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crimson corsair

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Everything posted by crimson corsair

  1. Do you love the smell of black powder in the morning? The pirates invade the Lock House this October 26th and 27th. We will be camping on the grounds of the Lock House Museum Saturday night. So if you have a period kit and wish to join us or if you have any questions let us know. Theskullduggerycrew@yahoo.com.
  2. The Lock House sets on the bank of the Susquehanna River in Havre De Grace Maryland. Come join other period reeanctors from around the area as we loot and pillage the Lock House. We will be setting up camp on Friday evening the 26th. Come join us as in the encampment as we plan our attack around the camp fire. This is a fun event that has been going on for over 10 years and has drawn in reenactors from as far a way as Canada. If you love the smell of black powder in the morning, or anytime of the day then this is the place to be.
  3. AHOY Old friend. Welome to the "Pub"!!! Keep your powder dry and your tankard wet!!!
  4. I smoke cigars. I would like to know if anyone knows at what point did cigars come in to the picture? can I have on around the camp and be period? If so does anyone have any idea what a GAOP cigar may looked like? Thanks for any help you can give. CC.
  5. You know I will be there. I will not be able to much of the daytime stuff. I hope to be at the Square in Fells "Pint" by 4 o'clock. I hope to have my fist beer down by 4:05. If any of you that have been to this event from it's start please track me down. If you can, make sure you do the Ball the Friday night before. Last years was a blast. Having see this grow from a pub crawl to one of the East coast Pirate events has been awsome!!!! Thanks to all those who come out each year and make this a wondeful event. see ya soon. Fair winds Crimson Corsair.
  6. If we find those bidge rats the "Full Moon Marauders" we will hang them from the yard arms by their thumbs and use them for musket practice.. Sorry about that little slit up. Hope you guys don't go to Philly anytime soon. I couldn't do it by myself. Thanks guys form making the trip down and for all the help with the camp. Crimson Corsair.
  7. looks like we will have 2 tall ships in that I know of. The "Lioness" and The Schooner "Fairwell" I can't wait to hear the cannons going off all over town at 10am. I am still working on getting the churches to ring their bells to warn the town of the Pirate invasion that will begain at 10 am sharp..
  8. It looks like a handfull of the Skullduggery Crew will be making it this year. I wasn't able to make last year but a few of me mates did and they haven't shut up about it yet...I guess thats a good thing,unless you didn't make it that its it sharp poke in the side with a rusty cutlass. We are looking forward to it for sure. Crimson Corsair.
  9. Rock Hall Pirate and Wenches Fantasy weekend Update... The Town will have a Trolley that will be stopping to pick people up and drop people off all around town. We like to call it the "Trolley Rogers" This way you can park you car somewhere and enjoy all the town has to offer with out the hassle of driving. This makes bar crawling so much fun.. Keep in mind the town will be closing off Main st.Saturday so people may move freely about the main part of town were you will find the pirate encampment and the most of the vendors. I got to hear the list of vendors and what foods they would be selling....Better come hungry. The food vendors will be mostly be near Main St. and the beach. The encampment will be made up of 4 different pirate crews. totaling about 40 souls. I am sorry to say that all the hotels and B&Bs' in the area are full. The preformers for the Pirates Ball will be Pyrates Royale and the Brigands. Please check out the details at their website. Yours, CC http://www.rockhallpirates.com/
  10. Lady Browr, There is some space left. The camp will be a period style camp. There is no fee for the camp. You are wecome to join us. That goes for the others of the Half Moon Marauders. I had a great with you guys at The Lock House event last week.
  11. I had a chance to check out the schedule for this years event. There is something going on all over the town all day Saturday and Sunday.Reenactments,shanties bands,sword fights.booze cruises aboard the "Fearless" Black powder demos. cannon fire.Beach party, a pub crawl. and that's just Saturday. If you don't like load noises like cannons ,muskets,and pistols and the smell of black powder than please don't come. If you don't like ladies dressed as wenches than please,don't come, if being in a town over run with pirates and wenches, again,please stay home. There will be a wild beach party Saturday after the dinghy race. So please don't come out if these things aren't for you. If the above mentioned things do appeal to you than you know were to be Aug.8 and 9Th. http://www.rockhallpirates.com/
  12. I have gone to Ft. Fred Market Fair for the past 4 or 5 years. When I park the Jeep I have to try not to run to the vendors like a lillte kid at a carnival. I'm sure I am not the only grown man trying not to look foolish making my way to the first sutler tent. If you haven't been there it is hard to discribe. "A kid in a candy store" is BIG under statement. Be warned bring cash. A lot of the Sutlers are from out of town so more than likely your check will be out of state. Cash is good all the time. most of them don't have wirless credit card readers. Don't get your heart broken like some of us in the past to hear"sorry I don't take checks or credit cards" I will be there Sunday tring to "stimulate the economy"
  13. My voice is gone. My feet are killing me. My ears are still ringging from taking a full broad side from the "Pride Of Baltimore II" in the ship battle from about 60 feet away. My hang over from friday night is finally gone....I CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR!!!!! I had a hell of a good time....
  14. As far as how many Pubbers we are going to have is really had to say. It seems that each year we double from the year before as Capt'n Thighbitter can tell you as He and his crew has joined us at our 2nd annual Baltimore Pyrate Inavasion. last year we had 500 peolpe buy the pub crawl buttons and we sold out in about one hour of so. that wes 500 buttons. Plus all the people that just came out with out with out buying a button. I would bet there were over 600 pirates plundering there way around Fells Point I'm sure the weather may play a big roll in the amount of people we have as well. 72 and sunny.
  15. I can't wait to see your booth. I will have to make it a "POINT" to stop by...
  16. Here is the list of some bars and pubs that are have food and drink specials. just scroll about half way down the page for the list. Also there are still tickets from the "Soiree" Friday night!!! http://www.fellspointmainstreet.org/soiree.html
  17. Is there a limit to the amount of tickets you can buy for the raffle??
  18. Awesome! Whenever I try and go to the Invasion website all I get is a white screen, is that going to be updated soon? That website was put together by "The BlenderWench" as she did the website stuff for the first 3 Invasions. Fells Point took the helm on the invasion this year. There was no need for her to continue up keep on it. Sorry if that was misleading anyone. Shiver me timbers! Fells Point Main Street Hosts 5th Annual Privateer Day April 18th Baltimore, MD, March 30th, 2009: On Friday and Saturday April 17th-18th 2009, Fells Point Main Street will host the 5th Annual Privateer Day and Pyrate Invasion in Baltimore, Maryland. The nautical and pirate-themed festival kicks off Friday night April 17th with a Swashbuckler Soiree from 8p to midnight at the Frederick Douglass Museum. This fundraiser (tickets are $35/40) includes live music from the Brigands and Craig Williams & Darcy Nair, hors devours in the form of a taste of 12 Fells Point restaurants and complimentary rum from Pirates Choice and wine from Linganore Winery. Dress is pirate attire or black tie, please. Saturday’s Privateer Day runs from 10am to 7pm and features lives music from the Brigands, and Salty Dogs, unique vendors, children’s activities and much more. Other highlights include a Living History Camp at Bond Street Wharf Park, mock sword battle, live parrots and a village wide treasure hunt. Climb on board and tour visiting tall ships such as the Pride of Baltimore and Fearless (complete with boat cruise), Lioness and Lady Maryland. Come celebrate Fearless’ first birthday complete with a cake from Ace of Cakes! The afternoon concludes with a bang- a battle at sea just off Fells Point with the Pride of Baltimore II, the Lioness and Schooner Farewell, recreating a privateer attack on a pirate ship, complete with cannon and gunfire. Come see who will gain control of Fells Point! The evening kicks off at 7:00pm with a Pirate Invasion at over 15 local pubs, featuring Pirates Choice and other drink specials. Tickets are $3/5 and come complete with a button and invasion map filled with specials. Come plunder the point ‘till midnight with several hundred of your closest pirate friends. For more information visit: http://www.fellspointmainstreet.org/privateerday.html
  19. Awesome! Whenever I try and go to the Invasion website all I get is a white screen, is that going to be updated soon? That website was put together by "The BlenderWench" as she did the website stuff for the first 3 Invasions. Fells Point took the helm on the invasion this year. There was no need for her to continue up keep on it. Sorry if that was misleading anyone.
  20. We have another meetng tonight so I hope to have some more details for you soon. Crimson
  21. This is a great event. The whole town gets involved. The beach party is incredible!!! The Pirate Ball was awesome last year. I can only imagine what this year is going to be like. There will be another pirate style pub crawl as well as an expanded pirate camp this year. I will keep you pirates that are hugry for action posted. As details about this years event come over the horizon I will be sure to post them here!!! Crimson Corsair. http://www.rockhallpirates.com/
  22. I had a hell of a time with you Last year Q. Will we see you at the Ball Friday night?
  23. I think Ace of Cakes is making a cake for the Fearless Pirate ship for there 1 year anniversary. I don't know if Duff well be there or not.. So Rouge, are you going to the Ball Friday night as well?
  24. Thanks for any help, you should make sure to come out as well. :) We have an awesome line up of performers and Kenny mentioned. Amartia (Local Bellydancer) House of Cadarn Pirates for Sail Ruta Moragh Nina Amaya and Bellydance Delight Awamil Celtic Gypsies Lorelai and her band of pirates will be dancing. We will also have some of the ballroom dancers showcasing their piratical talents as well. There will be a silent auction (I shall be posting details of the items that will be available soon). Please spread the word. :) The food is looking to be outstanding, the music and entertainment out of this world. There will also be mini ballroom and bellydance lessons for those that wish to learn. We are hoping some people will bring their drums so that we can do a drum circle. :) I know that Redjack will be more than willing to lead some rounds of sea shanties. :) Come on out, spread the word. :) The more the merrier. :) Thats kinda funny,"Kenny mentioned" I don't think I have ever seen my real name used here before...
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