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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. "Jou laugh about Inigo's sheep. It was a galleon filled with gold and treasure. Before, heem become the Pirate Hunter, he was the Treasure Hunter. He becomes the Pirate Hunter to raise moneies, to raise his boat!"

    Sheep...oh Ship! Well hell why did you not just say Ship in the first place? Watches her saunter out and rises and stretches then looks to False Ransom The Golden Fleece? :huh:

    Aye mayhaps that be the name of his Sheep..err...Ship. I am intrested enough to see where this vessel full of gold lay, though I must admit it does seem kinda foolish to be admitting such when there be pirates about. *grins*

  2. :lol:   :lol:   Hey I have some deeshes that need to be washed.

    Capt Siren, you ARE a dish. ;):lol:

    :blink: Now that be right sweet of you to say, Ray get the man whatever her prefers and put it on my tab eh? Then you may sit with me as we watch the rest of As this World Turns.

    Inigo Montoya to Capitan Siren, I am on to jour leetle obsession wid' me an my rope. Nex' I s'pose jou going to want me to wash deeshes jusing a soap on a rope, eh? (An' while we on de subject, how I suppose to pull a sunk sheep out of a rope, anyway? Anyone knows jou pull a sunk sheep out of de harbor!) Jus' so jou know, de Aztecs give me new meedel name, call me "Nahapan." And dat's wad' I say when it come to jour deeshes: "Inigo Nahapan."

    *Blinks innocently* Wait I have an obsession? Ponders this a few minutes and shakes her head Nope! then grins as his wife looks to her.

    Oh Aye! Hey Ingenuis What did you call that rope again? Your little seex rope? But then I could have misunderstood as I do not speak your language well, Im still trying to find out how a sheep could sink in the harbour?

  3. Aye Count again!

    Oh wait Silkie..runs behind the bar and snatches some flour to mix with water and makes a paste and brings it to her..Here ye are love.

    Sits back and watches the show commence ahhing over each and clapping at the Spiderweb spelling Some Pig.

  4. Spotting an end of his rope protruding from under a booth bench, he stalks over and snatches it. "I gon' take my rope an' go where I be appreeciated." Turning towards Siren, "Now here be a fine lady who soun' like she know wad' I be good for. For jou, I make spesheeal petite noose, wid' only sex knots een eet. -- (gulp) I meen, wid' only seex knots een eet. (Whew! De terapeest tell me dat called a Freudian Sleep.)"

    Montoya approaches Capt Siren, gathering coils of rope in his hands. However, halfway across the room, he trips over some imperfection (perhaps a knothole) in the floorboards, measuring his length in the collected spills and detritus. After a space of perhaps three heartbeats, he moves, rises, dusts off his front and, recollecting the tangled length of hemp, attempts to reassert his dignity. Two coils shy of the end, he freezes, eyebrows in his hairline and mouth agape. There, dangling from the end of the rope, is a perfect, regulation hangman's noose.

    "Hah!" he crows, spinning and pointing triumphantly at Capt. Sterling. "Less just see JOU do dat, eh?"

    Gee I wonder what I said..Scurries to rethink about her words then laughs more..Ah Well...Sex knots..intresting...

    Hoists her tankard as he comes up with the hangman's noose..Aye do it again..Can ye pull a Sunk Sheep out of the rope? *chortles wickedly with laughter*

  5. The Toys R Us here in Texas have the Game on sale and on monday the price will be lowered to about 10.00 this game was originally 40.00 so if anyone wants it call ahead and make sure they have it and get them to give you a price as not all the stores will have the same sales.

  6. We sunk his sheep..Puir wee lambs..I wonder if they bleated any at all..*Laughs again*

    Hey Spainard where can we sign up for the Selee Sunny Beaches Club? Im in the mood for a litle Arr and Arr *manages to finish her drink still laughing*

    So we have dancin aztecs! Can't wait to see this one..

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