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Everything posted by crimsoncrow

  1. Aye! Rumba's Dancing Bannana never fails to make me grin....For that matter, I had once mentioned said bannana at work and my coworkers bugged me about seeing it until I pulled up "The Pub" on one of the computers. Hats of to ye, lass! twas a smashin' success and got smiles all about.
  2. Me hats off to ye for yer service, lad. Thank ye and the nest round be mine to pay.
  3. Best wishes to ye, lad. May yer ship ne'er be too slow, or their's too fast!
  4. The short list: Seven flintlocks. Sword collection: 2 foils, boarding cutlass, hand and a half broadsword, two longswords, rapier, 4 daggers. Three Jolly Rogers, Conch Republic flag picked up in Key West. Cherrywood/brass spyglass. Brass deck watch glass. Functional varnished wood/brass ships wheel. (Hangs on the wall now, will be mounted on the real "Finnegan's Wake" after move to Florida.) Various blocks. Deck prisim. Large functional deck compass. Various scale ships of sail models. Decent library collection. Various tikkis from all over. Limited edition silver medallion commerating the "Whydah Expidition." Various small nautical "nick nacks", Three surfboards...two long, one short. One fiddle. Wheww...that's what comes to mind off the top of me head.
  5. **Shakes head**Damned English pier pressure.....As wi' the others, I thank ye for yer tale, lad. An' I be owing ye a round.**Raises tankard in toast.**This be for The Royaliste...a lady of fine lines and grace, may she dance the waves for many a year!
  6. I thank ye fer yer tale, Master Hawkyns. And yer next round be on me. Met one o' yer gunners. Francois the lad's name was. Grand lad he was an' a credit to yer crew, I be sure.
  7. Nay, dear lass. Was no' me intention. Just a gift of our homeland from me to a kindered spirit.
  8. **Smiles and nods.**Well done all. Cap'n Siren, yer proposition I shall think on an' we shall parlay at a later tyme. Cap'n Scurvy Dog, manner wi' the handlin' of the fair gender be improvin'. I thank ye for yer tale an' fill yer tankard . Blenderwench, ye be a sassy one. An' we seadogs always love a lass that be firey. Thank ye an' yer next round be mine to buy. Iron Bess, ye warm me heart. Being a daughter o' Erine, tis nothin' but highest regard an' respect I hold for ye. For ye, lass, I shall have retrived from me ship's hold a decanter o' fine whiskey from fair Irelands shores. May it warm ye with warm 'membrences of home.
  9. A thanks for yer tale an' the next fill o' yer tankard be on me. I would offer ye position on me own ship, but seems ye have two of yer own. An' yer fair face an' sweet voice would wreck havoc on me crew when the tyme comes to be doin' their duties.
  10. I were in Daytona Beach, at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. (A bit different from shark studies... although we did have one student get bit by a shark...) I have a friend who's stationed at Eglin AFB down there and her husband is in pilot training in Pensecola at the Naval base. They like the area quite a lot, and I've been through there a few times. Very pretty, better than the rest of Florida for sure! Aye, the weather in the cities is fickle, but I still miss it sometimes. I always liked Duluth though, we'd go up there pretty often to visit, and go canoeing up in the BWCA. Me with my paddle yelling "Arrrr!" in the middle of the wilderness. Happy to hear you enjoyed my olde stomping grounds. Did you ever go down by the "bay" area when the oar ships come in to load. Man, when I was a kid I used to go down there with my dad and wave at the crew on deck, they would always wave back. It's like this great kodack memory for me. As a kid I always got the biggest kick out of that....Now I feel homesick. And just remember...Sharks in the Seas demand healthy respect, But the ones on land are far more dangerouse. Crimson Crow
  11. Nay, dear lass. The pleasure has been all mine. Your wit keeps me on my toes and always a grinnin' and most breaks the derge of the daily grind. So, once again,***Bowing deeply*** I am honored to aquire your company and many thanks. The credit all goes to you. Crimson Crow Navigator of the Seas, etc, etc
  12. Here, here! It is a fine man that offers mercy and comfort to those in need, when it be the easier path to stand aside and not intervene. For mercy is not a sign of weakness, but, a true showing of strength. My regards to yer Captain. And I will be fillin' yer tankard for sharing yer tale, lad. Crimson Crow
  13. A bit o' rum for ye, Sir! May yer life be long and free of hardships to it's end. Ye have paid yer dues.
  14. Lived in St.Paul for a bit. The weather in the Twin Cities area is a bit fickle. Alot different from Duluth. Where did you attend school in the Land of Flowers? Shall be heading that way myself in round abouts a year. Would like to study Elasmobranchcology, (shark studies), in Pensecola. Will mean changing degree direction, but more fitting for my soul. Crimson Crow
  15. Happy Birthday, Cap'n!! May the wind always be at yer back. The sun shine warmly upon yer face...Silante' Crimson Crow
  16. Best wishes to ye, me bully boy. May the Tradewinds always blow fair for ye, Yer ship fleet and their's slow, And may Lord Neptune hold ye in the palm of 'is hand!!!Happy Birthday!! Silante' Crimson Crow
  17. Congrats to ye, Merry. Can't sort down to one quote. In my short time here ye have made me grin and bellylaugh on more than one occassion. You deserve the honors.
  18. I be knowin' well enough, that many of ye be SCA, but not all. So gather round, fine lads and lassies, while this olde Crow tell ye me edited life. Barkeep !! A round fer the house on me!! Harken well, I be switchin' me speech from the pigeon tounge that be me Da's, to the educated manner taught to me by the one who educated me to stand before the mast in a proud manner. I shall show ye mine, you can show me your's..... I was born Sean Mullin, second son of a fishmonger in Dungarvan, Ireland, 1641. My mother did not survive and my father never forgave me. Not helping, that I was fair haired and complected, taking after her and not my sire. At the age of 14, I lost my father and brother to pnuemonia, winter of 1655. Packing few belongings, I traveled south to Coreaigh,(Cork), And managed to aquire a position on the Merchant vessel as a Cabin Boy. The Captain was cruel hearted and was not one to spare the lash. In 1657, we were set upon by a Staten Jacht. The olde girl we sailed was no match and we were taken. A few of us were spared and put to work. The Captain was a man of 39 named William Lyons of Norman decent, former Nautonnier Knight. A man of great sea knowledge and skill. Stern in his ways, but always fair. Over the course of two Years, I was taken into his confidence . In this time, and in the seven Years to follow, I was educated and groomed in all stations, stratagies, reading, writting and above all, the skill of navigation. In 1665, we entered the Caribbean and after one year of successful plunder, the Captain decided it would be best that he stepped down. He had lived a full and rich life, but, the Sea was hard on him. We set him to port in Hispaniola and he named the First Mate, Gregory Truscott as Captain. He in turn, named me First Mate. I always thought that Lyons had something to do with it, he looked on me as the son he never had, I was told by Captain Truscott in time. Now to present, at the age of 34, the baton has been passed to me. Mister Truscott serves me as First Mate, now. But that is a temporary thing at best. He speaks often of fair Jamacia... So there it is, in short. There is my name, as you know me. But, that me seamates....That be a tale for another tide. Crimson Crow Navigator of the Seas, Corrupter of fine Lads
  19. I know those feelings well. Those who call me friend have always agreed that I was not geared for this time. The only time I feel at peace is when I go visit the Big Salty. (And that is a five hour drive from my current berth.) Just about a year to go, and I shall never have to leave the coast again. That will cure part of my ache. Stepping into "The Pub", helps soothe another part . Keep your fin up and when those Lemmings about you in traffic are acting knavish, Just think like I do. "Speed on brother, hell is only half full!" Crimson Crow
  20. Now, my memory may be playing tricks on me again. If I recall correctly, there is a "contact us" heading on NQG's web site. You may give that a spin.
  21. First tings, first. Congrats to ye and yer wife. I be wishin' ye both the best. A new addition to carry on the tradition. ( And a fine one it be.) Second. You may wish to check with the chamber of commerce that is in the area you are moving to. They generally have listings on the net. I know the Pensacola chamber has been most helpfull with our move on the horizon. They will more than likely be your best bet for info. Also, if my mind is not play tricks, I think there is a member of this fine company living up there. Check "Where do you berth" in this same board. Best of luck and once again congrats !!!!
  22. Say hello to Captain Jack and his wife for me, down there on Mallory selling the pointy bits from sharks. Wonderful folks. You know what Mr. Buffett says, "Key West is the end of the real world."
  23. ...an' a fair shake better'n what most folk have TODAY, I be willin' ta venture... Tis' true, sadly. From what I seen an' heard in me ventures about... History sometimes shows i'self again wi' new trappin's. An' they not always be pretty to the eye.
  24. Hmmm. I was a very unhealthy child. Spending my first five years being a pin cushion due to medications. If you remove that factor, I would have more than likely given it a go and made out ok. (I have always be a bit of a lone wolf and bull headed, that could present a problem.) I have a great love for big water and am not one prone to guilt bothering me overmuch. I have camped in places that most would shudder at , if at any legnth of time. Ac is no big deal, don't really watch television. I read for entertainment. Being from the shores of Lake Superior, I am well familiar with what harsh elements can be drummed up in the winter and otherwise. Heat...I currently live in Texas and handle the heat better than most of the natives. I usually only eat one real meal a day, not much appetite. Have always been a bit of a rogue, by society's standards. Cannot make any claim to firearms skill, but, I am handy with a foil. And remember your history, pyracy during the time of the Brethren of the Coast, was almost a pure form of Democracy. A fair share, a fair say without regard to place of origin, belief or race and even workman's comp. Above all, freedom. A far better shake than what the common man could obtain anywhere else during the time.
  25. Here, here !! Wishing you all the best of celebration tidings. May you be surrounded by those you hold dear, fine drink and food. Stay safe out there. Crimson Crow
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