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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. aww Rumba..Now that metal image is stuck!
  2. MadL you are a sweetheart and you make me laugh. All that stuff in the bathroom lol...I do wear my war paint..however Im also not afraid to get dirty. I can change my own tire, sparkplugs, clock an alternator, turn rotors and drums and change my own oil. My first date with my hubby was changing the breaks on his car!
  3. Well if you married where your heart lay how can you be faulted? As long as you were happy that should have been all that mattered.
  4. Personally I REFUSE to wear heels and short skirts. I never have wore them and never will and not just because of the scars from my accident. One they are uncomfortable and two I cannot walk in them. I don't like dresses and Im way more comfortable in jeans and a baggy T-Shirt. Do I wear red lipstick..no not as much because it calls to much attention to my plump lips. And yes they are plump. I should not have to dress to get a mans attention, either he likes my personality or he doesn't. If he likes the rest of me as well then that is even better for me. Im not saying I do not like for men to notice and compliment when it's done in the right way, but to out and out stare or make lewd gestures or look at me as if Im a piece of meat he'd like to eat then no Im not flattered and I am indeed insulted. My two cents. Animal all I ask for is that if you speak to me speak to me, eye contact to eye contact and not look at my chest and ask the twins if they would like to go out with you. I think that goes for any woman, we have feelings and thoughts the same as you guys. The gent that comes into my work keeps asking me out, I have turned him down, he knows I am married and happily so and still persists in his foolishness even after I have told him No quite firmly. He still comes in, he has forcefully taken my hand from my side and kissed it, he refuses to let another wait on him. At this point it is just pure harrassment. Im outgoing, Im friendly and I love people, it's who I am and who I will always be, but that does not mean Im "Asking for it."
  5. Small Tirade? Salty you quit hiding and come have fun that is what this thread is for! And no I do not mind a pipe, so come on and lets have fun..Ray a Plunder Me Cherry for Salty please...
  6. Say is that not one of the gowns we fought over at the Tavern?? :angry: :angry: It's grand Cheeky! Cannot wait to see it all together and of course you wearing it as well. Truly a work of art!
  7. A Motorcycle???????????????????? *Hyperventilates*
  8. If that falls through on E-Bay it looks like that guy in Texas still has them available. Those appear to be from the Jack Daniels company.
  9. *Sighs* I have to work today and do not wish to go in..had the flu as well, still have a touch of it. Ahh yes I remember now..Merry did name him! What a great day that was..*grins* Tis a good thing Ray showed up..Plunder Me Cherries Ray..for all the lasses!
  10. I am glad I was able to bring a smile to you, indeed that is an old pic around the Pub and I do believe one of the former Plunder Bunnies termed him Ray did they not Christine? Huggles Christine How have ye been darlin, missing you!
  11. Struggles to not laugh..Pssst...Quartermaster...Were you not aware..*Snickers* That be Ray our bartender and I think he has six kiddies! *laughs*
  12. ROFLMAO...I found one..he's not buff but he's entertaining and tis all we want for a party. Or this one..Who knew men could move their hips like so...*Snickers*
  13. *Sighs* Both are lovely Nell! Thank You!
  14. Decides to throw up a tent Moroccan style with low couches and pillows and softly lit lanterns and stretches out to read a good book with a glass of wine.
  15. Chrispy, I rather like that hat as well
  16. I do not like to be stared at makes me jittery but I think it goes to my being stalked and stabbed. So Im flawed..lol
  17. Hmm..ice cream, something choclate and fudge with chunks of brownie and as for candles..something exotic and sensual.
  18. A gent and a rogue. The many faces we don...Again welcome to the Pub and we hope ye enjoy the many offerings.
  19. Forgive my lapse of manners in not welcoming you sooner My Lady, but I do bid ye a warm welcome to the Pub and if ye are indeed buyin a round I would be honored to share a Plunder Me Cherry with ye if ye can convice Ray the barkeep for extra cherries as he has been most stingy with them o' late.
  20. *Sneaks in and creeps up the stairwell and falls asleep in her room*
  21. Hmm is there not some way to catch him and perhaps sue him over this theft? Or else tie a cannon to his bootstraps?
  22. Salutations good sir and welcome to the Pub I bid thee to wait a wee bit so that others may greet you as is proper afore you take your leave in so quick a fashion. Please will you not join us for a round?
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