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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. I be wantin to know who's sloop ye be goin' after.
  2. I roped me a Sea Turtle... Bess I love the pup, I miss my shepard.
  3. Well seeing as how it's me hair that hangs in that fancy jar I be wonderin how ye acquired it. However, I do not wish it back, but what ARE ye plannin on doin with it me lady?
  4. First I would like to welcome ye to the pub my Lady and hope you find many intresting things within. As for what I want..Aye Lady Barbossa did show me a lovely picture of your abode and alas it seems you have obtained some of me hair... Can I please have it back? *grins* Sincerely, The Siren
  5. Captain Jim I am not sure, they were found by two teenage girls and they showed a pic of them to me. I do not think they are that old as they do not look old in the pics though they do have rust. I will try and get the pic and put it here or see if they can take a better pic of the blades. Thanks for the info. Ok here is some more info- They were found in a field in Whittingham and here are some pics. They are not historical but she has found them is intrested in piracy and kept them. Now she wants to clean them up some.
  6. Cobalt blue would be lovely, if not try the red, you would be smashing in red!
  7. Hey Love, Green is beautiful, but with your coloring Id go for Scarlet or Teal. That would be lovely for you skin coloring and hair. Lots of sequins! For the top...Mayhaps a corset or bodice top made of the same material as your fins?
  8. I know this was talked about a while back but I cannot find the post. I have a friend who stumbled across two swords left in a field by her house. They are badly rusted. What can she do to restore them if any?
  9. Thanks for the link Bess, I have a friend here that makes lotions and has made a special one for me. But to have one scented like Spiced pumpkin would be wonderful. Siren
  10. Rises from her sleep and stretches and then moves to make her way to the bar, A Plunder Me Cherry Ray if'n ye will.
  11. Hmm well I do like cherries, lead the way lass.
  12. ^ Thinks he has very good eyesite to catch such blushes *grins*
  13. Moves quickly at Jacky Tarrs side and pauses seeing the feathers and churros leading in two directions and pauses taking in this puzzle. "Perhaps we should follow the feathers? Though if Rumba be chasing him I think she would be picking up the feathers as she went..Wot say ye to this quandry?" She glanced up and seeing a low roof nearby pointed upwards with a grin and moved to quickly climb upon the roof and looked out over the town. Spotting their quarry she leapt down and gestured for him to follow the feather trail.
  14. I deed! Ingenious Darlin, Ye need to enunciate more clearly, truly did I think you had lost yer sheep. Sees Joaquin running and fingers the Sea Serpent coiled at her hip, the 12 foot long bullwhip tipped in silver gleamed wickedly. debates if she should or should not make the man take a tumble... "Wot say ye Rumba?"
  15. ^ Thinks I write with Zee funn-ee accent. Nope not me though thanks for thinking it..
  16. ^ Likes to hide his face behind his tankard, and hails from somewhere near San Francisco..*I was just there for two weeks to!*
  17. Sheep...oh Ship! Well hell why did you not just say Ship in the first place? Watches her saunter out and rises and stretches then looks to False Ransom The Golden Fleece? Aye mayhaps that be the name of his Sheep..err...Ship. I am intrested enough to see where this vessel full of gold lay, though I must admit it does seem kinda foolish to be admitting such when there be pirates about. *grins*
  18. Congratulations Coastie and may every blessing come to you both, we will wish to see pictures of the happy day a year from now. Huzzah!
  19. Hmmm Well maybe if we toss a tricorn down we can have a Mexican Hat Dance. *Tosses a stray tricorn to the floor*
  20. ^ Is one of my closest friends on the Pub and a fellow Plunder Bunny! I am going to see the movie for the third time soon! *grins* I only have an obsession of sunk sheep!
  21. Now that is what I call one Feisty little senora! Poor Ingenious, wonder what tortures she will put him through. still I am wonderin if this Sheep he is so worried about was a ewe or a ram. I suppose we shall never know.
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