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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. 100 plus and that is not with humidity! Talking about record breaking heat temps which means we will just break last years! *grins*
  2. Huggles lily! I may be painting..I have my muse back!
  3. Im in there now with Kian and blaggardmike and was told I had just missed Lily....so who else will stop in
  4. As her Captain spoke she felt her eyes widen and her lips parted in mute shock, before she could blink he was already vanishing into the shadows of the corridor and she slowly shook her head but felt her lips quirk for surely he was jesting. In all the time she had been with him had he done such, Nay, and he knew of her past. Nay twas more than likely a jest on his part though handsome she would never do anything that would ruin their working relationship. Besides that she had a feeling he had an intrest in a rather spirited surgeon. Tilting her head back her laughter rang out full of joy and mischief and she teasingly called out "Most assuredly Captain!" She continued to shake her head as she made her way over to Ciaran at the rail and asked for the current news. Soon both their heads were bent together as he relayed the day's happenings to her. Still she could feel her face heat with renewed embarrasment over the near accident and Captain Brand's words. Ciaran snapped his fingers before her face causing her to jump and he merely grinned before raising a finger to touch her hot cheek. "Such a blush lass looks like yer all sunburned, care to share yer thoughts?" he asked wickedly flashing her a wink. With a saucy toss of her head she stuck her tongue out at him and made a rude gesture before sashaying past him. He trailed after her towards where Argus lay laughing at her high spirited antics and grateful to see the sparkle in her eyes. It seemed she was slowly breaking free from her cocoon and he for one was enjoying the show. As they passed Alan he joined their group and between the three of them their was much jesting and laughing even as she sat pulling the over large pup's head into her lap. The three of them were inseperable and it was clear that the bond of friendship and trust they held for each other was strong, it was also clear Treasure felt safe with them allowing her wild spirit to run rampant when with them. Antonio watched from his position near the rail until the trio was gone from view, they had all slipped beneath some bit of canvas on deck and he wondered just what type of ship this Captain ran to allow such antics on deck for surely there had only been one reason that she had slipped beneath that tarp. Tearing his gaze away he looked over his men counting their number and satisfied that all were there went back to imaginging the court being held beneath that tarp.
  5. I keep getting tossed overboard out still..does anyone have a dry towel?
  6. Smiling happily and glad she had made another smile she made her way to the galley where Mr. Gage all but ushered her towards the weather decks telling her it was time for her break. Protesting she shook her head claiming he needed her assistance. “Miss Tribbiani as much as I may need assistance tis hot down here and ye need yer break. Twill do neither of us any good if ye fall over in dis heat.” Unable to reason with this bit of wisdom she nodded and moved towards the door and the weatherdecks. Humming beneath her breath she quickened her strides eager to feel the wind upon her face and as she stepped out of the hallway onto the deck she collided with another and nearly fell backwards. Quicker hands grabbed at her arms and as she gained her balance felt her face flush with hot color “Careful Miss Tribbiani, we are not under attack.” Of all the luck…”Thank you Captain, I should indeed have been paying attention it was just……well you see…..I…..Thank you sir.” She went to curtsy forgetting the lack of skirts then feeling awkward and well aware of the commotion and eyes upon them she tugged her forelock "Humble aplogies Sir and Thank you.....for catching me."
  7. Happy Natal day Lass! All the best to you on this most special of days!
  8. I've been here, just not active. Not much time really for forums.

  9. Im in the Austin area let me know if I can help...
  10. A husky and very pleased laugh presented itself to the room at large. Treasure faced Tudor her eyes gleaming with mischief..”Truly lovely, a pixie or some woodland sprite! And tis easy if you but have the knowledge. My mother was well versed in such things and I learned from her and I am pleased to be able to assist you. With so many men and dressing like one it is nice to be able to show them we are still women.” “Besides the gentleman will be all agog and will find themselves tongue tied and I shall be wearing this silly smile just thinking of it.” She grinned then laughs softly causing Tudor to giggle as well. “Now a pinch of your cheeks and add that to the glow already about you and your are pure enchantment. Have fun this evening mi amica and know that you deserve it too.” With a wink and a quick near kiss against each of Tudor’s cheeks she quickly fled hearing approaching footsteps.
  11. Blue green eyes swept up catching sight of Miss Smith and ran a critical but appraising gaze over the other woman. “You still have time to change if it is your wish, though you look lovely as you are.” She smiled but it was elusive at best for having not much interaction with Miss Smith she felt at a disadvantage. Nervously her fingers toyed with her slops and she offered “And please call me Treasure, Miss Tribbiani is really to long to say at times and we are shipmates and should be on more intimate terms.” She gestured at the table a flush of joy coloring her cheeks..”So much has been distressing of late I thought something cheerful would bolster spirits so I am glad it meets with your approval. Coming from you it means much since this is normally your duty.” She stepped back from the table and as she was passing Miss Smith she paused and offered “I could quickly re-fashion your hair if you would like, it would be something simple yet elegant to go with your gown.” Miss Smith eyed her boldy and there was a full minute of silence before Tudor agreed to which Treasure exhaled softly and bade Tudor to sit. As she sat nd adjusted her skirts Treasure unfastened the ribbon spilling the long locks and sorting through them. A simple braid about the crown leaving the rest to fall in long curls about Tudor’s shoulders. “There.” She said stepping back suddenly grateful of what her mother had taught her.
  12. Two things: candy cigarettes. bubble gum cigars. I can't find them anywhere anymore. We have those down here..just saw a pack of cigarettes yesterday..those and the candy lipsticks! However Im with Rumba..good ol Salt Water Taffy. Love the stuff. About five years ago I was turned on to a choclate that goes by Lindt and they have truffles to die for! I miss the PB Max though..those were good....
  13. Welcome aboard! Colorado...not to far from Texas as for the Black strap I shall pass as I am being on my best behavior however I would be honored for a Plunder Me Cherry..Extra cherries o' course.
  14. Placing her hands to her lower back she arched backwards and rubbed at the ache found there and then raising one arm used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe at her sweat dampened face. With the onset of evening it had cooled somewhat in the galley but not enough, she could feel the rivulets of sweat racing down her skin and when breezes made their way like a ribbon that teasingly curled about her chilling said flesh. She was about to continue with her chores when Mr. Gage seemed to become excited and tilting her head she turned and noticed a leg vanishing from the doorway and wondered what she had missed. Indeed she was about to find out for Mr. Gage told her to fetch the serving trays and when she looked lost he pointed to a corner and shooed her that way. Quickly making her way to the shadowy corner she unpinned the simple lock on the cabinet and began pulling serving trays and rather fancy china and silver and setting them beside her. Looking up as Mr. Gage halted beside her she watched as he knelt and began counting out trays, silverware kept to a high polish and other assorted things for a fancy dinner. He motioned her to rise and gather half the trays and other assortments while he took the other half. Rising carefully she quickly trailed in his wake and seeing him setting the assortment out on the trays in quick order upon the galley table she too began laying hers out in the same manner. Startled as he took her shoulder she jumped and looked up at him and as he rapidly gave orders that she was to set the Captain’s table she felt her jaw drop. “Does not Miss Smith do that?” Mr. Gage smiled kindly and said that Miss Smith was dressing for the dinner and that meant that she would have to set the table. Unaware that in the short time they had talked he had walked her to the companionway and pushed her towards the Captain’s quarters. She froze as she stared at the closed door, it had been long since she had set a table..what if she did it wrong? Nervously she dragged her lower lip between her teeth and worried it as she slowly inched towards the door, her hand reaching for the knob. Releasing her lower lip she blew a breath and felt confident she could do such a simple thing. She gave another start as Mr. Gage appeared behind her with fresh linens and as he reached about her to open the door pushing her inside he handed her the linens and took his leave. Shaking her head she faced the table where the leaves had already lengthened the table and singing softly beneath her breath began to prepare the table as her mother had taught her, all the while in the back of her head she could hear her mother’s calm voice guiding her. Stepping back she studied the table and found it needed something more. If they were ashore fresh cut flowers would have been nice, but onboard…With a quick grin she scampered from the cabin and made her way to her hammock and the small locked sea chest containing her things. Fetching a small bag she pulled free an embroidered silk of azure blue with small flowers daintily stitched. It had been a gift from one of her mother's lover's and something she had taken great joy in receiving upon the death of her mother. Perhaps those small blooms of color would cheer her Captain in some small way.
  15. BESS!!! That is my Fave!!! So this is the lady that made yours????
  16. I want a fancy title..I claim Pirate Queen of Texas! *pick me! Pick Me!*
  17. A loud thump as one of the men jostled another one into the rail brought her whirling about, the plate held like an ancient disc and she ready to hurl it at the nearest throat. Silence reigned supreme at this point and it was Amado apologizing profusely in spanish though he gave her a charming grin and a wink. A toss of her head had her gaze sweeping over them all to discern if there was any threat and finding none she relaxed her stance and leaned her shoulder back against the doorjamb. "¿Nos todos dañan pensamos que usted nosotros intentaría cualquier cosa? We are all injured think you we would attempt anything?" The voice was sneering and cold and she tossed her head before stretching out against the doorframe and gave a slow sultry smile as it passed over the cold regard of Antonio. He seemed surprised by her about face but hid it well though his gaze was quickly drawn to the plate in her hand then back up to the gaping neckline of her shirt and as wary as any mans face can get. "Voto en contra. Eso le haría absurdo y no le pienso absurdo. Nay..That would make you foolish and I do not think you foolish." Her gaze paused upon the one man whose gaze was hastily lowered though it was clear he was one who would need be watched. Or was she seeing things where nothing existed? Perhaps her conversation with Miss Smith weighed to heavily upon a mind fertile for such thoughts. She quickly switched to Italian and let her vocals become husky, flirtatious "Ma ci è sempre una prima volta il mio amico. But there is always a first time my friend." She blew him a kiss then as the others laughed he continued to watch her though with a diffrent intrest for he to knew that she too would bear watching. She nonchanlantly moved back within the heated galley and catching Miss Smith's eye she winked and as she passed whispered "One of them....he disturbs me. But perhaps it is our earlier conversation, Si?" Continuing past Miss Smith she accepted a cup of water from Mr. Gage.
  18. The plate waving gently before her did not stir much air, but what it did stir she had never been more greatful for. Her clothes clung damply to her skin, her hair long though braided irritated the back of her neck and the comments from the spainards just required more effort than not to attend to, therefore ignoring it was easiest. How or why anyone would wish to work day after day where it was so hot was a mystery to her. And yet Mr. Gage was truly a wizard at his craft so she supposed that certain positions in life..be it cook or courtesan from thief to nobility required a certain skill and either you possesed it or you did not. She did not possess the talent in the kitchens though she silently marveled at what she had learned and it gave her a new appreciation for those who toiled in the galley and prepared the food she ate. She was almost ashamed to think that some positions loftier than others when in truth there was no position more important than another for it took each and every one of them to make the Dog what is was. The plate wavered as she hear the spainards discussing Miss Smith and she stiffened shooting them a cold but lethal glare over her shoulder. This caused mixed emotions, some respectfully looked away from that glare, others even wounded such as Amado the flirt, as she had silently dubbed him, playfully begged introductions. Only one gaze boldy locked with her own and it was as cold as hers. Not one to back down she reluctantly turned her attention to Miss Smith who casually asked what they spoke of. A brow arched at her question and Miss Smith replied "Come now, I know you know what they have said. At least you know more than I have ascertained." Again the plate waved before her face as she debated her words then spoke with utmost respect for the other woman. "They think the captain is a lucky man to have so many women aboard. Amado.." She smiled though without humour "Is a flirt and he wishes to make your aquaintace." Miss Smith merely smiled and nodded her head thoughtfully "Does he. Tell me Treasure how well do you speak spanish and what if anything have they said since being on board?" Treasure tilted her head, blue green eyes narrowing to slits of pure color "Nothing of importance at this time, at least not that I have heard. Think you they will cause trouble for us? As for the spainish, not as much as I would like but enough. They have some knowledge of Italian and between the two languages we can communicate." Miss Smith nodded again storing the information and saying nothing more of the spanish though she did move away to talk to Mr. Gage about the evening meal. Syren continued to fan her face and stare out at sea as it passed by in startling shades of blue, her thoughts her own and suddenly far away.
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