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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. To be honest, I just want something with good movement and I love fringe and tassels and as this is my first attempt at making my own thought I would put feelers out and see what the general consensus is. But thank you for the input so far, gives me something to look into.

  2. I know we have dancers here and I am trying to make my own, however I am having trouble finding a pattern for the belt itself..and where do you find the long fringe, someone suggested Yarn.

    Any help would be appreciated...Thanks

  3. He loves doing it... because his two children, Lily Rose and Jack, ADORE Captain Jack Sparrow.

    Savvey? :huh:

    :huh: Who does not adore Captain Jack? Im keeping fingers crossed for a fourth..Ol Barbossa and Jack...

  4. We have always had Banana Trees, my Grandfathers were nearly ten feet tall and he cut them down every winter and they came back each year.

    My Neighbor has huge trees that reside between our houses, they ar a little over ten foot tall as they are taller than my roof. And they produce the sweetest tasting nanners every year.

    But we are in Texas..they seem to do well down here.

  5. 1232644414_l.jpg

    that's the picture i took after i got my halloween thingie together. i was going to be a dead prom queen last year but it was too muddy and i didnt want to ruin my dress =p so i figured i'd wear that since i had it around =p

    aaaany thanks again for the welcomes :)


    p.s. i've dropped the wig, since i only really needed it for warmth =p

    And quite a fetching lass ye are as well. Aye there be lots to learn here if you take the time to look about. I secretly read Captain Twill a bit, very intresting stuff there, and All the fine stuff in Plunder.

    Again I hope you enjoy and if you have any questions..merely ask...

    EDIT:::::::::::: Hey I have that sword! Was a Birthday gift from a friend of mine...

  6. Siren nodded as Tudor called up and looked out to the ship that sat within the waters, it seemed high to her which would indicate it held no more than necessaries within it’s hold. This would enable it to move fast if circumstances called for it.

    She hid a yawn and scratched at a small cut upon her arm from her run in with Argus and Alan and then lifted her face to the seabreeze before looking back to shore. Drumming her fingers upon the rails of the nest she enjoyed the slight roll of the sea but she turned back to the other ship as well, and bored of watching the Isle let the ship hold her intrest for a wee bit. Down below she could see Argus sitting and wagging his tail all but begging for attention and shook her head at his antics.

    Humming quietly she looked once more to the Isle then let her gaze sweep the coastline and the horizon.

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