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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Wait..I was possessed?!?! Nay Lily..I am proud to be a brunette....love my dark locks..back in the oldendays when haircolor had meaning..red heads being fiery..dark hair was supposedly a sign of a witchy woman....Though if they come a knockin at my door with a burning torch I may need to borrow your hair then..
  2. Dibs on the CandyCorn!!!! Mine minemineminemine
  3. Wait Im feeling left out here....Bacon..no.....RedHead...no....*pouts*
  4. Boy Howdy another Texan...So where in Texas are you currently..shoot me a pm is you wish to remain mysterious..lol
  5. Thanks for all the advice..I work again today but as he is a contractor he will not be there unless he is working on the weekend which is rare. The axe Isle is right up my alley though..maybe I should just carry one around. D-Day are you from Texas..sounds as if you know the good ol boys rather well *Grins*
  6. Well since I have yet to go I do not know what I am missing..but still Ill cry with you if you like..I wanna go to..*pouts*
  7. No it's Home Depot and because it's a male store Im supposed to not be offended if my personal space is invaded. And because he has done nothing other than kiss my hand. According to the police department here, he has to do something more than make me uncomfortable before they step in.
  8. Happy belated Natal Day..sorry to have missed it but hope it was wonderful.
  9. Was talking to Leigh over the phone, finished what I was writing, took out my laundry and now eating a piece of halloween candy I pilfered from my daughter's bag..Though to be honest..I went out for candy too...In fact several houses thought I was my wee one's older sister so i got candy too..I know i do not look that young..but hey..it was candy and I am a pirate..easy picking's says i...lol
  10. I bet it was a blast for them Black Syren ., and fond memories for you ! I think thats awesome. Oh indeed it was..I loved watching them..I wanted to join in and I wish my dad still did such for my mother always forbid my participation.
  11. Ok I was writing a post up, and watching my two dogs playing outside my window.
  12. Wow..Lovely dogs Wolfhounds..cept they gnaw on everything. And it does too count cause that was what I was doing..Now im reading it and TYPING a reply!
  13. Sorry to hear of your woes Red Bess..i hope they catch them and skin them alive.. As for my customer..yes management knows and so far do not seem to care. He insists I wait on him and keeps asking me out and when I tell him im VERY happily married he says So your husband does not have to know. He kissed my hand, I hand my hands at my side and was standing with a fellow co-worker and before I could disappear he came up and said..I feel Im making you skittish and uncomfortable and I apologize. Being a good person I accepted his apology and he reaches down grabs my hand and kisses it..all wet and sloppy I nearly lost my lunch. I jerked away and told him to never put his hands on me again and walked off. That is just one of many events...I cannot seem to shake him and he is becoming more persistent.
  14. Oi I think I have..tis amazing what a few years of sitting back and watching has led me to. I have an itch that needs to be scratched and Im slowly working my way there. Thanks to all of you...
  15. Welcome aboard Northwest Jack..Since yer buying the first round a Plunder Me Cherry will suffice..as for topics..Hmm...Mayhaps...And aye watch out fer Rumba else yer purse will disappear *Grins*
  16. Just a customer who is making me uncomfortable at work..Off and on for a year now
  17. Just don't look to it for history luv, it's pure fantasy; like LoTR or Firefly Rumba - it's on NBC. Up here in more northerly regions of the west coast it airs on Friday nights (this Friday it's being pre-empted by local sports though, so check your local listings). Ya know I started Hollywood style..and for me to post that..Well I had to re-read..I think Im slowly being converted...
  18. Ummm..Looks about and scrathces her head...It appears you are...
  19. Panicked..Anxious..a wee bit firghtened...
  20. I think my problem with it is that while I may have enjoyed Xena and Hercules I was not aware of how Period Incorrect it was. Having learned so much of Pyracy and STILL learning I think I find it rather boring and can see the falseness, the Hollywood aspect if you will and I think that is why I do not like it. It does not fit with what I have learned..however Im still trying to watch it because it is nice to see a TV sitcom from that era...
  21. Welcome Home Scupper...And I will have a Plunder Me Cherry..extra cherries o course...somethings just will never change..*Grins*
  22. Ok yes I am reviving this and though I could not find the original post this needs to be re-created..though this time it's not for me it's for a wonderful friend..Lady Barbossa..As you know she was flooded this summer in Iowa and needs our help. I have already started a thread and sent from an annonymous donor..but she really needs our aid..Please contact me for more info if you wish to help. To Help Lady B!
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