed the road? :) MORE CONCH FRITTERS!
  21. "Indecision may or may not be my problem."-Jimmy Buffett "Travel is fatal to the small mind."-Mark Twain "She says I treat my body like a temple, you treat yours like a tent ."-Jimmy Buffett
  22. Thanx, Shadoes. I didn't realize those Okies were so bizzy. Norman may be a possibility for us(if the 'missus' has the inkling)or Muskogee.
  23. My wife and I attended Muenster/Gainesville's first mini Ren Faire a couple of years ago but never heard any thing else from there since. Are you attached to that in any way? My wife is(unfortunately)in Chicago this weekend so we couldn't have attend the OKC Faire anyway, but I was unaware of this event. Are there other Oklahoma events?
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