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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Coastie Im going to add you..And If yer looking fer a crew..We are trying to get all the Pub members under one...If possible... Im Two moves away from that Carribean Chain... Lily..Ye stole a pig and were caught..Ye have to be careful with the sows they can be such squealers!
  2. His kindness was her undoing and perhaps her salvation, Only William Brand knew the story and he had kept it to himself, saving her ; befriending her. Her voice when it came was very husky. Low with sorrow and grief “My mother was a Courtesan..she was very well known and very wealthy. When..When she tired of that life she wanted to settle down, I was ten when she decided to marry. She trained me to take her place, to be as she was, and I thought it was glamourous, to be able to do as I wished, to not have to depend on anyone but myself. At first things were wonderful, my mother gave birth to a son…Anthony. I was very attached to him, he was always smiling, a quick wit and he was a scamp.” Her memories were warm and loving as she thought of her brother, it was reflected in her voice. Exhausted she let him tumble them both to the sand, he sat holding her as she broke off to wipe at more tears. “When my mother died, my step father ran through our funds, our estates gambled away but for one and to keep that he wanted me to do as I had been trained, to be his puppet. I refused, I kept refusing despite the beatings..then he started abusing Anthony.” Her voice broke and she took a deep breath and continued “I tried to run with Anthony one night when it became too much, he caught us and he beat Anthony to death before me..I could have saved him if I had just done as he wanted.” “I managed to escape..or so I thought, But they found me and Captain Brand came to my rescue, the rest you know.’ She kept her face hidden against his chest, tucked beneath his chin. “I let him kill him and I cannot sleep at night because of the dreams.” She let the roar of the sea call to her, his heartbeat soothe her, his arms protect her…
  3. She paled as he pinned her arms at her sides, and for a moment fear shadowed the depths then was gone to be replaced by a deep anguish "I killed him." she whispered shaking within his hold "I killed him, If I had done what my step father wanted Anthony would still be alive! And I would not...I could not...." She collapsed against him, she hated crying, it was a weakness. "It was my fault." She bit her lip to hide her sobs.
  4. Listening to Andrea Bocelli..One of my fave classical singers..I love this guy http://www.andreabocelli.org/ And debating what I want for dinner...
  5. Furious that he made her feel and then walked away she leaned down and scooped up sand and hurled it at his back, then looked wildly about seeking anything else to hurl at him. Her temper explosive, and yet tears fell quickly enraging her all the more. “How…why did you have to make me feel!”
  6. His words twisted her heart, and as they sat there his body adding warmth to hers as it had suddenly gone cold. The sun began it’s slow climb over the sea and it reminded her of all the blood, and within the circle of that blood a young boy, someone who would never laugh, she would never see his face light up with some jest, or his eyes glint with mischief. Would never know the warm hugs and affection from a wife or his own children..and it was her fault..if she had just done as her step father had wished. A strangled sob erupted, and she rose and began angrily pacing the beach, emotions long held at bay pierced by his kindness and in that moment she hated him, hated that he made her feel the pain, the rage, the overwhelming sense of despair at losing him. “Why? Why do you care!” She yelled at him, eyes like stormy seas, furious as they beheld him.
  7. Totally enthralled in the sea and the approaching dawn she yelped and half rose only to fall back in the sands. He had startled her as she had been quite alone glaring at him for the fright she tossed a handful of sand upon him seeing his grin. Sitting back up she shook her head at his words "Why would you ask that? I was well pleased as I know you were." She arched an eyebrow daring him to refute her claim. 'I just do not sleep well, and I feel safer at sea than ashore." she admitted slowly. She gave a shrug and fingered her bag, lashes lowered to veil her eyes and whatever could be read within them in the shadows. She tossed her loose hair over her shoulder and hefted a stick nearby and began to draw within the sands.
  8. LOL..A wee lil rowboat...I member those days!
  9. Shoot me..Just Shoot me and be done with it!
  10. Unaware that Bill had been awake she shifted her sea bag and slipped out the back door of the tavern and drifted within the shadows that eddied like some beast of the damned as it seemed to swallow her whole. She was cursed with restless energy, a reserve that seemed endless at times and it annoyed her to no end that she could not sleep, haunted by the shouts of her step father, the image of her sweet half brothers face, peaceful in death, and the blood, the accusations that she had caused Tony's death by her willfulness. She gave a shudder and hurried on through the narrowed streets and evaded others that lingered in this time not yet dawn and came upon the church and finding it locked made the sign of the cross and hurried on. She nervously chewed upon her bottom lip wondering what Bill would think when he awoke , reaching a deserted stretch of beach she slipped off her shoes and ambled through the thick sands. Finding a place to watch the ships that rocked in the embrace of the sea she let her bag thud to the sand and quickly followed suit. The winds warm and welcoming, the sand still warm, the sea glittered beneath the starlight that fell. Sighing she leaned back into the sand letting the night sweep over her, lull her into a peace her soul did not feel.
  11. *Enters quietly and sits all alone in the darkest corner* Somehow seems to fit my current mood.
  12. A History of Pirates...Blood And Thunder on the High Seas by Nigel Cawthorne.
  13. The moon that trickled through the curtains illuminated the room to silver and shadow, she shifted to get comfortable and turned enough to watch Bill as he slept. Rising so as to not wake him she moved to the window to peer out at the night and struggled to fight the night terrors that made sleep an elusive beast. She rubbed a hand over her face and with the other hand toyed with a strand of loose hair. The room was cool causing her skin to chill and prickle, the streets were quiet down below, quaint and charming. She let the peace of it wash over her and turned back to the bed, but was too restless to sleep.. Dresses quietly and takes her things and casts another look to Bill and soundlessly leaves. It would be best this way..no awkward moments or feelings to be in the way.
  14. I have to work today..but their are pants in the Crew Vault. I'll be on later to send it to you..and you have a hat to go with your gun now *Grins*
  15. Tis my gang..I made it happen..and decided to not run with hubby on his errand..so im still here.
  16. Dorian you are Quarter Master in the Sea Warriors...I have to run for a bit..May or may not be back on tonight...
  17. I had the funds so thought to help out those just starting..
  18. *Blushes* Hey I like helping out..and I had a helping hand getting started as well. Oh and Lily...I sent you one to many hats...LOL.... As fer the crew ye be more than welcome and I'd be honored to have any...
  19. Well My Crew be rather slim...we could all join under that one...Just a thought..
  20. And a warm welcome to ye withoutaname..Im sure the others will around shortly to introduce themselves. Glad to have ye aboard...
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