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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Eyes flash and she boldly slips about the screen.."And what would that be Capitan?" Winks at Briar...
  2. In Check? But sir I am being on my best behavior I could have followed ye behind yon screen and whispered all sorts of thing into your ear..but I did not...I could have done many things..but I have not....As of yet..
  3. all but purrs then laughs and turns to watch him step behind the screen.."No fun in giving away all my secrets..besides you were to tell me of your adventures first.." Slowly peels the fruit and eats it thoughtfully
  4. You have no idea.. Moves to a dark table and stares out the window at the ever moving sea ensorceled by the twinkle of stars upon the surface.
  5. looks to him with a wicked smile and toys with a lock of her damp hair twisting it about her finger steps around him to take a banana and studies it thoughtfully.."By all means Captian"
  6. Live toys? How intresting Capitan...
  7. Sings softly as she soaks and once the bubbles are gone rises up and dries off...Coffee?????? Hurriedly dresses and rounds he screen hello Jill..what is that wonderful smell???
  8. *Tosses her head amber green eyes narrowed* My bath good sir..and alone...however if you feel the need to wash my back... Turns to Briar, thank you for your aid, it is divine. Moves towards the tub behind the screen and undresses then slips within the warm surrounds with a sigh of pleasure.
  9. Im sure I could guess your thoughts..And thank you..heavy lifting is not fun...
  10. Wait That's my room! LOL But ill let ye and cheeky rest in it..William and Briar think i could have a really warm bath..Feeling a wee bit sore today..
  11. All the way at the top of the stairs and down the hall...last door to the left and closest to the windows for easy exiting.
  12. I would have to say that depends more on the lass than the bed...
  13. *Blushes* It's so much more fun without an umbrella and much more invigorating to boot...
  14. *smiles warmly* Of course ye may Briar..always..thank you for the blanket lass...Tis rainy and cold out and I was out playing in it...
  15. Drags in..im starving...shakes off ehr wet frock and slips close to the fire teeth chattering...
  16. Indeed I do..I react funny to medicines and alcohol so I have to be careful. One time David gave me a hydrocodone and it nearly put me in a coma..Within 15 minutes I was completely knocked out. Scared hubby so bad he thought he would have to call EMS. As for valentines....Nothing..not a thing..Well Haunting Lily said she would be my valentine..
  17. The tumors are causing my blood count to drop enough so that my heart does funny things. But yes they are doing lots of labwork...Poked me twice..one in each arm to pull enough blood for all the tests. Did I mention im terrified of needles..silly thing I know...but I hate getting poked...
  18. I do not think they are supposed to either..I have a call in to the Doc this morning to make sure though..We shall see...
  19. Im a scrappy little thing..Ill get through this too...Hugs
  20. The gentle slap of the water against the ship, the spray hitting her face as she stared out across the open expanse to shore the gentle sway should have been relaxing. Nails tightening in the wood and a low growl caused a masculine chuckle at her elbow and she turned enough to see Ciaran still leaning against the rail. “Wot has ye in such a state lass?” Gritting her teeth she jerked her chin to shore “I hope Miss Smith is unharmed, I do not think I can trust them any further than I can throw them. not only that Why do they wait till our Captain is not here till they come a-courtin'. It just does not seem ....right.” She glared at the Navarra anchored peacefully nearby causing another chortle. “Not yer decision lass..and Miss Smith knows how to ‘andle ‘erself. We best be scurryin’ back up .” As he turned and moved away she tossed her head defiantly sending black tendrils about her like a swarthy flame and narrowed her eyes once more upon the Navarra. Then she whirled away and made her way to the foremast and clambered up. Once settled she let the drift and sway of the sea lull her into relaxing tightly strung nerves. A song, a haunting melody settled over the ship, she sang as she usually did needing to work out her emotions…Argus whined once below then settled against the mast and put his head upon his paws then was soon asleep. Ciaran watched Treasure for a moment then looked down upon those below then he too glanced across to the Navarra and to shore. He shivered once as the song continued and saw one of the new recruits cross himself and glance upwards. With a glare to the recruit he had him scurrying off to some task and settled back to listen to the haunting song before wondering if the other ships too could hear the melody. With a yawn he settled back and kept vigil and as the song ended the ship seemed a trifle more at peace than before, he would swear he had nearly caught a smile as Mister Badger looked to Treasure before looking away and gruffly shouting commands.
  21. Been ill off and on and thought it was allergies/Sinus..So I finally went to the doc with my shiny new insurance card..Thought I would never be allowed to leave. Oh it's allergies on top of the flu and a touch of bronchitis. Then while in the office and he was listening to my lungs he kept going back to my heart with his stethoscope. Finally brought back in the Blood Pressure cuff..now mind you my reading was slightly high the first reading..but more on the low side for me. So he reads it..he has to pump the thing up four times and then he makes me lay down and turns off the lights. A few minutes later he comes back in listens to my heart again asks me how I feel and sits me back up when I tell him fine. So now he checks my eyes..one of which stays dilated. But again for me that is now normal. So checks my Blood Pressure again frowns sits down and has me re lie down and turns off the lights. Still asks me if I feel fine. Now mind you Im wanting to laugh cause I already know where this is going. So I explain about my tumors and my anemia and he checks my nail bed and presses my arm with his fingers to displace the color and see how long it takes to come back..Mind you right now I have very little color to displace. So then he brings in a nurse to perform an EKG upon which shows that my heart is having palpatations. I thought he would admit me right then and there as he tells me my blood pressure is at stroke level...ummm it pretty much stays there I tell him. He cannot fathom how im still functioning, to which I merely laugh..well I pretty much have to or else I might have cried. So he gives me pills for the blood pressure and sends me for lab work to check my blood count and so forth and Im to go back to him in two weeks. After my EKG he was no longer worried I had the flu and a touch of bronchitis as we now had bigger fish to fry. So it's my wee one's B-Day she turned nine and we had a fine family celebration..right before bed I took one of those pills and thought it was the pill that would finally do me in. Made my heart knock so hard it felt like it was trying to escape my chest and had to hug a pillow to keep it corraled in case it tried to. Was up most of the night off and on with chest pain and could actually feel my heart stop a few times. So I made it through the night..Im home again today and though my heart is pounding hard and my lungs burn like the dickens..I feel fine..or rather normal..
  22. They needed to show more images..but nice...
  23. Now that is romantic..lol..Very nice picture!
  24. The seas were calm, the moon making it seem like black glass reflecting thousands of stars overhead. In all the world she did not think there would ever be a more majestic sight than to see such. She gave a deep sigh and heard her name called and peered over to Ciaran halfway down and calling up to her for victuals. She gave a yawn and moved to slowly climb down till her feet were safely upon the gently swaying deck. Stretching slowly she looked back up to the night sky before reluctantly moving from her post and towards Ciaran. Argus quickly scampering at her heels as they navigated through the lines and cables and crew till they moved in tandem. Another yawn caused Ciaran to tease her about sleepless nights and she fought the blush that rose to her cheeks and looked to her feet. His laugh had her own following and she shook her head at his antics. Reaching the galley she soon caught up on all the latest happenings as she took her seat and supped. Apparently three of their mates still missing..Luigi was missing half a finger in a fight…”Dio! il luigi è stato danneggiato….” Luigi was charming and sweet…it was most shocking to hear he had been hurt..but her worries were quickly soothed when all claimed he would be fine and would return soon. Quickly did she say a small prayer and make the sign of the cross before returning to her meal in silence and listening intently slipping argus more than half her meal under the table where he sat upon her feet. There were no further words of the Navarre though talk of Tawny was still prominent as was talk of the shooting upon the Lucy. Speculation was rampant and many were concerned over recent events. She too was concerned and after eating quickly pushed her way from the table and thanking Mr. Gage quickly bounded back up to the decks and made her way over to the rail and stared out towards the illuminated city before looking to the Navarre ,Argus flopping at her feet. She squinted her eyes taking in figures moving along the decks, some at work others like herself at leisure and she felt her gaze drawn to the Lucy and wondered what Bill was up to before tearing her gaze away and focusing out to the dark sea. This night there was no song in her heart, worry filled her…as it did most if not all of her crewmates….
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