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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Of course ye may..Now someone bring me a hammer, rough day at work *Sighs and hides under the table*
  2. Afternoon Syren!

    Just popped over to see how ye are doing.


  3. Maeve!!! How are ye darlin??? I have missed you! *Leans over to give her a hug*
  4. Welcome and enjoy the Pub and it it offers though do keep a weather eye on yer purse *Grins*
  5. Happy Natal Day Captain! I hope it was as wonderful as wonderful can be..ye deserve it!
  6. *Grins* Bess is this you and your group?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiGFcYsFk0w
  7. My mexican hairless Max My little one in our tree last Halloween And again the same night...
  8. Bo he is gorgeous! Cannot wait for more pics!
  9. I remember not being able to buy toys on Sundays. The Fall Guy on TV, cokes for a nickel with the old caps that you had to pry off in the ice chest type cooler. Going barefoot everywhere you went, no seat belts...and the book mobile..I could not wait for the Book Faires and the scholastic order forms to come out. Record players and tape decks, even the eight tracks! And being outside doing what kids should be doing..playing pirates!
  10. Places her drink upon a table and rises to move another chair near the hearth and motioned for him to seat himself and goes to fetch him a drink as well then returns and reseats herself.
  11. Captain ye are awesome..Thank ye so much...Goes to stir her drink and then slowly savor it before the fire with a good book..Care to join me Captain as it's slow?
  12. Yummy now to find a cinnamon stick to stir it with..
  13. Welcome QuarterMaster, As ye be new the first rounds are on ye..well not on ye per se but more that ye will be buying them for us..yer fellow brethren *hoists her tankard in his direction* A Plunder Me Cherry with extra cherries o' course.. Seriously though..I hope you enjoy yer stay!!!
  14. Welcome Black Swan and aye keep a close watch on yer purse and a closer hand to the hilt of yer weapon..*leans in to whisper loudly* "That be Pyrates about!" Again Welcome and enjoy the pub and all it's many offerings.
  15. Food glorious Food..what is on the menu....Dumplings please..cannot get enough of that stuff...
  16. Best Wishes and we will keep you in our prayers. I too am hoping it is just shadows on the film and that all will be well with you. If you have need of anything please ask.
  17. Worked for me as well though it is rather slow having to do one at a time.
  18. Ouch, stop it! That Trident is sharp. . .

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