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Black Syren

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Posts posted by Black Syren

  1. Why Callenish..That would appeal to me greatly, I love the beach under a full moon, roses would not be amiss, but I love wildflowers and lillies best.

    Whoot I am officially a Pyrate Legend..Time to Part-y!

  2. LOL I heard to use a potato in the tailpipe and not fruit. Eggs work good on a cars paintjob as does brake fluid..Wait Im not supposed to know that.. :ph34r: Im innocent..Truly... :ph34r:

  3. 1.) Part Time Toys R Us Associate- FromWorking in the office with deposits to working the partis to being on the floor and cashiering, I do it all.

    2.) Part Time writer for children though working on getting published. And possible working on my first romance as well.

    3.) Full time mom and wife

    4.) Started my own Forum

  4. I agree Merry yours is far more serious than mine, Right now I am just annoyed by his overtures.

    Callenish! You are sneaky! Did I mention I love it. Phil and Matt gee all three of you guys be dangerous. I would love to get this guys info and turn him over to the three of you.

  5. Flutter lashes at Mad Matt then grins at him and offers his parrot a rum, Thank You William Blydes...I like the first pic and last pic. Long Tom..lOl my Corpus? *blushes* Thank you very much..lol

  6. :lol::lol: You don't really try to seduce people... it just seems to happen.

    Fun loving and free spirited, you bring out the inner child in people.

    You are spontaneous, sincere, and unpretentious - a hard combo to find!

    People drop their guard around you, and find themselves falling fast.

    Yes I would agree with this. I love to have fun and be myself.

  7. :rolleyes::lol: Thank You Patrick! Indeed the Cannon be huge..Takes six draft horses to pull it. Wait....I think that be the King of Beers.. :lol:

    Truly it was difficult to not find a place with tire tracks..Im hoping to edit them out..but still had much fun.

    *Tips Mad Matt off his stool*

  8. *Grins* Well he did wish to take pics as he had never had a "Pirate" walk into his museum before..So we took a few. I have more pics but those were the quickest to download before bed...now I must go to work tomorrow..*boring*

  9. :angry: :lol: Thanks Callenish. I did attend the Pirate and Smuggling Museum dressed like that. The owner liked to have fell off his stool when I walked in. The museum is small but was intresting and the owner did say he was hoping to ad more things to come. I had so much fun..*grins*

  10. Gives Silkie a little basket filled with bath salts, loofahs, lotions and scented soaps and candles, with a steamy pirate romance and a bath pillow.

    now you may go and relax...And ye did not miss me..Im here..*hugs Silkie*

  11. I've been through there mate.Personally it wasn't very eye catching for my taste.I don't like being boxed in by land.I have to have plenty of sea shore and ocean to explore. B)

    William I think tis gorgeous, would love to ride horseback through there. Reminds in places of Montana, The wide open spaces and the green grasses rippling in the winds are just a diffrent kind of sea..Thank you for sharing your home with us...

  12. Hopefully I will be able to take lots..Maybe this time my digital camera will not be so fuzzy. im so excited cannot wait to get to the coast, I miss it very much.

  13. I would be honored to share a pie with you. Then I must leave for the night..Will be going to Padre Island tomorrow and will not return till tuesday..Hoping to take more Pirate pics on the beach this time..

    So Bring on the Pie..Heres to Friendships long lasting!

  14. Nay he had only one who was cloned...* :ph34r: * You need no Minions, you are accepted just as you are...Thanks for being my best mate..You are a grand friend.

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