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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Hey Jolliet and that would be helpful..as for the first site Cheeky I did find that one and have read some and smimmed the majority. The second site I have really been intrested in as well and always wondered how the women seemed to have so much air...Unfortunately, I would need Hair pieces as well.

    So Where does one find hair pieces and hot to add add them..

  2. I know someone here and I think it was Cheeky who was looking into more infor for makeup...I found this site because I was looking to make my own beauty patches.


    Anyone else have information..and while on the beauty patch how did they attach it to make it stick.

    Gee here I am struggling to not be anemic and look so pale and I find it's fashionable... :lol:

  3. Lacy Shoe

    I found these while looking for shoes yesterday..I found shoes that while not PC was hoping to still be able to use them and Im toying with the idea of adding lace since I found these.

    The caption below the shoe states...This shoe with lace trimming was worn by a Miss Langley during the reign of Charles II, made in pale yellow silk it is embroidered with flowers. Drawing from Greig's "Book of Illustrations of Collections of Ladies Old-Fashioned Shoes"

    And the info is found here...

    The costumers manifesto

  4. Lord knows I do NOT sew well though i try. My grandmother could look at a picture or a dress in a window come home make her own pattern and sew it and it looked just as good. *Now I wish i had paid more attention* a lot of the sewing she did was by hand and her stitches were very small.

    Id have to say that stitches even for a poor person would have to be just as good for a wealthy person because their clothes did have to hold up longer than the wealthy. And from all the repeated patchings, handing garments too little to others,so that they had to be hemmed or taken in or loosened, the stitches had to be small so they would not show all the repeated work...though eventually the more repaired a garment was the more likely to show it's repairings.

    That is just my worthless two cents.

  5. Very lovely Briar, nice to have a pic to go with the voice...Very nice picture..Hmm just a little bit of manipulation and we could have pirate postcards to send..

    HMM possibilities...

  6. aye...the other started off as a tri-corn...but maybe i shoulda ducked more...or kept my mouth shut more around that lass.... :o

    now i gots one fer workin...an another one fer the gentlemans wig.....

    The keeping mouth closed around a lass does come in handy.. :o:o But maybe you should practice your ducking...*grins* But awesome tricorn...

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