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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Umm getting ready for work and designing posters for an upcoming event that I am also planning for Father's Day at the Home Depot. Gave my first meeting yesterday and gave all the Department Heads a test and have to grade those this morning and hand out badges to those who passed. Fun stuff...
  2. Unless it sews itself in the near future it's still going to sit there. As for the flesh..well see im a pairate lass and yer a hunter...It might be best that you hide...
  3. Hurls black looks at her sewing all piled up...
  4. Im working on it...it's a slow process and too would have to come up with better garb to wear. And right now the sewing and I are at a standoff..im sure you can imagine whose winning...
  5. Yep I did surprise you..that was fun..I wonder who I can sneak surprise next time..ya just never know where the Syren is lurking...And yes it was truly wonderful to finally speak with you as well.
  6. Offers Maeve a hug a mug of Haunting Lily's secret recipe Hot Chocolate, a warm fuzzy robe with a good book and tucks her into an overstuffed chair afore the hearth, then goes to step out onto the porch and watch the lightning and the storm winds make the sea dance.
  7. As Maeve moved over to set eyes upon her homeland Treasure shifted allowing more room and wished more than anything to be back aloft her airy perch, face to the wind, riding the waves, eager to be at home once more deep at sea. A disgruntled sigh escaped afore she could sequester it and toyed with the hems of her slops hoping the others had not heard. It seemed they had not for indeed Briar had now gathered with Maeve and both had their arms wrapped about the other in comfort and support. Shifting backwards on the bunk she hummed softly to herself and then noticed a book of medicines upon the table near to her and she hefted it and carefully opened it and before she realized it had read through the first chapter at a rapid rate. It was one talent she called her gift…she could read anything and rapidly. Still humming she continued on to chapter two totally engrossed in what she read. Really the mysterious treatments for the human body were quite astonishing…..
  8. Happiest of Natal Days to ye M.A.d'Dogge Im sorry to have missed it but hope it was filled with good friends and family.
  9. These women had been kind to her ashore, and she remembered the shared laughter when she had tossed that wretched cap upon their table. A smile tipped her lips before she growled with frustration. As the women moved about making the surgery their own she let her gaze move broodingly after them. Feeling overwhelmed with the need to help for s’truth she could not sit idle she asked if she could aid them in some small way. She watched first Briar then Maeve turn to her with identical scolding looks and took a small step back before seating herself gingerly upon the cot. She cradled her now wrapped palm and watched the two women resume their chores about the cabin. By now both women had tendrils of hair clinging to their foreheads and could only assume that in their stays, petticoats and skirts they must be overwhelmed. “It helps to dress as I do.” She said hestitantly and nearly flinched as Maeve turned back to her taking in her mans garb brow arched. “Being aboard ship is difficult in skirts…” She broke off gesturing lamely suddenly unsure of herself with these two women who seemed more competent and assured than she herself was. "Thanks for aiding me..and welcome to the Dog." she said more softly and turned away from those all knowing blue eyes to settle upon the porthole and what she could see of the sky beyond.
  10. Has to laugh at that one..No worries indeed..Aye Silkie I have covered our escape from the Pirate Hunter and we are safe...*pinches Sterlings arm* Read please......
  11. Scoots her chair closer...well you'll have to read it aloud then especially now that you told me what it's about..
  12. *Rolls eyes and shows him the cover* See The Hobbit...I love Lord of the Rings.... Lle quena i'lambe tel' Eldalie?
  13. *kicks him and pulls out her book and re-settles herself...* actually I am currently re reading The Hobbit by Tolkein...
  14. Yelps and quickly sits on her book face flushing "How to be a sneak of course." *Thinks nothing better than a good bodice ripper with mystery and mayhem*
  15. A man seemed to stand out in the crowd, almost out of place in his fancy garb, for he bore no wig that she could see but his own natural hair. That and the lady upon his arm seemed to preen and sashay and she was curious about enough to not take note of The Captains discerning eye upon her person. Heavy tread caused her to look up in alarm to see Brenton Lund bearing down upon her and she arched a brow and stood her ground as he met her side and lowered his head to speak in gruff tones before offering his escort back to the Ward Room. Shocked that she was being sent back to the Ward when it was clear they would cast off soon she leaned past Brenton to see if she could find Captain Brand only to discover him turning upon his heel his face expressionless and yet cold. Reminding her of the night he had aided her in that alley, a shiver of trepidation ran down her spine and she could not refrain from a shudder. Brenton seeing the shudder frowned thinking her feverish and spoke hastily of her returning to the Ward Room. Drawing her gaze away from the Captain and briefly back to the Docks she noted that the couple she had been watching were no longer about. Pity she had favored his frock coat. A lick of dry lips and she swung her gaze out to the harbour but could not see the Lucy though the Navarra seemed also readying to make way. Brilliant turquoise gaze locked with Brenton’s own brown gaze and asked “When do we make way..and the Lucy has not returned as of yet?” “Soon Miss Tribbiani now if ye’ll follow me eh?” so saying he swung about and she trailed in his wake almost forlornly. There was nothing more exciting than being at her post and watching a town come into view or leaving it behind. Unless it was a storm upon the sea…with a heavy sigh she followed meekly. Once more ensconced in the room she began to pace still cupping and cradling her throbbing hand to her chest. She had once seen a caged leopard pacing in it's small cage and suddenly she paused likening herself to the pacing beast.
  16. Thanks mcdrago..I know he is but a turtle and I still have my fur people to love..I have two dogs..but Toodles the Turtle had a great character and had a fascination for shiny things. He loved my rings and would follow mymy hand and often would take food from my fingers. I HATE death...
  17. Heartbroken...my daughters turtle a red eared slider just passed away..I took care of him more than she did but now I am waiting for her to get home to break the news..Then we will both be sitting in the floor crying..Why can't life be fair just once....
  18. *sneaks in and heads to her favorite spot deep within the shadows next to the hearth with a good book*
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