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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Actually at Ye Olde Tavern we had discussed trying to gather our friends to come and participate but we were trying for the first or second weekend in Oct because PiP is so close, Thanks for the information and Ill pass it along!
  2. It says I have The Ocean Sailor's Attitude as well.
  3. No bacon for me please *Whispers nice and low looking furtively about*
  4. oh my so many choices and not sure what to choose..Jenny you may have to choose something for me..What do you suggest?
  5. Footsteps seemed overloud and competed with her own heartbeat as she made her way aft and had to pause to shuffle things to open the door to the surgery. In the dark she stumbled as she clumsily booted the door closed with her heel and made her way haltingly towards the middle of the room. Luigi and Wellings were both awake though Wellings was still a bit groggy Ajayi seeming to sleep peacefully. “Weapons gentleman.” She murmured. Seeing Luigi’s shadowy figure slowly rise she passed him his musket and powder then propped Welling’s by his bedside and his powder upon his narrow bunk. “Let’s get some air in here shall we?” Now that her eyes had more fully adjusted she made her way unerringly towards the first porthole and quickly unlatched it then to the next and so on till they were open. At once the muted noise became more discernible whispers. A rustling to her left had her peering through the darkness to make out Luigi and behind him further to the right she could make out Wellings trying to sit up. “Stay there, there is no sense for you to be moving about at this moment. I doubt we shall see any of the action.” She tried assuring him and heard his grunted assent as he laid still once more. Argus however was quiet and she searched the shadows of the room to find him laying to the left of her under another bunk. “And if we do then I doubt we shall be boarded and if we are….” She broke off and Luigi trying to lighten the mood joked “There be a lot of but’s in there lass.” Wellings gave a muffled chortle and she shrugged “Aye but I never mentioned what would happen if those but’s became truth’s.” Holding the musket was comforting, and she and Luigi once more grew silent and peered out at the night. Ajayi watching quietly and taking note of tones used as well as body language knew that trouble had once more come.
  6. I can if I want to...

  7. A very grand and happy Natal Day to you Bess, I hope Ronin is a sweetheart to ye on that day..Let me know if he's not..I have Rats and I now know just how to use them *Grins wickedly* Seriously though I hope you have a fantastic day with many many more to come. *Blows Tater-Tot Goddess a kiss*
  8. Indeed...been there done that and going through it again at work. Please let me know If I can assist in any way.
  9. So it would come to this…for a moment her world narrowed, sounds muted as adrenaline caused her heart to leap wildly in her chest like a wild thing. Taking a deep breath her hands clutched the rail and she sought the inky darkness surrounding them. A hand upon her shoulder revealed Ciaran too searching the unknown his hand a mute testament to the camaderie all shared in this moment his face carved in stone. Alan stood at her other shoulder seeming to lean more casually against the rail, easy and relaxed. How she envied the stance of both in that moment, for her it was like waiting for a physical blow, she knew it was coming, just a matter of when. Her eyes darkened, her features moody with anxiety and fear. Another deep breath was taken deep into her lungs, holding it, letting the familiar scent ease her thoughts before releasing it slowly. Men scattered about and a muted call for Marines to line up came. Looking to her companions she smiled, her lips quivering a bit but her nerves holding steady as she turned from the rail “Shall we gentlemen?” In that moment come what may she was a marine first and foremost, a woman second and the threat that lay out of sight challenged that, “Let’s give the bastards a taste of the Dog.” The trio moved towards the other gathered marines and a heavy weight bumped her thigh causing her to glance down and see Argus at her side. His ruff was again high, his body on alert and she ran fingers through his fur causing him to look up at her before dropping his head once more watching and waiting. All on board stood united and yet in a few hours depending on the outcome some could well be maimed or even killed. Her chest grew tight at the thought of death, the face of her little brother suddenly swam before her and her hand crept up to grip the cross at her neck and she muttered a swift prayer for all aboard. Another deep breath and her nerves steadied thought the taste of fear coated her tongue and it was a taste she was familiar with. Ciaran said something and she drew her thoughts back away from the fear and back to the situation at hand and listened intently to the other marines speaking low as weapons were handed out.
  10. Reassuring the pup she settled him back to the bedding placed for his comfort and rose all the while growls came softly from Argus. Perhaps he was reading her tension, what with Mr. Randall’s previous actions and words and then what lay beyond sight. She stepped from under the tarp Ciaran and Alan following in her wake as she moved to the rail and stared out over the sea. The water was dark, mysterious and nearly tranquil, the very air about them seemed to vibrate with some unknown secret, the winds whispering that something was amiss, to beware. She startled as Alan brushed her elbow and as she turned to him he jutted his chin to someone approaching them on the rail and turning again caught sight of Antonio. Again he was composed and she wondered what it would take to ruffle his feathers. “¿Cuál está inoportunamente? ¿Por qué doused la luz?” What is amiss? Why has the light been doused? His tone was all but demanding as he ran a cold gaze over her face then quickly to where the Navarra ran before them, then on to the Lucy. “Quizás senor que usted debe hablar al capitán.” Perhaps sir you should speak to the Captain This did not placate the spainard and for a moment she saw what it took for him to stay so icy, but then his resolve strengthened and his cool regard was back in place. Something was underfoot and he was concerned..was treasure really aboard the Navarra? She looked to the opposite rail to see if Captain Brand was still about and if so he was lost by those about him. Feeling uneasy herself she looked to Alan who asked what was being said and bit her lower lip before replying “He wishes to know what is afoot. I told him to speak to Captain Brand.”
  11. Animal quit looking at just the pictures! *laughs*
  12. 1) New Moon: If you were born during the New Moon phase, you have a childlike wonder and excitment about life. Open and demonstrative, you think and act spontaneously. With your bright, bubbly personality, you launch yourself into your work with tremendous enthusiasm. You are at your best when you are generating new ideas and beginning fresh projects, ever-hopeful about their outcome. Your eagerness leads you to work fast and furiously, but with the attendant danger that you can all too often exhaust yourself before reaching your goal. On the negative side, you have a habit of seeing life from a purely subjective point of view. You are likely to make your mark in life when you are comparatively young, and you will need to learn how to sustain that impulse throughout the rest of your life. That is SO me..Impulsive to the T!
  13. Still drooling over these..and no such luck on that book you told me about Patrick....it looks like I may have to borrow one of them..
  14. Well Im so hit or miss lately I wanted to be sure I told you. As for the ones I want... My Arm Cuffs..Notice I call them mine..lol
  15. Having decided to climb into her hammock and pretend that his words had hurt her not she was very nearly asleep when the cry of Sail Ho had her eyes snapping back open to take in Mr. Roberts. Rolling free of her hammock she saw she was not the only larboard marine waking at the cry. "Captain says be awake and alert, just in case." That said he turned on his heel and vanished. Alan and Ciaran approached her and together the trio made their way to the weatherdecks and to the rail. A small crowd had gathered and she strained to see into the darkness but could only see the Navarra and the Lucy. Leaning over towards her companions who were much taller than she and whispered "What can you see?" Both men grunted and shook their heads having seen nothing in the darkness without a glass. She gave a small shiver as the night winds swept across her face and in the midst of the quiet a lone growl savage and true made the hair on her nape stand. Turning slowly she could make out Argus limping to her side, his ruff standing and teeth showing as the growl came from deep within. "Good lad," She whispered as she knelt burying her fingers in the pup's ruff, soothing him "Ye should be resting, come Argus." With the hand commands Ajayi had taught her the Pup growled once more then followed Treasure back to his bed neath the canvas. The men gathered having heard the menacing growl had all watched as Treasure quieted him then led him away. Jim the first to speak nodded to sea 'If they come the will find this dog has teeth." Tension which continued to coil about the ship lessened as the men laughed, some dispersing into small groups, some staying at the rail. Ciaran and Alan soon made their way back to Treasure who had managed to haul the huge pup into her lap. "Think you we will fight?" Alan shrugged his shoulders peering thoughtfully out to sea. A wry grin came from Ciaran who teased "Surely ye are not worried? This from a lass that climbs the rigging? That has tamed a wee beastie from hell?" He grunted as Treasure leaned over and elbowed him, a silent snarl curling the pup's lips to reveal large canines.
  16. *pouts* No arm cuffs..I still cannot get anyone to steal the arm cuffs I want.... However Happy Natal Day to Bess!
  17. I have to say that bronzed one is my fave. Totally gorgeous! I can make regular sea horses, I tend to favor the kind I painted more as in mythology the sea god created the horse and the Andalusian horse is the horse of Kings so I combined my two favorite things. As for Etsy we are currently working on filing our business name then we shall appear on Esty.
  18. How beautiful!!! Did you see my handpainted sea horse bag under current projects? If you like it I can paint you one for the Trident Torq.....
  19. 108 degrees? Youch!!

  20. Who would have thunk they could have put bacon in there. Im thinking crepes for me this morning
  21. Will keep him and the Family in my prayers, will say a rosary for Brandin....
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