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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. She gave a laugh as Luigi teased her about being tied to a chair and as Briar returned with several books and helped Luigi to sit up plumping his pillows Treasure read over the titles and ran a finger along the leather spines lovingly. This she missed, the large library at home seemingly every nook and cranny had been filled. Russian, Latin, Italian, English and some had even been in Dutch and Spanish. She had always kept to that room, it had been her solace. Until her step father had ruined it for her by making sure he was ever present. She had fled the library after that sticking to the stables and the feeling of safety she had felt there though it had been fleeting as well. Sighing heavily she pushed dark memories from her and read off the titles to Luigi and as he chose one she reverently opened the book and clearing her throat softly began to read.
  2. Treasure finally paused and moved to his bedside and once more took the chair nearest him. “I am sure gloves will be found easily, and I can help look if you would like. As for a candle and a book, I am unsure I should request anything after such a ferocious look!” She gave a mock shudder hoping to tease Luigi to better spirits even though he seemed fine. Still she could not imagine what thoughts must be in his head to have lost a finger, how would she have felt in his shoes. She was quite sure she would have been lost in dark thoughts and moods, but Luigi seemed to bear up well, she was rather amazed though she kept such from coloring her face. It would do no good to let him know them in any form or fashion and she would carry on as did he and keep the conversation light and free flowing. “As for books, I was reading one earlier, quite ghastly as it was a medical treatise and..well…my stomach shall never be the same I fear.” She shot him a wry grin and leaned back within the surrounds of the chair and pointed to said book.
  3. As Maeve had long since left Luigi and she alone she watched as Luigi faded in and out with sleep, his body healing in it's own time. She rose from the chair by his bedside and began to pace the room once more her fingers toying with the loose ends of her braid. She had not seen or hear Argus in some time and she was ever curious about what was happening on the other side of the door. What were her shipmates up to? Had there been any word from the Captain. Ajayai she hoped would be found, he had once caught her from slipping in the rigging and she would never forget his kindness. Still it seemed that much was happening and she felt as if she were going crazy in the confines of the cabin. So she continued to pace the wooden floor unaware that Luigi was once again awake.
  4. Rumba that is so AWESOME!!!!!! Im so very glad you are doing better and it's wonderful to have you back on the pub!
  5. Oh wow! He could have stayed here with us if he needed to. Wow that sucks to miss your flight! The airlines should re-imburse you or give you at least half your money back plus more frequent flier miles as compensation!
  6. Oh WOW she is hUGE! how much does she weigh/ She is still gorgeous though.
  7. *kicks Sterling in the shin for laughing at her little dog* Wow that is a BIG cat..can we say Garfield! she is gorgeous though! I miss my calico cat, she was so smart and her colors were stunning.
  8. He's really my pet chupacabra so do not injure his feelings!
  9. From one Texan to another and a fellow member of RTS I hope your day is not just another trip around the sun but a grand adventure! Happy Natal Day!!!
  10. I'm sure he was... we're all just jealous he got to be first... damnation that sounds rather ..um .. questionable... Jealous?????? I just cannot believe i finally met someone from the Pub! Im still so excited! Huggles Lily! And my hairless dog?!?! Meet Maximillian or Max-----
  11. Talked to Lady B yesterday she says they think her computer was infected from EBay so a heads up for those who go there.
  12. Oh most definitely...the trouble we would get into! Yep! Wow how long did you live in Texas and any plans to return? ACK!! Ye mean ye actually let him step inside the door?!? We always talk to Edward OUTSIDE!!! Poor Edward..he was very nice! And he liked my hairless dog!
  13. You are so very welcome! I hope you had a grand time in Texas and next time you definitely have to bring Lily and stay a spell longer. If only I had not just had surgery we could have shown you around. I am so glad to have finally met you and I hope you have a safe flight home. Thanks so very much for stopping by and again it was our pleasure to have you!
  14. I swear Im kidnapping you for the TRF the second weekend in Oct. And yes it was Edward O'Keefe! He just left and we talked of many things including PiP and the TRF in Oct. and so many other things! Lily he is bringing home my gift to you both, and I cannot wait to get your reaction to it. I had an absolute blast and he was so nice...next time though it's going to be Lily! Mwahahaha! Then Im going for William and Maeve and then Kate who can work on sleeves down here and then Sterling for the TRF! Heck Ill just bring the whole Pub to Texas!
  15. Awww Sterling you get well! And William free food??? Will it be nan bread and speaking of which I think I may have found some of that! And my mystery guest has yet to arrive I hope he's not lost..Texas is a BIG state! *snickers*
  16. You are a sweetheart and no tis not Sterling at all...But he is on my list to meet.... William you top my list..one day I shall meet you and the lovely Maeve! Astonishing..for that is my fear too...silly isn't it. We can only be ourselves.
  17. Tonight at 7 pm I am meeting my first ever Pub member face to face...*snoopy dances about* Cannot tell who it is yet..Will tell ya'll after I meet them.
  18. Yay Syren! Hope you're feeling better and better! :-)

  19. I like the one of Lily Hiding behind the tree with that mischiveous grin! That makes one definitely want to come out and play...But truly I like them all.
  20. I have a Titanium rod with screws and nuts and bolts in my left femur, wee could have a club for that as well Oh and Rumba you prolly will not set off any security alarms, I have not done so as of yet and I even tried..was most disappointing.
  21. And here's to many more trips around the sun! Hope your day is wonderful!
  22. Has anyone heard if Rumba has been released as of yet? Im hoping she is at home and resting as she should be and recovering in the comfort of her home.
  23. Well with two captains and one a proprieter I suppose I shall be pampered for a wee bit..*Cues Maeve*
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