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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. LOL Ok Ill take the boys so Silkie can watch them fetch. Jenny I love the design on that pillow and a frozen Plunder Me Cherry, Im in heaven!
  2. *Snickers* I can, and thank to the chair but i do not need a serving boy or two im capable of fetching for myself..though I do thank you grandly for the offer. Not used to being waited on.
  3. Thanks Dorian, it's so good to be home back within the folds!
  4. Ill try to eat as much as possible as I still do not have an appetite...But that looks yummy..Tell Maeve hello and give her a big hug for me, and of course the wee ones...
  5. Thanks Captain, Tis good to be back! Hugs
  6. Aww thanks guys *huggles her new pirate teddy bear with glee* I missed you all but phone calls helped keep me grounded and chicken soup will be well met. Thanks William. Oh and just on a funny note, all of you know how nervous I was going in..well I asked what my blood type was when having my transfusion and you'll never guess what it was...B Positive..get it? Just what all of you were telling me to be..if that was not a sign all of you was with me then I don't know what else it could have been. Hugs to all of you! Ill still be hit or miss as I recover..but Im home now..
  7. Im OUT!!! Was released yesterday and Im feeling ok, still with lots of pain and movement is slow *which annoys me to no end* But Im home! I did have complications, Doc said i was a bleeder on the table *not good* and lost some blood. Then did not wake up from the surgery well so it took some time to get me to a room *Thanks to all those who called and yes groggy Syren remembers lol* then was told my blood count continued to drop overnight leading them to believe I may have to go for another surgery as I had some internal bleeding so they gave me a transfusion to watch the blood count and of course it did not stabilize much but fell again, then I developed a fever for two days and they watched that and fed me antibiotics like crazy. I did gain a reputation while I was there as being unstickable! They could not find my veins and having them dig for them was not easy for me, it hurt like hell and I wanted to kick a few of them especially when they brought a novice in training to stick me and she dug about till I really thought I was going to hurt her. *so not like me* But in my defense it hurt and im terrified of needles. So my arms are lovely shades of blacks and blues and purples with a hint of green here and there, just in time for St. Patrick's Day! Then I got in trouble with my nurse for tidying my room, by the look on her face you would have thought I was robbing the National Treasury! *Grins, ok bad because Im a wee bit stubborn, but all this stuff was on my tray and I could not see my lovely flowers!* Thanks to ALL who called me, again I remember each one of you! Thanks to Leigh, Captain Sterling and the Crewe of the Archangel for the lovely flowers! But most of all thanks to all of you who posted in this thread and Long Tom I think it's great you donated blood because i ended up having a second transfusion before I was allowed to come home. I know there is more I should be saying but Im tired and need to rest so will leave shortly for such. But just wanted you to know that I thank each one of you...love you all! Syren
  8. Rumba I was just released myself and wanted to post something for you, if I had your number I would have called you. I hope that all went well for you and that your recovery is speedy and painless. Take care and if you need anything please let me know. best wishes always, Syren
  9. Best wishes for a speedy recovery lass. Yaaaar!

  10. Ohhh Ill help ya Rats! I cannot frenchbraid but I can wax! And then all you would need to go with your mantua would be a wig and a fontage!
  11. Thanks for all the well wishes, I probably will not be on again tonight as I have much to do to get the house ready while I am away. And it will be too early in the morn for me to post before I leave. I'll miss you all...And Brig we shall definitely get together one day for some mischief! Take care all of you, Syren
  12. Wow..Im so sorry to hear that. Times are tough here to, I was only getting eight hours a week but at least it's a job. Ill keep you in my prayers that things turn around for you. Blessings, Syren
  13. I too have heard rumor of a fourth but have heard nothing more that maybe. As for a possible $th? We have to remember this is Disney, not History channel. It's geared for family fun and entertainment which is what it provides else so many people would not spend so much to see them. Personally I have watched all three DVD's too many times to count and I love the music and the action. Again it's geared towards family and not PC and they are fun to watch. I would go with a fourth movie as I find them entertaining.
  14. Oh well done, I have not seen that technique afore! I really like how they stand out.
  15. Nervous and getting more so everyday. Hugs to everyone else that is having so hard a time.. Christine let some sunshine in to fill you up. Silkie buy a crazy new umbrella in bold colors with tassels and have fun playing in the rain! Patrick sorry bout them Dishes! I HATE doing dishes! I hope that Jack gets well, and that he gets in to see his Dr. and finds it is nothing serious! A rum and coke sounds divine, but Ill just take the coke if you do not mind...and your hat! *Grins* All the girls were up to 4 this morning running around the house like chickens squeeling and sqwauking and they are STILL here. I think I need a long vacation after this one lol!
  16. Ohhh no......Daddy is going to be just fyne on his own..*Sits back and watches daddy deal with his lil princess*
  17. Im really going to have to lock these gals up in chastity belts! Talk about me learning new things..where do they come up with half this stuff...wait I do not wish to know....Ill just let daddy handle it...
  18. 1) One thing you ate today- Birthday cake 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) -Presents 3) Name of a person you spoke to- Hubby 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see. Haunting lily
  19. Exhausted..I have a house full of ten year old girls and all painting their nails and talking about boys..I tried telling em boys were icky and stinky and mean..but they just giggle and go back to their conversation...
  20. Thanks you guys! and Im sure..or rather hopefully sure *looks worried* that his condolences are really get well soon wishes...
  21. Thank you so very kindly cousin for those words, are you TRYING to get me clapped in irons as well??? And yes Stynky better have a REALLY big book for when I get to PiP!!!
  22. Cheeky quick let us grab a good seat afore they are all gone!
  23. How come Im only now just finding this? *pouts*
  24. As all the ADMIN and MODS are aware I wanted the rest of you to know as well, I am scheduled to have surgery on Tuesday the 17th of this month to remove the tumors that cause me to be severely anemic. It's been a long time coming and im eager to be well again and drive everyone nuts. I will be in Round Rock hospital for a couple of days and I will have someone post room numbers and such when Im in a room. Thank you for all the prayers and support, sometimes that kept me going when I felt I could not on my own. Blessings to all, Syren
  25. Lily those are gorgeous! Well done! Im loving the colors as well, very impressive, told you you could do it!
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