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Red-Handed Jill

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Everything posted by Red-Handed Jill

  1. I just got back from the POTC: AWE event and got to see the trailer three times! It's terrific - the third movie is going to be GREAT! I'm just wondering how they got that ship to sail in the desert...
  2. ^ Taking a red-eye to Miami and having a drunk trailer trash slut shriek and cackle her way through the night and the flight crew doing nothing about it. (She was on her honeymoon and proceeded to make out with the guy sitting next to her as her husband slept.) < Hooters? NEVER AGAIN. I think my stomach is going to secede. V Worst restaurant experience?
  3. Why are you watering it down? Is this port special in some way? $$? I stopped by a winery south of me and got some terrific port (paid lots of terrific dollars for it, though.) Haven't opened it yet, but it beckons.
  4. I love El Dorado Demerara. Introduced my mum to it and she really enjoys it as well. Have you tried Lemon Hart demerara (the 80 proof, not the 151)? I like the Mount Gay rums as well, in particular the Eclipse. Makes a nice sipping rum. And does anyone else get intense headaches from Whaler's dark rum? That stuff is a headache in a bottle! For dark rum, give me Cruzan Black Strap rum!
  5. ^ Yep. A number of times. Could be why I have no fear whatsoever about public speaking. < Will be in a parade for St. Paddy's day tomorrow. Lunch will be at Hooters of all places - THAT should be interesting... V Oddest restaurant where you've ever eaten?
  6. Nice pics! I'm partial to this one, this one and definitely this one.
  7. Heh. Tender colonials, eh? Have you heard any of the Salty Dick recordings?
  8. Happy birthday! Sounds like you have everything you need for a great day!
  9. ^ Pirates of the Caribbean, of course! < Weather has been fab out here as well. Supposed to cool down again next week, but I'm enjoying the sunshine right now. V What is your favorite piece of clothing - non-pirate?
  10. ^ Evening. Time to sit back or work on a project. < I'm also up just after 6:00 - and I am NOT a morning person. V Favorite non-alcoholic drink?
  11. Let me know how the Hollywood Blvd. event turns out!
  12. ^ Yes. < Har har William. Reminds me of what a friend of mine said once when going through Customs. He was asked, "Have you been abroad?" and he replied, "No, I've always been a man." V Scrambled, poached, fried or hard/soft boiled?
  13. It's not just the trailer and the movie. If the other events will be like the San Francisco one, there will be a cast member in attendance, piratical entertainment, a costume contest, prizes, etc. And POTC goodie bags for the entertainers - woo hoo!
  14. ^ You could get some festive indoor plants. < Spring means rain and fog hereabouts, so I'm in no hurry... V Do you have an "end-of-winter" ritual?
  15. ^ Want the wisdom of age, but want folks to think, "wait a minute - you're HOW old??" < Most people think my mom is my sister. It always surprises them when they find out she's my mom and then how old I am. V Anything you're looking forward to about getting older?
  16. Considering who co-started the company that manufactured those pumps... figures!
  17. Wow, Rumba. Ya know, they're coming up with new developments for backs and joints all the time. Who knows - in a few years they may have something that will work for your situation and you could be up and about.
  18. I've been really sick lately but have tried to not let that interfere with my walking. Today I'm wearing a pair of pants I bought a while back - a size six. A TRUE size six, not one of those new "resized" sixes that are really an eight. My goal is to get to a small six/large four.
  19. ^ I'm flabbergasted that I made it through my youth alive, never mind the scratches. There was an incident in my 20's with a shark in close quarters that I'm very surprised I came out of unscathed. < When I was nineteen, I dated a guy who lived in a big old Victorian. He and his roommates had a huge party with four live punk bands. It was a GREAT party. They had to throw out the dining room rug after it, though. V Anything about your youth that you really miss?
  20. Barbossa was in the possession of it for ten years, once he had stolen it from Jack Sparrow. Remember at the end of Dead Man's Chest he wondered what Captain Jack Sparrow had done with HIS ship? So each thinks that the Black Pearl belongs to him.
  21. ^ If what I'm doing is already fun, I'm not stopping it. < When I was young, I used to host parties and invite a hundred folks and sometimes up to three hundred would show up. Those were some parties! :) V Wildest party you've ever been to?
  22. That's the same way I cook eggplant! I've served it to folks who said they don't like eggplant and they love it this way. And pressing it is a must! Some friends used a colander and salt, but that doesn't work as well and makes them too salty. I've since converted them. Gotta use paper towels to carry the moisture and salt away.
  23. They both think the Black Pearl is THEIR ship. "Mine!" "No, Mine!"
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