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Everything posted by crimsoncrow
Rum and dancing girls and spankin's....OH MY!!! What more coul' a lad be askin' fer Hey Rhumba!!! Where ye thin' yer goin' ye lil' vixen...**devilish grin** I have to be tellin' true, birthdays have never been a big deal to me, but.....The lot of you have made this one special an' I be thankin' ye from the bottom o' me boots to the plume tips o' me hat. Songbird, ye know well enough ye hold a special place in me heart an' it seems ye be the one who got the ball rolling. The world fer ye, girl!! Madam Macaw, Ye know I likes the rough stuff....(Jus' kiddin' lass ) An' I believe I ne'er gave ye proper welcome to the Pub so has ye a draught from the B-day cask! Master Studley, Doc, yerself an' I be Brethren o' another color. I been keepin' a weather eye on tha' hurry-cane an' me blood races. Jus' came back from south o' Galveston. Had a "pearl diving" incident an' thrashed me foot an' ankle. The ol' sawbones gave a fine lecture about staying put for a bit.......Catch a few fer me, Bro!!! Red, DANCIN' GIRLS!!!!!! Aye....dinner an' a show to be sure! I say we get blue blood paralitic drunk an' watch the scenery! Cap'n Grey, yer a fine lass... an' I thankee fer yer wishes! :) Rhumba Rue, ye minx! Ye ne'er did tell me abou' the advantages o' older woman.....But, ye ne'er know.....I may be privy to such thin's an be playin' dumb. Dear Constance....Three lasses, one mast, one lad.....an' spankin's***Thinks for a moment**I'M IN!!!!! Crimson Corsair, Hmmm....ye got a valid point. Me home town be way North, almost Canada.....winter means skiing, ice fishing, hockey.....an a whole lot o' snugglin' No wonder there be so many July / August/ September babies.....An' here's the kicker....I was born on Labor Day. Once again.....I thank ye all fer yer warm regards. I'll never forget turning the big thirty-five....
Well now, lass....I be thinkin' tis a grand occassion, indeed! Be hopein' tha' it was the best Birthday to come along in 31 years. An' ye know well enough, tha' although I was no' here for to be wishin' these blessin's to ye on the day, the promise I made to ye was fulfilled wi' great flourish! True as true is, I be thinkin' yer "father" laid an attentive ear to tha' salute an' smiled. Happy birthday, Songbird!!!
**Nods to Iron Bess**Tis always good to come upon another child o' Erin, lass. If ever needs be, ye have me word o' honor to be at yer aid an' at yer service. **Tips brim of hat to her**
**Walks over to Cheryl and proffers a hand**Care to spin to a bit o' salsa, lass?
**contemplates for a moment...strolls into the room, unable to resist the urge for lobster**
**cringes at being caught**
(My hat's off to you ,Privateer! Bands on the claws? You had bands? Bought a couple from an indy crawfisher down on Fiesta Key....out of the trap fresh....watch out for the pinchy bits! )
**raises eyebrow**
**Starts to back away and pauses at the floor show. Sly grin**
**Hears murmuring and sees flying lobster....Ponders if it not be best to hang up the tankard for the night and hit the hammock**
**Walking back from the docks....passes Master Studley. Hears all the giggles and pauses by doorway to glance in**
Second that!!! But, I'm too far away....damn the luck. Gotta promise to give Doc and I a full report, bra.
Merry....Now, now thar. I jus' likes the idea o' more lasses abou'. I kin looks at 'em. I jus' has to behave an' not grabs 'em. **Looks about innocently**
**Hears Christine's call and pauses.**Nay, lass....I be seeing wha' ye did to poor Red....As far as the lot o' ye dancin' fer me**chuckles to self**Well now...Tha' be a temptin' thought. Bu', I be on the outs fer earnin' me coin in any way other than I do.**laughs** Carry on, lass.**Continues walk down to the docks**
I agree with Lady Seahawk. Twain said,"Write what you know." I have taken some liberties on my own thread, "Finnegan's Wake"....But, it is really just a draft, not compleate by any means. I have a ranking system of sorts w/ my crew.....But, when linked w/ the history of my persona and that of the ship.....it makes more sense.(Rabble rousing.....Pyrate's Persona) Good luck to you. It takes time and patience to develope a tale....Never rush, it will show you where it needs to go.
**Raises tankard in aknowledgment**Here, here!! I be one to second tha'!
**Walking by in the shadows outside. Pauses at the commotion and slips to open door, glancing around doorframe.....Eyes go wide at the sight. Steps back a bit, then looks again. Shakes head to clear...looks at tankard suspicousely. Backs into shadows again, slips by door giving it a wide berth.**
I have stood back through out this bit....until now. The one thing Merry always instructed to me was this..." No blood drawn". I have used that as a unwritten and unsaid understanding amongst the Brethren with new crew members when they get a little over the line. It is a code of honor. Be what has transpired in "play" or otherwise.....I believe it bad form on Lady Cristean's part to push it as far as it went. Never triffle with someone eles's emotions, lass. It holds no honor and no prize to be had in the end....only pain. We are as a family here, and I am proud to be a member. This thread has shook through some of the others, as well. Like throwing a pebble in a pond. May we all look back on this and remember it's teachings well.
So.....what ye be tellin' me is there be only one Barkeep? Tha' poor bastard.....24/7. Somebody buy tha' lad a drink! Siren! Put tha' lad down!! No more draggin' him about in tow to the "Hot Tub"! Ye be keein' him away from the Pub...An' then there be nobody to be mannin' the pumps! Tha' would be meanin' we have to ge' everythin'......ourselves.**Sly grin**Ne'er mind a word I said, girl.....carry on!**High tails it to the Pub**
Yer next round be on me, sweet lioness! Thank ye fer yer wit an' yer Dancin' Bannanas!! An Irish toast to ye, mate! May your glass ever be full! The roof over your head always be strong! And may you be in Heaven an hour before the Devil knows you dead! Happy Birthday!! Slainte' Mhath
**Grabs Siren to his chest and shields her eyes with hat** My God man!! Put ye britches back on!!
**Raises tankard** Never do I regret happening upon this site and the credit goes to you! Happy birthday to ye! Here's to a long life, and a merry one! A quick death, and an easy one! A pretty girl, and an honest one! A cold beer, and another one! Slainte' Mhath
Forgive my late posting, lass. Best of late wishes to you and I do hope it was a good one!
Here is a small list of sites that carry replica pistols and blunders, as well as a good source for a hat that won't cost you a quart of blood. The weapons sites are about average as the market goes. Enjoy! the webcollection.com....flints, etc oldworldreplicas.com....." " replicaweaponry.com.....same as above bladematrix.com....some Denix, picked up a fairly priced rapier from them. swordsdirect.com....nice selection of blades by-the-sword.com...clothing, weaponry,etc. Good folks, dealt w/ many times blockaderunner.com...go to "catalog table of contents" and select hats. They sell a hat blank called a slouch hat made of wool for $14.95. You have to form it and adorn it. Not that big of a deal, I did it and the out come was great. This blank is suited for cavalier styling w/ raked brim.
What area of England is it that your persona is hailing from? Something to consider. The accents very by region.