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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Welcome Blue Puppy, tis a swell place to learn and lots of good information in Captain Twill. And ye should post a before pic with all your kit now, and then once you been here awhile and have more items added or sewn take another and see how far ye've come.

    Again glad to have ye..Ill take a Diet Coke please...

  2. :rolleyes: Aye I hope for a fourth as well, Would love to see how it all started..and of course why Jack's mother has a shrunken head and Teague is carrying it..
  3. I have read that there is currently a fourth being written. How true this is I do not know, but it would be good to know more of Jack's past and how he worked for Beckett who branded him Pirate and burned and sank Jack's ship the Wicked Wench.

  4. Ok What is the definition of a Fop? I know that the definition of gentlemen would very from person to person. Would the definition of Fop very as much?

    From what I have read I could very much well be wrong but a fop was a man at court who exuded extreme fashion awareness, he wore makeup, and or one or more velvet patches. He was very feminine in his bearing often mincing about rather than walking normally. He was usually the one who started fashion trends was very intelligent and a rapier wit.

    But that is simply what I have read....

  5. I just have to say being a Lady I think I would prefer a man with backbone rather than a fop.. :ph34r:

    Lazarus..have you been messing with the ladies, I think i see a hole in your hat from a ball...or do my eyes deceive me?

  6. Kendra those are wonderful i applaud you! I so wish to learn to weave, I hate crocheting though and Im wondering if I would get bored with that as well. But truly that is wonderful...Good for you Lass..and keep writing and looking for the Dark Prince of Plunder :huh::huh::huh:

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