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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Now off duty and at loose ends which she hated to be, she moved towards the rails and watched the sea flow past, the smell of the salt, the spray upon her face, her hair whipping about her she sighed with contentment. Truly there was nothing better than being upon a vessel in the heart of the ocean and taking each day as it came. It was so much more exciting being out here than stuffed in some moldy parlor sipping tea and chatting inanely over fashion. This was living, braving what came and knowing in the end you were alive, had lived through the storm or battle and let the rush of life fill your soul.

    Nay she would never do the pretty for she was wild, a daughter of the sea, and it's life liquid flowed in her veins the same as any old salts. This is where she belonged, the snapping of canvas had her glancing upwards and watching the clouds as they scuttled overhead before looking to where others also off duty sat, one repairing a flute and another a violin to play. Quickly she hopped upon a barrel nearby and listened to them talk and laugh. But her gaze often returned to the sea.

  2. She was not one to carry tales and had Owen not approached none would have been the wiser, yet at Mr. Pew's words she felt at ease but her eyes retained their stormy appearance.

    As she was given permission to give Owen a piece of her mind she decided to make it a wee piece and knuckling to Mr. Pew she quickly spun about and called to Owen as she went.

    Placing one foot upon the ladder she waited till he approached and shot him a look over her shoulder eyes flashing with anger. "If you so much as try such an antic again Mr. Owen, you will not like the consequences. I may be young and a woman Sir, but I assure you I can and will hold my own with you or any." That said she quickly moved up the ladder not giving him time to speak to her again and it was very clear he had wished to. In fact he had reminded her of a fish out of water the way his jaws kept working as he tried to edge in a word here or there.

    Having not really said what she had wished to say she still felt all the better for what she had. She had wanted to flay his hide with her sharp tongue but she had no wish to make an enemy on board, And Owen had friends.

  3. Her face flushed yet still more at his words and her chin tilted at his words, eyes flashing like twin storms as she quickly looked over his shoulder to a spot in the wood. "Nay Sir but thank you for asking." Came her reply which trembled but a bit. "Tis A shipmate of ours Sir, he mentioned a certain word, and I repeated said word and offended Mr. Franklin causing both our tempers to flare." She clenched her jaw and her gaze hardened as she stared at that one spot just over his shoulder.

    "I wish for none to get into trouble sir, but I would like to know your thoughts in perhaps handling it myself and what I should or should not say if tis permissible." Finally did those stormy spheres come to rest fully upon him, bold, earnest and keenly intelligent. But she stayed veiled within the shadows and made no move to budge. And she was careful to keep her eyes upon his face no lower than his chin.

    The heavy tread of another coming down followed by masculine laughter had her gaze darting to the ladder where Mr. Owen was approaching and having not seen Mr. Pew smugly asked What she needed to speak with him about.

  4. Face flushed with color and she leaned against the door of the cabin. Twas not as if she had not seen men afore, but he was over her in rank and she had popped back in unannounced. This definitely was not her day, nor did it show promise of getting better for it seemed to steadily get worse.

    As the sound of footsteps muffled through the door approached she quickly righted her position and moved forwards hiding half within the shadows to better regain her composure and not show her flushed cheeks. aS the door opened she noticed that Mr. Pew stopped to regard her and she nibbled upon her full lower lip for a moment before debating if she should confess.

    "Sir I have a question and was wondering how best to deal with it, If you can spare a moment that is." her voice was low and naturally husky and though she stood her ground she was still half hidden within the shadows.

  5. She had no idea how much time had passed but all too soon she was hailed from her perch and reluctantly took one last lingering look and quickly scurried down to drop upon the decks where she was given orders to wake Mr. Pew and quickly lengthened her stride towards his cabin.

    Passing Owen she narrowed her eyes upon him and hissed she wished a word with him at his conveinience amidst a ripple of laughter. Moving sleekly past she slipped below decks and made her way to Mr. Pews cabin careful to avoid Mr. Franklin as she had no wish to stir up another argument not did she wish him to corner her to ferret out the information she stalwartly refused to give.

    As the command to enter came she quickly peeked in, large aquamarine eyes blinking amidst the touseled raven locks. "You are wanted above Sir. Mr. Badger sent me to wake you to report for duty." She reported clearly anxious to be on her way which was not like her normally playful mood. Her exotic eyes showed anxiety and a wariness. She quickly saluted and made as if to close the door and slip back into the shadows.

  6. Her song quietly given voice completed she felt much better and had in fact returned to her earlier high spirits before her words with Mr. Franklin. Though the exchange still bothered her, she would make a point of finding Owen and telling him to not repeat the word.

    Blue green eyes so like the sea swept over the waters which lay tranquil and she watched a pod of dolphin swin off to the stern. There were hardly any clouds, the world lay like a rich blue about them. A lone sea eagle gave voice as she hunted and dived with ferocious speed to take her prey back to wherever she had come from.

    The winds seeming to pick up just a wee bit if the slapping of the canvas were any clue. She peered down below and took note that all hands seem to be at their assigned tasks. Raising her face once more to the sea she inhaled deeply of the winds then settled herself keeping a weather eye open.

  7. Siren bowed as Captain william moved off with Eric in tow, then again to Murin. "I will head aloft M'Lady as it is my turn yet again."

    She moved upon soundless barefeet over the deck and passed her fellow crewmates and quickly scrambled aloft. In turth it was her favorite place to be. To overlook the sea and the ship, to feel the winds upon her face and feel as if all the world lay before her.

    But her thoughts weighed heavy upon her, the words that passed earlier not to be forgotten. Sighing she saw nothing upon the horizon so gave her voice free reign and began to sing. The notes haunting and seductive. A release to the tension from earlier.

  8. Siren again focused bold blue green eyes upon Eric then back to William as he spoke. She trusted William implicitly. In ways that she would never trust another man. He was as a brother to her of sorts and he had aided her out of several sticky situations not of her making.

    She paled taking in Williams words then her gaze shot back to Eric as she spoke again "Aye Sir!" Again she stood still and inclined her head and spoke loudly her voice carrying over the deck and to those beyond. "I apologize for my words sir and it will not happen again." If she was in the wrong she was enough of a person to admit it, and a bigger one to try and correct it.

    She ibowed her head to him but not before thick lashes veiled her sea shaded eyes.

  9. She weighed her options, she would not lie nor would she snitch. Bold blue green eyes locked with Erics then shifted to take in William. Knowing she could well be reprimanded for her actions she decided it would be better to do so than cause further grief. Afterall perhaps the one she had heard it from was unaware of the form of address.

    "I will not say, Sir." Her words were quiet, the husky vocals pitched low.

    She stood before him refusing to give voice to a name, to one of her crewmates. She would take what was given to her and so be it.

  10. She watched his smile fade and her own grin too though more perplexed than anything else. He seemed suddenly very angry and she had to rethink her words over.

    But never one to disessemble she stood her ground "Sirrah, I heard it used below, tis a proper form of respect." She refused to quail and turn tale before any so her chin tilted higher and her blue green eyes were wary, wild. Thick tendrils of raven hued locks swept in front of her and she raised a hand to brush it back, the only move she made.

  11. Siren tilted her head listening as she worked and was about to reply herself when another shadow blocked the sun and she quickly glanced up to see Mr. Franklin. She saluted him and arched a brow at his grin before returning it with her own.

    "Aye Sir she was just askin aboot that and I persuaded her to take a seat. No sense in having a Lady untrained in weaponry traipsing o'er the decks at least to my way of thinkin'."

    She quickly finished her last stitch and shook out the canvas seeking any other reapirs to be made. When none were found she rose with sprightly energy and folded the canvas. It would be taken to the holds and used as a replacement for the sheets already up.

    "Anythin else sirrah?"

  12. Murin is it? Aye it seems to suit ye it does, But Silkie seems more apt for the likes of us here on the open sea. A water sprite that would be Aye?" She asked with a grin showing straight white teeth for a pirate.

    "Have a sit down lass and have a chat wit me. As ye are injured ye will have no duties as of yet I am sure, and repairing sails is quite easy so I can talk and sew at the same time."

  13. She sat barefooted and crosslegged upon a coil of rope steadily repairing some canvas that had been rent in the storm and glanced up as a shadow fell across her. Seeing the woman that had been rescues she brushed back her long hair from her eyes and debated how best to answer that question.

    'They call me Siren Ma'am as fer the Sargent et arms," She gave a shrug and grinned "Ain't seen him miss." Then whistling began to stitch again. "Where ye from, or rather where be ye goin?"

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