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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Hmm Im working on a series of children's books titled the Littlest Pirate, but they will be for children.
  2. You are a Chevrolet Corvette! You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do. Further down the page I took the other quiz as well You're a risk-taker, and you follow your passions. You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. You're not afraid of a fight, and you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. You believe in doing what you love, and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life. Your scores: Talent: 56% Lifer: 36% Mandarin: 56%
  3. i get an error message when I click the link
  4. Aye to the WatchDog and the Captains and Crew! Huzzah!
  5. Jill you are my hero! Yum Yum Yum
  6. Ice cream Rocky road or Pistachio..without the sisters...
  7. Ciaran had advised her to sleep, and she had dozed fitfully, though her injuries no longer felt as if she were stretched over a flame they still felt like a bad burn. She winced as she turned over and lay there for a moment taking in the ship. There seemed to be more activity and she heard the captain order Ciaran aloft. Rolling to the edge of the narrow bunk she sought and found her clothing and carefully dressed. Though the cloth rubbed it was her hand that she favored, for it was used to untangle the man o war from her skin. Moving slowly she made her way out of the surgery and back to the deck. Where was Argus? Glancing upwards she could make out Ciaran, but he had not noticed her yet. She moved towards her post avoiding the curious looks sent her way.
  8. Happy Natal Day Patrick...hope it's a good one cause you deserve it!
  9. To a true friend, I have been blessed to know you and I enjoy our chats on the phone. So sorry to have missed the blessed day but im still thinking about you a day late. I hope it was wonderfully grand and full of friends and family. Big Hugs from me to you!
  10. Thanks Captain! *Big hugs* Hides from Maeve
  11. A hearty breakfast please as I have work till noon then training classes till 10 pm tonight, work tomorrow followed by more training classes till ten pm. Waves to all
  12. William Plunder Me Cherries all about.....And Thanks to all of you..so excited..LOTS of training though...
  13. Happy Natal day!!!! Hope your day is wonderful and filled with all kinds of Treasure!
  14. Happy Natal day!!!! Oh and I got that HUGE promotion with my new job!!!!! So EXCITED!!!
  15. Peering from the dark corners of the room she tilted ehr bottle letting the liquid within swish and swirl and hearing of the lass's name grins and leaves her chair and the polite shadows to make the acquaintance of the lass that has Alder's heart. "Good eve to ye lass, allow me to introduce meself..The Black Syren at your service though me Captain calls me Miss Tribbiani and others call me Treasure. Ye may call me Syren if ye wish. Ray give the lass her coins back this round be on me." Welcome to the Pub lass...
  16. Smiles at Lady Snow of course lass there is always rum...waves over a wench with some rum for Snow. Wot do ye think Captain?
  17. Lady B thinks I should post this one recently taken of me so here it goes.
  18. At this point I have no idea, and now I have a headache to top it all off..lol. Weighing the pros and cons has been intresting...I need this position more than I WANT it. But I have to determine what to do with my wee one if I go full time...I cannot just send her anywhere....Grrr..having kids makes ones decisions even harder to make.
  19. I need something to settle my nerves and soothe my tummy..Im on pins and needles with the wanting of this new position in my company...
  20. Hmm surprise me...As long as it has no bones or fat nor gristle....
  21. Takes her turn sitting at the table the articles before her and toys with the quill in her hand and watches the tavern fill with likely prospects. *Wonders how many of them can be pressed into service* Smiles with mischief...
  22. Happy Natal day Iron Jon, Wishing you many good Plundering's of the day.
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